God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1742

Listening to Xue Xinran\'s obvious desire to delay, the young man shook his head and said with a smile: "no, no, no, now that Yue Tianyu has died, even Chengxiong has left Optimus city. They can give up Optimus City, but we can\'t give up. After all, this Optimus city is our city."

Xiao Zhiru finally opened his mouth and said in a deep voice, "elder Shang may have forgotten that you are just hired. Qingtian city is the Qingtian city of Qingtian sword sect. You are just appointed."

The young man\'s eyes flashed fiercely. Suddenly, he took a hand and clawed Xiao Zhiru\'s right hand at the void. Xiao Zhiru flew up from his seat and into the young man\'s hands.

Holding Xiao Zhiru\'s neck, the young man said with a ferocious smile: "old man, did I let you speak? It\'s hard for Qingtian sword sect to protect itself. Don\'t be ignorant of current affairs at this time."

After saying that, he released Xiao Zhiru. Xiao Zhiru\'s face was blue and white. Snow happily helped Xiao Zhiru up and pulled him aside for fear that Xiao Zhiru would be killed on the spot.

All the elders looked at this scene, but they were indifferent.

An elder of the refining hall wanted to speak, but his companion, who was also the elder of the refining hall, pressed his thigh and then shook his head at him. The elder of the refining hall sighed and looked dim.

The young man said with a smile: "Yue Tianyu is dead and Qingtian sword sect is in danger, but I have the ability to keep Qingtian City prosperous."

After his words, another elder of the refining hall got up and said, "since Qingtian sword sect is going to be destroyed and Yue Tianyu is dead, the city Lord Zhang Xiong abandoned us, so I suggest that we choose another city Lord. Elder Shang has the highest cultivation and has made greater contributions to Qingtian city. I propose to take elder Shang as the city Lord."

An administrator also got up and said, "Shang Changlao\'s contribution to Qingtian city is vivid. If the city owner is re elected and does not choose him, I will be the first to express my dissatisfaction."

Some people in the city guard also got up and said, "I, Jiang Yunfeng, also agree with Shang Changlao as the city master."

"Hahaha, thank you for your love." young man Shang Qirong raised his hand to the crowd, as if everything was under his control.

Xuexinqi slowly got up and said in a harsh voice, "I will never allow Qingtian city to fall into the hands of such a wolf like you."

"Hahaha, little beauty, your objection is invalid." Shang Qirong said with a smile, "Optimus city is our city. Now everyone supports me. I Shang Qirong is naturally the city master who still won\'t let me."

Just then, the old man who wanted to stop Shang Qirong stood up, hugged Shang Qirong and said, "congratulations."

"Oh?" seeing the old man\'s voice, Shang Qirong was surprised. Then he was very happy and said with a laugh: "elder Kong, thank you for your support. In the future, we will work together for the development of Qingtian city."

The old man surnamed Kong, with a gloomy face, said faintly, "I\'m blessed by Optimus city. I can\'t help today. How can I collude with you? It seems that it\'s doomed to change the master of Optimus city today. I\'ll leave."

Shang Qirong\'s smile was fixed on his face, and his voice was cold: "Kong Changlao, you have to go."

Shang Qirong stepped forward and stood in front of elder Kong.

At this moment, the old man who had stopped elder Kong also got up and said, "different Tao do not conspire with each other. We don\'t want to be enemies with elder Shang. Do elder Shang want to be enemies with us?"

The weapon refiner has a very high status in the fairy world. He does not rely on his own strength, but on his unparalleled appeal. A weapon refiner who can refine celestial tools can be treated well wherever he is, even in the super power. The Qingtian sword sect can catch these two people, in addition to relying on the unique spirit tools, Gave them enough freedom and the rights of Optimus.

Looking at the fierce light in Shang Qirong\'s eyes, Kong Siqi sneered: "why, do you still want to keep me two."

Shang Qirong reacted and said with a faint smile: "you are the pillar of Qingtian city. If you are allowed to leave like this, you will be laughed at by the outside world. Shang Qirong has no room for people. I hope you two will stay for a while."

Kong Siqi said coldly, "what if I insist on going."

Before Shang Qirong answered, two other experts of the city guard got up and said, "I\'ll go with elder Kong, too. Can Shang Changlao let me go?"

For these two casual practitioners, Kong Siqi was not so polite, and said in a harsh voice: "He Lai, he Bo, do you two have to fall into the well at this moment?"

He Lai said with a smile, "we\'re just leaving. It doesn\'t have any impact on elder Shang\'s plan. Do we have to kill the fish and catch the net? We\'re favored by Optimus sword sect. If elder Shang has to be embarrassed, my brother will fight for Optimus sword sect."

"OK, I promise you to leave." Shang Qirong said with a gloomy face, "if you stay, your treatment will remain the same, and Qingtian city will be more prosperous in the future. Don\'t regret it."

Xue Xinran took Xue Xinqi and said to Xiao Zhiru, "let\'s go too."

"You!" Shang Qirong looked at the three and said with a grim smile, "please stay for a while. Since we elect the city master, we need all the votes to be fair and fair, don\'t you think."

At this moment, a cold voice sounded in the room: "what if I don\'t agree."

The voice came out of the blue. Most of the participants were experts, but no one understood where it came from.

At the next moment, the space splits silently, and Song Fei steps out of the space crack.

"Xiaoyu!" xuexinqi\'s eyes were filled with excitement after seeing Song Fei, as if he couldn\'t believe all this was true.

All eyes were on Song Fei.

Shang Qirong took a deep breath, then showed a smile and said, "it\'s sect leader Yue. I didn\'t expect sect leader Yue to come to Qingtian city. It\'s really far from welcome."

Song Fei looked at him coldly as if he were a dead man.

Shang Qirong then said with a smile, "Qingtian sword sect is in danger. It\'s not right for Yue gang leader not to go to Qingtian sword sect to prepare for the war. I\'m afraid it\'s wrong to come to Qingtian city."

Song Fei said coldly, "are you finished?"

"No, no, no!" Shang Qirong said with a smile, "next, we have to discuss the law of Optimus city. It\'s confidential. As a guest, please avoid it. Come on, please go down and have a rest."

Three celestial beings got up, and then two celestial seven level masters rushed in at the door. The momentum sent out made Kong Siqi and others slightly change their faces.

Xue Xinqi shouted, "Shang Qirong, you really dare to rebel."

"Rebellion? Ha ha, elder Xue laughed." Shang Qirong said, "this is the matter of Qingtian city. How can Yue Tianyu interfere with the secrets of Qingtian city?"

"Young master Yue, please." the five people gathered around Song Fei, their magic power was hidden, and they were connected to each other.