God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1757

Most of the 90 immortal swords are five element immortal swords. I can\'t see anything different.

"Eh, these two fairy swords are special." one holds two fairy swords on the left and the other on the right.

One handle is all blue. If judged according to the normal color, it should be a water-based fairy sword, but unfortunately, it doesn\'t have the power of a golden fairy.

The other handle is earthy yellow. This handle is more special. Not only does it not have the prestige it should have, but also it has no spirit. Song Fei has no reaction after inputting mana.

"Trapped?" this was Song Fei\'s first reaction. Then Song Fei shook his head. Since Fenghua had brought so many fairy swords, he didn\'t care about the two swords at all. Moreover, he just said that there was a surprise. The rest of the fairy swords were normal, so the so-called surprise should be on the two fairy swords.

Song Fei first took out the blue fairy sword and didn\'t respond to the input of mana, but Song Fei always had a familiar feeling.

"The shape of this sword is very familiar. I should have seen it." Song Fei whispered softly. The immortal has a good memory. Song Fei has long remembered it, but there are too many memories in his mind, so he needs to sort it out.

As if he remembered something, Song Fei\'s eyes suddenly widened, with an incredible language: "this is the rain and dew sword!"

A Huichun sword shows far more powerful power than an ordinary fairy sword. Just a few days ago, biyanrou easily killed Lian Kang with a fairy sword. Although it ended in biyanrou\'s coma, it also shows the horror of the sword. If biyanrou\'s magic power is more powerful, the sword will be more terrible, A sword that day may not even have a tenth of its power.

Such a treasure can\'t be compared with ordinary gold fairies at all. Although he doesn\'t understand the specific geometry of his value, for Song Fei, even if someone exchanges 90 gold fairies with Song Fei for a spring sword, Song Fei will refuse without hesitation.

The stronger the strength, the more precious the treasure of this level.

Among the twelve fairy swords, Huichun sword controls the power of green wood and is mainly good at the life recovery of the way of wood. Among the twelve fairy swords, Huichun sword ranks last in attack power and is the one with the lowest lethality.

Huichun swords are so terrible. Song Fei looks forward to the emergence of other swords, such as the golden way immortal sword with the strongest attack power in the five elements, and the killing God suitable for the way of sword. If such swords are held in his hand, Song Fei can\'t imagine their power.

Of course, no one can completely drive them in the current Optimus sword sect, but if they break through the golden immortal realm, such a treasure can greatly enhance the strength of the sect.

The twelve immortal swords have their own magical functions. If Huichun sword is held in biyanrou\'s hand to show the way of life, the survival rate of Qingtian sword sect will be greatly improved.

Similarly, if the rain dew sword is held in the hand of a suitable person, its power can also be infinitely amplified. For example, Yue Sihua uses him to display the Vientiane Lingshui sword, then the power of each small water man will be very terrible and can easily crush strong enemies with quantity.

In order to verify the rain dew sword, Song Fei took out the soul of the rain dew sword from the storage ring. Sure enough, after the soul appeared, it was like finding the most beautiful food. The madness revolved around the sword body of the rain dew sword. Finally, it plunged into the sword body of the rain dew sword. The next moment, the light of the rain dew sword soared, and the terror spread in all directions.

Xianjian was separated from Song Fei\'s palm and circled around Song Fei happily like an elf, showing a happy mood, and seemed to thank Song Fei for helping him find his body.

"Well, come back quickly. My que palace is just a magic weapon of earth immortals. If your power continues, you must tear down the earth." Song Fei smiled and waved to Yulu sword.

Although Yulu sword was unwilling, it finally flew into Song Fei\'s hand very obediently. Song Fei bit his finger and dropped a drop of blood on Yulu sword. Yulu sword happily accepted Song Fei\'s blood, became Song Fei\'s magic weapon in the fastest time, and finally slowly integrated into Song Fei\'s body.

"The bodies of these twelve swords are extremely difficult to find. Even the master of Shenshan can\'t help it, so he gave them to me. I didn\'t expect that I found two swords in a short time. It was beyond my expectation, even the master of Shenshan. The next swords can only be found by chance." Song Fei said to himself.

I can\'t hurry to find the sword body. I can only see the chance.

With these two swords, Song Fei\'s confidence in Longting was strengthened again.

Then, Song Fei picked up another earthy yellow fairy sword. The shape of this sword was not among the twelve swords. In order to avoid missing, Song Fei also took out the soul of the other swords and tried it. In the end, they all ended in failure.

"There is no spirit tool and no mana fluctuation. This is not a magic weapon at all!" Song Fei frowned. After inputting mana, the immortal sword that can\'t be driven is not even as good as the flying sword. Should the immortal hold the sword and fight with people?

The fairy sword, which is flexible, is changeable. It can let the immortal display all kinds of wonderful swordsmanship and magic. A fairy sword that can\'t fly is not qualified to be called a fairy sword at all.

Song Fei investigated for a long time, but he didn\'t find the specific function of this fairy sword from beginning to end.

His fingers slowly stroked the blade. Song Fei sighed softly, "it won\'t really be trapped. Next time, find Fenghua to change a new fairy sword, eh!"

Song Fei\'s eyes suddenly stopped at the place where his fingers and the sword body touched. There was blood slowly overflowing. The sword body was not stained with blood. The blood formed small balls from the sword body.

Song Fei\'s eyes suddenly widened. Even if an immortal used his magic to drive the golden fairy to cut, it would take a lot of effort to cut a wound, but in front of the sword, his flesh was like tofu in front of him, and his flesh had no advantage.

Song Fei\'s eyes showed a trace of dignity. The immortal golden body was his biggest dependence. If someone took this kind of fairy sword to attack himself, if he didn\'t know it in advance, he was likely to suffer heavy losses, ranging from serious injury to death.

Of course, this immortal sword that can\'t be driven by magic can only be held in the hands of Tixiu.

"I see, this is a strange thing!" Song Fei said.

It is said that chaos has just begun, and countless treasures have been derived from chaos. The most famous is the top ten congenital treasures. In addition, there are countless other treasures. For example, the famous banana fan was born in chaos. Because its power can not be compared with the top ten treasures, it is not among them, but it is also much stronger than other gold fairy treasures, Now it is in the hands of the Iron Fan Princess of the demon world.

In addition to treasures, there are some things that cannot be included in treasures, because they are far less precious than treasures and have great defects, but they are particularly prominent in one aspect and are called strange things