God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1741

The four city guards were directly killed by Song Fei, which attracted the attention of many people.

Ford looked at all this blankly, and looked at the four motionless bodies at a loss. Their blood was still warm and their hearts were still beating subconsciously, but everyone knew that it was impossible for them to get up from the ground again.

"Young master, kill them and run away." Ford trembled with fear.

"Oh, won\'t you go?" Song Fei smiled.

Ford shook his head and said, "I can\'t go. If I go, who will save Qiu Yong and Qiu di."

Song Fei raised his eyebrows. They were both people who had followed Baiyun out of the dead Jedi. They went to Baiyun city with Ford. They didn\'t expect to have an accident in their own Optimus city.

Song Fei held Ford and moved. Ford felt a change in front of him and came to a strange place.

"The magic weapon of space!" Ford was a little frightened.

Song Fei appeared, changed back to his original appearance, stared at Ford and said in a deep voice, "tell me what\'s going on."

"Ah, brother Yue, sect leader Yue, you are not......" Ford said.

"I\'m not dead, am I? Hehe, many people think so, so the whole Optimus city is in chaos, isn\'t it?" Song Fei said. "Now you can tell me what happened."

Optimus city is Song Fei\'s fortune house and his cornucopia. Naturally, no trouble is allowed.

Ford sighed and said: "We came from Tianmen City to go to miss Baiyun. We had been on the road for more than 30 years. We only arrived at Qingtian city 20 years ago. Miss Baiyun gave us this shop. We operate some magic weapons. We have our own shops, so many people will sell things here. We charge a certain handling fee. Such a life is not for us Second to the blissful world preached by the Western Buddha.

A month ago, since the news of your death came, the whole Optimus city has fallen into a strange atmosphere. Many city guards began to bully shops under the name of catching spies, and many city guards began to do evil. I remember a family surnamed Fang next door. Not long after they moved in, a daughter of their family was favored by a small commander surnamed Shang city guard and wanted to take her as a concubine. That\'s right Because her daughter had a long engagement, the family naturally disagreed. As a result, the next day, the family surnamed Fang died miserably in the shop. Her daughter\'s body was naked and her eyes were wide open when she died. Later, the city guard came to investigate, and the results of the investigation were soon announced. It turned out to be suicide. "

"Suicide? Hahaha, what a suicide, a collective suicide, and a naked suicide." Song Fei smiled, but there was no smile in his eyes. He angrily said, "where\'s Zhang Xiong? Haven\'t you seen him? No one reported to the top of qingtianjian sect?"

Fude said, "since the news of your death came, the news of the enemy\'s attack in the city has been widely spread. Lord Zhang returned to qingtianjian school to prepare for the war. Before he left, he announced that vice Lord Xiao was the main thing. However, I don\'t know why this happened. It would be great if you came back, young master Yue."

Song Fei said grimly, "some people are too anxious to jump out so early. Is it Shang? Hum."

"Young master Yue, you?" Ford asked curiously.

Song Fei said with a smile, "it\'s all right. Just rest assured and practice here. Leave the rest to me."

"Thank you, young master Yue." Ford bowed deeply, and then found that Song Fei had disappeared.

Optimus City, the city Lord\'s mansion.

In the main hall of the city Lord\'s residence today, Xiao Zhiru sits on the main seat. Beside him sit Xue Xinran and Xue Xinqi. Now the two women have the temperament of being independent.

Song Fei looked at everything in the city master\'s house with his eyes and ears.

Below the three, there are more than a dozen slightly squinting experts. All of them were hired when Qingtian city was founded. Nine of them are the leaders of the city guard. One of them is the strongest. He is an expert of level 6 of Tianxian.

In addition, there are three immortal level tool refiners in the tool refining hall. These three people are old people with long beards. In addition, there are two immortal experts. Song Fei doesn\'t know or know their specific positions. Because they don\'t wear the armor of the city guard, Song Fei thinks they may be administrative talents.

These people constitute the high-rise of Optimus today.

At the moment, Xiao Zhiru tightened his face. Xue Xinran and the two sisters sat in their positions without saying a word and looked coldly at a young man standing up.

The young man, dressed in white armor of the city guard and the most powerful master of Tianxian level 6, is walking slowly in the hall and saying: "Now there are more and more people coming to Qingtian City, and the business is getting better and better. I propose that in the future, Dan Hall and Lianqi hall be incorporated into our city guard, which will be under the unified control of the city guard. Now the shops are too comfortable, and the tax efficiency of your administrative personnel is too low. I suggest that the tax burden be increased by five times, and our city guard will send someone to collect it."

"That\'s unreasonable." Xue Xinqi slapped himself on the table below, made a loud noise and stood up, "Do you want to swallow the achievements of the refining utensil hall and the pill hall alone? You want to take all the pills for yourself. The tax was personally formulated by the leader of our Optimus sword sect. After that, it will only make everyone stop at our Optimus city. Moreover, if your city guard wants to collect the tax, it should be collected in your own pocket."

The young man smiled and continued: "Don\'t worry, deputy city leader. I haven\'t spoken yet. I know that many shops will be determined to leave Optimus city by raising five times the tax. Therefore, I suggest that if all shops want to leave, they should be arrested on the charge of defection and be punished with confiscation of all their property. We should use some means for some unruly people. The people who made the city rules in the past are so kind and soft, There are so many loopholes left, but don\'t worry, I will make up these loopholes. "

Xuexinqi looked at the young man coldly and said, "what if I don\'t promise?"

"Ha ha!" the young man smiled softly, and his momentum rushed forward suddenly. Only Xue Xinqi of the earth fairy realm was rushed and sat down suddenly, crushing the chair under him. Fortunately, Xue Xinran held him and her, so that she didn\'t make a big fool of herself. However, this scene also made Xue Xinran\'s vice mayor lose face.

Xue looked at the young man happily and said, "elder Shang\'s proposal is very good, but Qingtian City stipulates that any law promulgation must be signed by our city master and three deputy city masters, and approved by three people above the elder level of Qingtian sword sect. I will report your proposal."