God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1830

Although the people of Qingtian sword sect took the lead in attracting the power of the commander, Song Fei\'s power after flying with a sword also reached its peak at this moment.

Holding the five element sword, Song Fei pressed against the commander step by step. In the eyes of the people, it was like Song Fei trying to crush the commander.

"Kill!" the originally quiet battlefield was broken with a loud drink from night Han Xuan. Night unintentionally white clothes dust and others rushed frantically to the map of mountains and rivers in an instant.

The commander was blown away, which means that all the forces of the evil sect are contained. If you don\'t take it at this time, I\'m afraid there\'s no better chance.

"Kill!" the confidence of the people who had rushed to the mountains and rivers increased greatly, and their fighting became more cruel.

The big goat and the green Jiao separated slowly, and the five evils retreated until they retreated to the commander. For a time, the momentum of the three realms completely suppressed the evil sect.

The commander slowly climbed up from the earth, gently wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, and then gently laughed: "ha ha, ha ha. Yue Tianyu is worthy of being named by the evil god to get rid of. You are really extraordinary."

Song Fei stood in the air looking down at the bottom and said faintly, "my is not general. I have already proved it with the blood of countless evil families. If you know it now, it means that your intelligence work is really bad."

The commander continued to smile softly and said, "ha ha, what a smart mouth. You\'ve annoyed me."

The voice fell, and the palm of the commander\'s hand burst into brilliant white light again. The same power, the same prestige erupted again.

Song Fei sneered and then shouted, "ten thousand sword star array!"

"Eh?" they thought Song Fei was going to challenge the commander alone. Fortunately, they were on guard at any time. After Song Fei gave an order, the ten thousand sword star array erupted again.

Song Fei retreated into the sword array, and the five element sword in his hand exuded towering majesty, making the power of the ten thousand sword star array to a higher level.

Zhang Xiong said, "guild leader, you don\'t want to fight alone."

Song Fei just came in the wind. He was majestic and powerful. Everyone thought Song Fei had the power of World War I with the commander.

Song Fei was angry and said, "you are really a mallet. The dragon\'s gate can only open a corner of the map of mountains and rivers, but this guy can completely break the dragon\'s gate with this move. Is that the power I can resist?"

Zhang Xiong said weakly, "before, the dragon\'s gate was bombarded by evil sect experts all day and night, and when the mountains and rivers were trying to open a corner of the dragon\'s gate, the master was just an immortal."

Song Fei nodded: "what you said is reasonable. You might as well go."

Zhang Xionghu\'s body was shocked, looked at Song Fei with determined eyes, and said in an extremely firm language: "guild leader, you can\'t lose me."

The light column came again, and the ten thousand sword star array was hanged with the light column. After Song Fei joined, the power of the ten thousand sword star array was indeed much stronger. The speed of the destruction of the fairy sword became very slow, and the speed of people\'s injury was greatly alleviated.

"Don\'t think about saving pills!" Song Fei shouted, taking the lead in swallowing pills into his mouth,

The expensive elixir of Tianxian level is stuffed into people\'s mouth as if they don\'t want money, and there are a lot of them. With the power of Jinxian level, Tianxian level elixir is not enough.

The commander raised his mouth and said with disdain: "kill you, I\'ll kill everyone again, and the game should be over. Five murderers, you kill the three realms."

Originally, two of the five murderers were restrained by Qingtian sword sect. Now there are two more, which greatly increases the pressure on the people in the three realms against the evil sect.

With a crazy killing intention, the night charm and the silver wolf pushed frantically towards the wind, making the pupils of the wind shrink suddenly, and the huge pressure made him unable to breathe.

A dark light came from a distance and blasted on the black Luo Wu Sha of the night charm. The power of the black Luo Wu Sha was greatly reduced.

Night evil spirit turned his head ferociously, looked at the black armour youth who had just stepped into the battlefield, and said sternly: "upright son, you dare."

The man was dressed in black armor and had a strange face. The scarlet cloak behind him was particularly charming. Beside him, there were two figures, one black and one Yin.

Looking at this figure, many people whispered: "demon world Optimus!"

Optimus demon emperor, who tried to enter the top 100 characters, was ignored because there were too many Tianjiao and there was no powerful force behind him.

The arrogance and domineering of Optimus are not only widely spread in the demon world, but also known by people in the other three worlds. Just when they hear this name on weekdays, everyone usually laughs. Few people will pay attention to such a arrogant demon family who only knows arrogance.

But it happened that he seemed to bring arrogance into the Dragon Court, and the charm dared to provoke all night.

The cloak behind him was fierce, and Qingtian\'s mouth outlined a sneer of disdain: "old dog, your opponent is me."

Qingjiao, who was originally killed in Xuanyuan Jincheng, turned the direction. Just now he fought with Qingtian sword sect. He and Yemei were brothers and sisters. Now he saw that Yemei was provoked, as if he had been provoked, he rushed fiercely at Qingtian and shouted, "kill these little flies first."

"Good!" the night evil spirit\'s heart had already been filled with suffocation. At the moment, seeing the object of vent, she immediately rushed fiercely towards Optimus.

The green Jiao\'s speed was faster. He grew up with a big mouth and rushed down fiercely.

Optimus lifted his mouth and said with a smile, "how about qingjiao, little silver?"

Xiaoyin kept a mouth: "I haven\'t eaten it. It looks delicious!"

Optimus said, "I\'ll give it to you."

"OK!" Xiao Yin\'s body changed. A silver dragon suddenly rushed into the sky next to Song Fei. After the threat emanated from him, everyone was stunned.

"Damn it, what\'s the matter today." someone subconsciously said that it was obvious that everyone was out of sight. Such a terrible existence was hidden in the Optimus team, which had been ignored by them all the time.

Ordinary people may not have heard of the chaotic magic dragon, but the Tianjiao of the three worlds who have ancient books at home are deeply impressed by this ferocious demon.

In the history of the three realms, there are many big events, but there are few big events that can cause the vibration of the whole three realms. The fall of the Sun God Emperor is a major event of the vibration of the three realms, and the vibration caused by the killing of the three realms by the chaotic magic dragon is no less than that caused by the fall of the Sun God Emperor.

Such a fierce thing, even if there is self-confident arrogance, will produce a strong fear from the bottom of my heart. This existence can destroy the terrible creatures of the demon God.

Demon God, even if these people are more confident, they are not confident that they can compare with the demon God Emperor.

The little silver dragon sent out fierce power and wrestled with the green Jiao. Qingtian\'s magic sword pointed to the night charm from a distance and said faintly: "old dog, you can\'t come up and die, but when."

"I killed you." under the provocation of Optimus, the ferocity of the demon clan finally broke out in an all-round way. Countless people looked at Optimus and followed the existence of chaotic magic dragon. No one would underestimate it any more.

"Hahaha, Tonghe, let\'s go."