God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1758

Every treasure born in chaos is incomparably powerful. Even if it can not be classified as the top ten innate spiritual treasures, it is also a great treasure.

The value of strange things is different. Because they have great deficiencies, they do not enter treasures. Some of them are even less valuable than a human immortal tool, but some strange things have outstanding ability in a specific aspect.

For example, the sword in front of him can\'t carry the immortal spirit. For most immortals, the value is equal to zero, but he is very tough and sharp. The immortal sword is far more sharp than the golden immortal. If it is held in the hand of a physical practitioner, his role will be infinitely amplified.

Such a sharp sword can\'t be resisted by ordinary gold fairy magic weapons. If he gets close to it, it will be a nightmare for any immortal of the same level.

For the Optimus sword sect, his value is no less than the body of the rain dew sword. Of course, there is still a huge gap compared with the complete rain dew sword.

"If you hold it in the hands of me or the big goat, his killing power is far more than rain and spring." Song Fei finally made a comment and received him in the storage ring.

"It was really a surprise." Song Fei sighed. "Fenghua could have given me only 90 ordinary fairy swords, but he sent these two swords. Even if it was a fair deal, I owe him a big favor."

Song Fei attaches great importance to love. Naturally, he will not deliberately turn a blind eye to Fenghua\'s kindness, but keep him in mind.

In the next hundred years, the only thing Song Fei cares about is the baby replaced by Ye hanxuan brothers and ye\'s 18 guards.

The auction will be held ten years later. This ten years is the time for them to find babies. Song Fei believes that the night family at the moment must have used their greatest influence to let countless super families help them search for babies. If they use the power of their own Qingtian sword sect, even millions of years are not as good as the results of the night family\'s search for ten years.

Song Fei is not afraid that a baby will grow up in ten years. The fairyland has the magic weapon of time acceleration. Naturally, it also has the magic weapon of time deceleration. Put the baby in the magic weapon of time deceleration. It will only be ten months in ten years outside.

Of course, it doesn\'t rule out that the specially gifted children are intercepted by them without permission, which is also a matter of no way. Anyway, Song Fei can only pursue the quantity as much as possible.

The training of those babies Song Fei has arranged for the broken sword. They will be trained by the Optimus sword Sect on earth in the same way as other sects.

At the beginning, they are all external disciples, and then give them the most basic skills. Only by making efforts to contribute to the sect or showing the talent of surpassing others can they further improve and obtain better status and more cultivation resources.

At the beginning, their master would be those disciples of earthly Qingtian sword sect. Among them, the strong ones have reached the heaven peeping mirror, and the weak ones have golden elixirs to build the foundation, but the knowledge to teach beginners is enough.

There are many people in the sect who are immortal. Song Fei will arrange them to preach regularly. An immortal preaches. Ordinary sects don\'t have such treatment at all. Only Song Fei, who holds a patrol token and uses the public for private gain, has such ability.

Cultivating immortality is the most important word of enlightenment. Song Fei and others of Qingtian sword sect have improved their understanding and have never found any master.

This training method is the experience summarized by the three circles for countless years. Each school is trained in this way. Song Fei never wanted to break this mature and practical physique, but used it directly.

As long as these babies are trained, the Qingtian sword sect will have a sufficient number of people. After these babies grow up and accumulate for several generations, the Qingtian sword sect can start to spread its leaves and have more and more disciples.

Of course, the more people there are, the stricter the rules will need to be in the future. I think Song Fei must have experienced his own private visit. Coupled with the caution of Duanjian, Song Fei believes that he will not disappoint himself.

After explaining the chores, Song Fei began to shut down, took out the fragments of the sun star, and understood the fire at the same time with all the immortals practicing the way of fire.

Millions of catties of earth\'s milk was put in a large jar by Song Fei. With so many earth\'s milk, Song Fei didn\'t want to be stingy at all. Anyone who can use it can use it at will.

In this way, even if his strength cannot be raised to Jinxian, Song Fei believes that many people\'s skills can be raised to Jinxian level, especially the sun true fire. If promoted to colorful colors, he can have the most terrible destructive power.

After the first World War, the Optimus sword sect became low-key again and almost disappeared in the sight of everyone in the fairy world. Only the Optimus city was still very lively. The new city master dared not disrespect because he was master Song Fei. Yue Tianyu killed the powerful man of Jinxian, and Yu Wei still shocked everyone in Optimus city.

There are more shops in Optimus city and more and more people flow, showing explosive development.

At the same time, the three realms are surging, and countless geniuses are looking forward to the opening of ZuLong court. This is a real feast. For this feast, the three realms also show a quiet space, and all geniuses are preparing for the Dragon Court.

The war between the three realms and the evil clan is still in full swing. Compared with other realms, the northern battlefield of the fairy world is the mildest.

There is news that the battlefield of the land boundary is extremely tragic. Even the top ten yamas are sent out together, and the army will be destroyed by millions. Many Jinxian masters have fallen, and it is also said that Yama has been injured.

The top ten yamas, the top strongman of the earth and the first-class figure of the ancestor of Shenshan, cultivate the nine nether powers, the ultimate skill created by the Taiyin God Emperor for them. Each has earth shaking ability.

Such a strong man will be injured. It is conceivable that the war in the boundary has reached such a tragic level.

It is said that the shadow of the Taiyin God Emperor appeared in the land. It is said that in a world war, the Taiyin God Emperor held the book of life and death, destroyed hundreds of millions of troops of the evil sect and killed hundreds of Jinxian people, which slowed down the attack of the evil sect.

The battle in the earth is fierce, but the most dead creatures are mortals. Because there are barriers, the power of experts can not be unified. Even if the fairy world sends countless experts to fight in the lower world, the mortal plane is still a large area of Loren.

As long as one plane is reduced, trillions of creatures will be slaughtered, and the whole plane will become sacrificial slaves.

The news came that monkeys had appeared in the world and killed an evil sect army. The attack of the evil sect even caused the anger of Zhenyuan immortal. Zhenyuan immortal with the land book had stronger combat effectiveness than monkeys. With the participation of these two giants, the decline of the world slowed down slightly.

After all, their strength is limited. If there is no strong external force to continue to intervene, it is only a matter of time for the whole human world and hundreds of millions of people to fall.