God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1831

The night spirit was wrapped in black fog and suddenly rushed to Qingtian and Tonghe.

Optimus laughed, took out another magic sword, and rushed to the black fog with his sword in his hands.

Tonghe pulled out a blue fairy sword that Song Fei had never seen before. It turned out to be a magic weapon of golden fairy level. I\'m afraid it\'s not low in grade.

Seeing that qingjiao night charm was stopped, Feng yuexuanyuan Jincheng and others were finally relieved.

In the distance, Mu Qing\'s arm was scratched by an ice blade of the silver wolf, and was hit by the violent air flow at the same time.

"Little prince, why are you a little absent-minded? Are you okay?" Ao Qing holds Mu Qing with concern in her eyes.

Mu Qing took back her eyes staring at the Tonghe fairy sword, and then said with a smile: "it\'s all right, kill the silver wolf."

"Hmm!" facing the ice blade like a rainstorm, Aoqing\'s banana fan fanned out fiercely, leaving the cold fan without a trace.

In the sky, the green dragon and the little silver dragon wrestled together, and two huge figures rolled in the clouds. They saw that the green dragon\'s claws grabbed the silver dragon and sparked sparks, while the little silver dragon\'s claws grabbed the green dragon and grabbed pieces of flesh and blood.

With the power of flesh, little silver dragon has the overall advantage.

"Roar!" the green Jiao felt pain, spit out water mist and wrapped the little silver dragon. For a time, the battlefield of the two was covered with dark clouds, and the figures of one green and one silver rolled and roared in the clouds.

In the ten thousand sword star array, people bear the light column power of the great commander. Even if Song Fei joins, they are also in a disadvantage at the moment.

"Guild leader, what should we do? This guy is too strong." the big goat roared. Even if he shared the pressure, they consumed a lot of mana under the shadow of the light column, and their bodies and injuries were constantly suffering heavy damage.

Song Fei smiled grimly: "endure!"

"Endure?" everyone wondered.

Song Fei said with a grimace, "this evil power is not his own power at all. I think he can hold on until when."

"Not his own power?" they suddenly realized.

Song Fei continued with a grim smile: "maybe he is a genius, but no matter how talented he is, he can\'t suppress us with the power of one person. In addition, I\'m no stranger to the power of evil gods."

In Song Fei\'s Qingtian fairy mountain, there is Su cancan who has the power of a powerful evil god. When he was in the eastern evil city, he not only saw the first prison envoy make a move, but also personally faced the second prison envoy and other experts of the same level. I\'m afraid no one in the Dragon Court can compare with Song Fei for the high-end power of the evil sect.

Song Fei looked at the commander from a distance and said with a grim smile: "Do you still want to ask, even external forces can last for a long time. If he could last for a long time, he would have done it long ago. Why should the people of the three realms compete for the country and kill each other with the conspiracy of defeating the three realms? It\'s because he wants to see the ugly faces of the people of the three realms and tease the people of the three realms? No, the animals of the evil clan don\'t have this In the face of interests, the interests of evil gods are supreme. "

"So!" Song Fei showed a happy smile, "he can\'t exert such power for too long. I was worried that under the influence of the power of evil gods, the evil clan will have very terrible power. It seems that the Dragon Court made by the heavenly emperors is much stronger than I thought. Hey, it\'s so good. Am I right? Commander."

The commander\'s face changed, and his confident smile slowly disappeared. His gloomy eyes stared at Song Fei and said faintly: "my strength is enough to destroy the whole Qingtian sword sect."

Song Fei smiled with a sneer on his face.

Suddenly, the commander suddenly sprang up towards the rear, aiming at the map of mountains and rivers. On the way, he shouted, "stop Yue Tianyu."

Countless evil gods\' swords stopped in front of Qingtian sword sect. The commander seemed to use some secret method, and the speed increased greatly.

Although compared with the outside, this speed is like a snail crawling, it can be described as a unique ride in the Dragon Court.

As Datong leader flew towards the mountain and river country map at a very fast speed, ye Wuxin and others were shocked. They also dreamed of letting Qingtian sword sect hold the evil sect. Now they are still fighting with the people of the three worlds. They unexpectedly watched the strongest combat power of the evil sect fly towards the mountain and river country map at a terrible speed.

"Stop him."

"Kill him!"

At this moment, the people who were still fighting suddenly became very united, and countless attacks fell on the commander.

The commander smiled grimly, and a miserable white light column burst out. This light column was not powerful when attacking Optimus sword sect, but easily broke many spells.

The people who were still fighting with the evil sect suddenly rushed forward in a very consistent way in an attempt to get rid of their opponents.

Behind the commander, there were countless terrorist attacks, including the black and white chess pieces of Fengyue, the golden sword of Xuanyuan Jincheng, and the water and fire mana of MuQing.

Above MuQing\'s head, there is a mirror. In the mirror, there is a bright moon. The bright light of the moon overflows from the mirror, warm and beautiful.

"Magic moon mirror!" someone exclaimed.

As the little prince of the demon world, he has always used mana against the enemy. At this moment, he finally showed his cards. As soon as the magic moon mirror came out, Mu Qing seemed to have changed a person. His powerful power beat the silver wolf with the banana fan.

Others also use their own means to get rid of the entanglement of evil families to hide the map of mountains and rivers. The only way to get rid of them is to fight a path of blood.

At this moment, the huge war finally escalated as the commander approached the map of mountains and rivers, and everyone finally raised their strength to the peak.

A scuffle finally broke out in an all-round way. Night Wuxin and others were like falling into madness. They not only attacked the commander, but also played mana, trying to stop Xuanyuan Jincheng and others who caught up.

Their mutual attacks make the scuffle in the dragon\'s gate finally escalate. Except for their own friends and teams, it seems that everyone has become an enemy.

The commander\'s speed did not decrease. He was wearing a miserable white light. He was getting closer and closer to the map of mountains and rivers. The attacks of Feng Yue and others were also blocked out one by one by the commander.

Even Qin Shihu, who has always been silent, said anxiously at the moment: "guild leader, let\'s catch up and never let this guy get the map of mountains and rivers."

Song Fei smiled coldly: "Xiao Ru, what do you think."

Song Fei\'s words made everyone of Qingtian sword school pay attention to Qin Xiaoru.

Qin Xiaoru nodded and said, "relying on the lifting and distortion of space affects the distance of space, and uses the way of space to generate power and block people\'s progress."

Qin Xiaoru\'s words brightened everyone\'s eyes.