God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1756

Speaking of Jiuli tribe, even the rebellious beautiful woman Bai Zhitong felt deeply powerless.

Bai Zhitong said helplessly, "what are you going to do over there in Jiuli tribe?"

"What else can we do?" yebuhui smiled bitterly. "Since ancient times, no one can interfere with the auction, and if there were not Jiuli tribe, our children might not be able to live."

"Are you going to buy it back according to the conditions of Jiuli tribe?" Bai Zhitong said sharply, with a strong reluctance in his voice.

"Unless you have a better way, you can only do so." night does not regret.

Angelica dahurica Tong was silent for a while and said, "if you change with a baby, how many do you need?"

"I\'m afraid it\'s not less than a million." Yewu sighed.

"Just a million?" Bai Zhitong\'s eyes burst out.

Night did not regret sighing: "it is not a million babies, but a million God given babies. Each one must have ten talents unilaterally, or be suitable for the constitution of refining tools and elixirs. Such a person can\'t choose one or two out of 10000."

"That\'s unreasonable." Bai Zhitong angrily said, "how can such conditions be found, unless they are found among the immortal children in the fairy world."

Night did not regret: "but also have a clean life. Parents must be orphans in mortals or fairyland. Don\'t entangle anyone with power."

"Bullying people too much." Angelica dahurica Tong was furious.

Night did not regret: "in fact, there is no suffering. Don\'t forget that this is an auction. We are difficult. Other people want to take away our children. It is also difficult. On the contrary, the more difficult things are, the less the opponent will spend big thoughts. We are different. We must go all out for the sake of children, so we have an advantage."

"What are you going to do?" said Bai Zhitong.

"We can\'t do it on our side." yebuhui sighed. "These days, contact our old comrades in arms more, whether it\'s from Lingkong City, other cities or Shenshan. We\'ll take out some benefits and let everyone collect them for us."

"It seems that this is the only way." when she spoke, Bai Zhitong was unwilling, but deeply helpless. She could only transfer all her resentment to Qingtian sword sect, and said sternly, "Qingtian sword sect, I want you to kill."


After the end of a great war, Qingtian sword sect returned to its usual calm. All celestial immortals closed in tianque palace, but Song Fei was waiting for someone.

After a few days, Fenghua finally came to Qingtian city. The two met in the hall of tianque palace.

"This is the milk of the earth of one million jin." as soon as they met, Fenghua handed over the milk of the earth of Su Yuehan\'s ultimate skill to Song Fei.

Song Fei was very happy. Although there is a fairy spring in Xianshan, how can the fairy spring compare with the milk of the earth? In terms of cultivation efficiency, the milk of the earth is ten times that of the fairy spring.

Moreover, the immortal spring in Xianshan will not be enough in 250000 years. For participating in the Qingtian sword sect of Longting against time, so many earth milk is just a timely help. Even if they can\'t improve their realm, many people can promote their skill to Jinxian level.

The next step is the formal transaction.

"If I can, I want five ultimate skills, three of which are wood, two of which are water and earth. For this reason, I brought 90 golden fairies." Fenghua said, and then felt a little embarrassed, "I know that 90 golden fairies can\'t compare with the five ultimate skills, but you also know that golden fairies are too difficult to refine, and now our war with the evil sect is in a critical period, and these 90 golden fairies are the limit."

Song Fei\'s heart was shaking violently. If he didn\'t try his best to control it, he was afraid that his face would turn red.

Excited, I\'m so excited. There are 90 golden fairies, which Song Fei couldn\'t think of before. With so many golden fairies, his sect doesn\'t have to worry about golden fairies anymore. The ten thousand sword star array can finally become a real golden immortal sword array, which is much more terrible than the general Golden immortal array.

No ordinary force can build an array with dozens of golden fairies and swords.

The waves in Song Fei\'s heart still couldn\'t hide from the great master in front of him. Seeing Fenghua, he said sadly, "it seems that I have a lot of things. I think I can change your soul mark with ten gold fairies."

"Hey, hey, hey. The soul mark of the ultimate skill can\'t be so cheap." Song Fei said with a smile. You can\'t admit it even if you\'re killed. Who knows if you\'ll really give yourself only ten pieces after you admit it.

Song Fei first put away 90 gold fairies, and then began to look for the ultimate skill in the God level exchange system. Among the ultimate skill of the way of wood, the first is the green wood formula, and the second is the Heart Sutra of the Qing emperor. If the former Song Fei takes it out, his relationship with Fenghua\'s martial brothers will be broken, and the latter is just not suitable to take it out, because he can\'t explain it to the Qing emperor at all.

Song Fei chose one, which is the green dragon mental skill practiced by the green dragon family. Although it may offend the green dragon family, since it was exchanged by Fenghua and the green dragon is a divine beast under the green emperor, he must be able to handle it.

As for one water and one soil, Song Fei also gave the Xuanwu family\'s skill and the Kirin family\'s formula.

"Qinglong Heart Sutra, Xuanwu water formula, Qilin earth formula, how many young genius beasts have you killed?" Fenghua sighed.

"You can\'t talk nonsense about this." Song Fei said with a smile. "The transaction is completed. You are welcome to continue to care about it in the future, but next time each ultimate skill will cost 30 gold fairies. If it\'s a first-class gold fairies, interview according to the value."

Fenghua said, "I\'m surprised. Since you are so short of resources, why don\'t you sell your soul mark earlier?"

Song Fei shook his head and said, "I dare not take it out in front of others except senior brother you."

"Oh!" Feng Hua\'s eyes lit up, "Senior brother, will you help me to represent you in the future? Let\'s go to entrap people. The treasures of those people in Shenshan are no less than those of our Heavenly Emperor. There are also the holy land of yaochi. The treasures of the virgin of yaochi are the most recognized, and Chiyou, who specializes in black hands. No one knows how many treasures he has, but everyone knows that he is a rich robber. We can also do business in other fields, For example, the demon world, the earth world and the Asura world. Although there are few magic weapons in those places, there are some specialties whose value is no lower than that of gold fairies. "

"Cheat people? I like it." Song Fei said with a smile. "As long as you are willing to act as agent, you dare to sell it."

"Ha ha, it\'s easy to say." Fenghua stood up and then smiled at Song Fei. "Check the 90 golden fairies well. Maybe there\'s a surprise."

After that, Fenghua disappeared with five soul marks. He came quickly and walked quickly.

"Is there a surprise? Won\'t it be a pit?" Song Fei muttered.