God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1832

The way of space? It is the way of space that affects the speed in the gantry.

Song Fei asked, "Xiao Ru, can you break it?"

"The perception of the way of space is very strong. It\'s much stronger than me and can\'t be broken." Qin Xiaoru said with a smile, "and why break it? It\'s not better to let it exist."

Song Fei reacted in an instant. Then the Kunpeng palace appeared in Song Fei\'s palm. Everyone understood and rushed into the Kunpeng palace as fast as possible.

At the next moment, Qin Xiaoru held Kunpeng palace in her hand and stepped out. Unexpectedly, she stepped out a very long distance. In three or two steps, she was about to approach the great commander. Qin Xiaoru\'s speed was at least ten times that of the great commander.

When the commander turned back and looked at Qin Xiaoru, a cruel color flashed in his eyes, and then the light column suddenly blasted at Qin Xiaoru.

The ten thousand sword star array appears again, blocking the light column of the great commander. Being in the Kunpeng palace, you can naturally control the ten thousand sword star array.

Qin Xiaoru was shrouded in wanjian star array, gradually surpassing everyone and getting closer and closer to the map of mountains and rivers.

"Kill!" night Han Xuan roared, and a long golden sword came at Song Fei and others.

The ten thousand sword star array strangled the power on the immortal sword. Night Han Xuan was swallowed and spit blood.

Yanqing Yao holds a flame fairy sword, which turns into a flame. The Phoenix roars towards Qin Xiaoru. When he approaches Qin Xiaoru, the ten thousand sword star array is hanged, and the Phoenix flame is broken. Yanqing Yao\'s mind is hurt, his mouth is bleeding, and his face is pale.

The fighting power of Qingtian sword sect shocked everyone. The attack of yehanxuan and yanqingyao did not stop Qin Xiaoru\'s speed, but the attack of the commander greatly reduced Qin Xiaoru\'s speed.

But that\'s all.

Although the speed is reduced, it still exceeds the commander and far exceeds others.

Beside Mu Qing, Ao Qing hurriedly said, "little prince, the map of mountains and rivers is a treasure in our demon world, and can\'t fall into the hands of others."

Mu Qing\'s eyes were uncertain.

Jin Yu of the golden winged ROC said, "little prince, such a treasure, how can it be cheaper for others."

Mu Qing clenched her teeth as if she had made a great determination and said, "stop Qingtian sword sect? Let the evil sect benefit at that time."

Jin Yu shook his head: "I don\'t believe the little prince has no way to accept the map of mountains and rivers."

"There are ways, but the premise is to be close to the map of mountains and rivers." Mu Qing said, "my father told me to try my best before leaving. If it\'s impossible, I can\'t force it. My father calculated that there is no match in the world. The only person he can serve is the Qing emperor. His words must be reasonable."

"Don\'t even the demon emperor think the prince can seize the treasure?" Ao Qing whispered.

Mu Qing spit out four words and said, "do your best."

Then he added: "the father emperor also said that the evil sect is the great enemy."

They were convinced that the plantain fan finally did not change direction, but towards the commander-in-chief sector.

In the distance, Xuanyuan Jincheng laughed and said, "ha ha, what a little prince of right and wrong. If I can walk out of the Dragon Court alive, I will make a friend of you."

Feng yuelang said, "the little prince\'s decision is admirable. I\'m ashamed."

Song Fei glanced at Mu Qing from a distance. He didn\'t expect that he should hold his heart in front of such a treasure. Such quality and character are really rare.

Just because he was determined to get it, it was difficult to say words such as returning the magic weapon. Song Fei was silent and ashamed. After all, this treasure was something in other people\'s family. He was equivalent to robbing their magic weapon in front of the original owner.

The attack of Xuanyuan Jincheng and others made the commander a little busy and couldn\'t better limit Qin Xiaoru. He watched Qin Xiaoru getting closer and closer to the map of mountains and rivers.

"It\'s almost here!" looking at the drawing of mountains and rivers, people are excited. The treasure of heaven and earth, the fourth ranking mountain and river country map, has him, which is equal to the strength to ascend to the sky step by step. If you get it, Qingtian sword sect will never be afraid of being bullied by people in the three realms.

The commander\'s eyes flashed a cruel color, and then he said with a fierce smile: "I represent an evil god. How can I only have such means."

While talking, the commander raised his hands high and shouted, "all evil god soldiers, break the air!"

"Yes!" a jade slip appeared in the hands of countless people in black robes. This jade slip is somewhat different from those seen in the past. Today\'s jade slip is more powerful and makes people feel more terrible.

"Broken empty jade slips?" Song Fei exclaimed, "no, they are much stronger than ordinary broken empty jade slips."

The commander smiled grimly and said, "I didn\'t want to use this method, but now I can only use it. Break it for me!"

The jade slips suddenly shot into the sky, and the infinite power exploded in the dragon\'s gate. The evil power filled the whole dragon\'s gate, and the miserable white brilliance drowned everyone.

Qin Xiaoru suddenly sighed, "the space limit has been broken."

They found that the space barrier limiting their speed was broken by the power of the evil sect. They were well prepared and had the means to target the dragon\'s gate long ago.

This means only aims at the space in the dragon\'s gate and does little harm to everyone. After recovering the speed, the distance in front of the golden immortal master is one step away. Everyone seems to be standing on the same starting line, and the tentacles can get the map of mountains and rivers.

This time, it was destined to be a greater scuffle. Countless forces rushed to Qingtian sword sect. The light column of the great commander limited Qin Xiaoru\'s progress. Soon, the body of the great commander flashed and stood in front of the map of mountains and rivers,

Some people gave up the picture of mountains and rivers and turned their eyes to the colorful dragon balls. A magic giant hand grabbed the colorful dragon balls.

Song Fei was shocked. The colorful dragon ball was also his must. Through the colorful dragon ball, he could better understand the way of chaos. Originally, people focused on the map of mountains and rivers, and Song Fei didn\'t compete for the colorful dragon ball for the first time.

This treasure must not be obtained by others.

In the sky, a blue figure fell to the ground, but he saw a badly injured green Jiao lying on the earth, and the colorful dragon beads were beside the green Jiao.

It seemed that there was a strong fluctuation of power around him. The huge dragon head of qingjiao turned around and saw the colorful dragon beads. At that moment, a thick surprise and greed flashed in his eyes. The next moment, qingjiao opened his mouth and bit the colorful dragon ball.

This is ZuLong\'s dragon ball. After eating him, qingjiao can not only turn into a dragon, but also be promoted to the most noble colorful dragon, which is more likely to absorb ZuLong\'s inheritance.

The silver light suddenly appeared above qingjiao\'s head. The little silver dragon suddenly pressed down and landed on qingjiao\'s body. The claw pressed down, pressed qingjiao\'s faucet, and then bit down at qingjiao\'s throat.

"No!" green Jiao\'s eyes flashed a thick sense of reluctance and despair.