God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1759

For ten years, Song Fei has been closed in Qingtian hall for 25000 years.

Today is the official auction day for ye hanxuan brothers and ye\'s 18 guards. In order to avoid hatred, Song Fei did not go to Jiuli tribe, but has been waiting in Qingtian Xianshan.

The next day, Chi Bai came to Qingtian fairy mountain with a laugh, followed by the beautiful fairy lark.

The lark I saw today has more aura than when I separated, and the whole body exudes a aura of intelligence.

"Brother Chi, Miss bailing, how are you recently." Song Fei personally greeted Chi Bai and bailing at the gate of Qingtian palace.

Chi Bai said with a smile: "of course, you don\'t know the scene of yesterday\'s auction. The owner of the night family and his female tiger have arrived. The female tiger is really bold and dares to abuse my Jiuli tribe."

Bailing saluted beside Chi Bai: "meet Mr. Yue."

Song Fei saluted back with his fist: "Miss bailing, you\'re welcome."

Song Fei greeted them into the hall and said with a smile, "what happened later."

Chi Bai said with a smile, "what else can I do? Lord Xing Tian ordered him to beat him with ten sticks. Ha ha, although those ten sticks could not hurt his muscles and bones, they knocked her face off. Later, she became much more honest. Hum, she didn\'t look at the place if she wanted to be wild."

Entering the hall, Song Fei motioned them to sit next to the tea table, and then made tea for them in person.

"Eh, what about you people of Qingtian sword sect? How did you become a lightpole commander?" Chi Bai said.

Song Fei said with a smile, "those who should be closed are closed. The rest have their own tasks. They know that they are going to send babies. Those who have nothing important are ready to accept babies these days."

"Oh!" Chi Bai nodded. "I\'m funny when I think of yesterday\'s scene. That night, my brothers were domineering and arrogant, relying on the protection of the female tiger. I\'ve wanted to teach them a lesson for a long time. Lord Xing Tian was more cruel and beat the female tiger directly. I looked happy."

Song Fei shook his head and said with a wry smile, "they can\'t do anything about your Jiuli tribe. In the future, this account will be included in my Qingtian sword style."

Chi Bai said with a smile, "hahaha, brother, aren\'t you ready?"

"How could it be?" Song Fei said with a smile. "When I\'m going to auction the night brothers, I\'m ready to meet their anger. But as long as I stay in Qingtian Xianshan, they can\'t help it."

"Brother, guess how many babies I brought today." Chi Bai smiled.

"500000? Or a million?" Song Fei said.

"Ha ha!" Chi Bai laughed. "The night family has prepared a total of five million baby auctions, and the final trading volume is 4.5 million. We have checked that every baby has outstanding talents, at least ten talents. There are also some talents of alchemists and tool refiners. A few physical talents are more suitable for some special roads, such as thunder, darkness and wind."

Song Fei put the teacup to his mouth and said with a smile, "I\'m afraid the number of babies brought by brother Chi will exceed this number."

Chi Bai smiled: "Sure enough, I can\'t hide anything from you. All you want are mortal babies. They haven\'t been washed by immortality before they were born. Those great powers don\'t care about them. Therefore, after the auction, they sold all the surplus babies to us. Together with the babies prepared by the enemies of the night family, the total is 9.5 million. Of course, the most talented babies must be sold by themselves Intercepted. "

Song Fei whispered, "it\'s beyond my expectation."

Song Fei said again, "where are the baby\'s parents?"

Chi Bai said, "as you said, I asked them to record the position and soul breath of the baby\'s parents. After a while, we will send someone to contact their parents, tell them that their children have been selected by the immortal sect, and give them two pills that can prolong their life, eliminate diseases and avoid disasters."

"Well, with the soul breath, even if you reincarnate thousands of lives, you can find it from the world of mortals." Song Fei said, "brother Chi, give me a share of those soul breath."

One side of the lark said, "I think young master Yue has more profound ideas."

Song Fei nodded: "Yes, human relations are the divine principle. I can\'t deprive them. Although sending them to practice immortality is a blessing to them, they have the right to choose after all. After 20 years of practice, I\'ll ask someone to arrange for them to meet their family once. If they like, they can also receive their family to live in the apocalypse. I want my disciples to be loyal, so I must be sincere and not in their hearts Leave such a big stem in the. "

Bailing said, "young master Yue is really different from ordinary people."

Song Fei sighed, "the tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn\'t stop. The son wants to raise but his parents don\'t wait. After reincarnation, his parents lose their original memory. What can they do even if they find it back? Besides, it\'s not difficult for us to arrange them to meet."

Chi Bai said, "brother Yue, twenty years is too long. Aren\'t you afraid of complications?"

Song Fei\'s face changed and said, "what does brother Chi mean?"

Chi Bai said, "now the world is reduced in large areas and captured by the evil clan. Hundreds of millions of creatures become sacrificial slaves every day. It is really difficult to ensure that their parents are still alive in the world in 20 years."

"Thanks for reminding brother Chi." Song Fei stood up and made a solemn gift.

"Alas, you and I are brothers. Why be so polite." Chi Bai quickly stopped.

Song Fei pondered for a while and whispered, "isn\'t brother Chi going to give their parents pills? Let\'s give them a choice. If they are willing to follow their children, I can agree that their family move to the apocalypse, that is, I\'m going to train disciples. If they don\'t want to, after giving the pills, record a video and keep it."

Chi Bai said, "brother in law can really consider for his disciples. Even if he receives disciples from Shenshan, he will only directly abduct the babies. He doesn\'t care about the life and death of their parents. In their opinion, their parents will reincarnate after decades and forget all this."

Song Fei said, "don\'t do to others what you don\'t want. I can\'t say which is better. I just follow my heart. I\'m an orphan. I can deeply understand that desire."

Chi Bai said, "brother Yue, don\'t worry, I will do your arrangement."

Song Fei said, "please quote brother Chi for the handling fee of the auction and the cost of arranging manpower."

Chi Bai said, "a hundred celestial objects or a thousand drops of earth\'s milk."

Song Fei nodded, took out a small porcelain vase and said, "this is 1500 drops of milk from the earth. It can be regarded as the hard fee for brothers to go to the earth. How to divide it, I\'ll give it to brother Chi."

"Hahaha, so I\'ll thank brother Yue for those running errands." Chi Bai smiled. Then he put a magic weapon in front of Song Fei. Song Fei\'s divine knowledge swept away. There were countless cradles lying on the cradles. Countless fairy stones were piled up in the magic weapon. With the nourishment of fairy stones, these babies could not take any food, And the Constitution can be transformed by immortal Qi and become more potential.