God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1740

There are nine elders in Optimus City alone. Each of them has good fighting strength, just because they are recruited from outside and can\'t contact the core of Optimus sword sect. Naturally, Song Fei won\'t care too much about their identity. After all, this is a commercial city. There is no secret of Optimus sword sect. As long as they can maintain stability.

Of course, if you bully others in the city, you will never be allowed in Optimus city. Once you find it, you will be expelled and lose the qualification to live in Optimus city forever.

In addition, there are some immortal city guards. They work harder on weekdays. They patrol every day and night. Their cultivation time can only occupy half. Just because they can live in Optimus City, many immortal masters break their heads and drill into Optimus city.

Song Fei held a list given to him by Feng Xian in his hand and said softly, "Shang Qirong, Mu Yue, Jiang Yunfeng and Duan Qiurong. Hehe, if you don\'t pick a problem, I can\'t accommodate you."

Feng Xian has found out that these four people are undercover agents arranged by major super powers in Optimus city. If they are OK on weekdays and don\'t make trouble in Optimus city at the critical moment, it is not ruled out that if they mess up, kill and destroy in Optimus city while Optimus sword sect is fighting with others, it will have a huge negative impact on Optimus city.

Song Fei believes that once they enter Optimus City, they will form gangs and enhance their power.

Song Fei whispered, "I can tolerate Gang building and human nature. I just want to know how many people choose to fall into the well when Qingtian sword sect is in crisis."

Naturally, many people can\'t do it, and Song Fei doesn\'t force it, but if someone takes the opportunity to drop a stone, it\'s intolerable.

When Song Fei left from the closed door, he had never stepped into Optimus city. At the moment, he slowly appreciated the streets of Optimus city and looked at his own city. A trace of pride emerged in his heart.

This is our own city, a city created by ourselves. Without ourselves, there will be no city.

Song Fei even saw someone in a different courtyard open the door and stretch out in the door. After this scene was captured, it attracted the envy and envy of countless people. Having another courtyard is equivalent to having the right to live in Optimus city. Many people know that the house price in Optimus city will rise sharply, but even now, Even ordinary celestial masters can\'t afford it.

An immortal master clenched his fist and said to himself, "one day, I will have a different hospital in Qingtian city."

Song Fei smiled and went on walking along a street. Suddenly, a figure flew out of the shop next to him. Song Fei stopped and looked at the figure with a slight frown.

In Optimus City, private fighting is forbidden. Even attacking others is not allowed. Unexpectedly, someone openly violates the city rules?

At the next moment, Song Fei was more anxious and surprised and said, "Ford!"

It turned out to be Ford. When song Feigang just flew to the fairy world and followed Baiyun into the death Jedi, he formed a friendship with Ford and others. Because Ford lived a long time, he also taught Song Fei a lot of common sense in the fairy world.

Song Fei remembered that they went to Tianmen City later. Because their strength was only human immortals, they were arranged to work in other places. Therefore, they were not seen in the last battle in Tianmen City.

Ford was lifted from the ground by Song Fei. The former looked at the strange face and wondered, "are you?"

Song Fei thought that his present appearance was not his original appearance, so he smiled and said, "I am a friend of Baiyun, so I know you. I just came to Qingtian city today, but I also heard that private fighting is prohibited in Tianmen City. What\'s the matter with you? Why didn\'t you call the city guard."

The worst thing about the city guard is the strength of the earth immortals. As long as someone calls, they can appear at the first time. Moreover, with the immortal\'s divine sense, if there is a private fight, it will certainly attract the attention of the city guard.

In order to prevent his identity from being revealed, Song Fei\'s divine sense has not dispersed, but he saw that four immortals wearing city guard armor appeared in the shops that flew out of Ford.

Song Fei\'s eyebrows immediately frowned. If the city guard didn\'t maintain law and order, it couldn\'t use force privately. Song Fei knew that Ford was always careful and shouldn\'t do anything harmful to Optimus city.

The four people walked out of the shop with iron boots, and the sound of "stepping on the ground" brought inexplicable pressure. With the momentum of the four people released, Ford changed his face like a boat in the waves.

Song Fei saw through the door that when one of the city guards walked out of the store, he even used his magic power to collect all the treasures in the store into his storage ring. Such behavior is tantamount to robbery. Such a thing happened in his Optimus city.

Song Fei is a little angry and secretly tells Zhang Xiong what to do. Where are the snow sisters? How can we attract others to Optimus city in the future when such a thing happens.

The four stood out in front of Ford and then looked at Song Fei with their heads tilted. It felt like a little gangster. Where was the spirit of the city guard as a soldier.

According to the city regulations, if the shop owner makes a mistake, the city guard Quartermaster will block the shop and prohibit anyone from going in and out. After counting all the things in the shop, they will remain motionless. No one is allowed to use them without permission. Only with the consent of the Deputy City Master can someone else accept them. The city guard had no right to receive it from beginning to end.

This is a rule to prevent the city guard from secretly abusing power for personal gain. Song Fei never thought that someone openly provoked the law of Optimus city under his own eyes, and he was still his own city guard.

A city guard looked at Fude and said, "old man, welcome to Qingtian city to open a shop next time."

Fudra took the hand of the city guard and said, "Sir, you can\'t do this. This is all the wealth of Laozao, and many of them are sold by others. If these goods are gone, Laozao is as good as dead."

Song Fei pulls Ford away. Ford looks at the stranger who claims to be Baiyun\'s friend. He doesn\'t think he can\'t resist each other\'s power at all. He can only be obediently pulled aside by Song Fei.

Song Fei ignored the city guard, but looked at Fude and said, "tell me what happened."

Next to Song Fei, a city guard army said in a strange voice, "Oh, there\'s nosy. I suspect you\'re a foreign spy. Go to the city guard camp with me to investigate."

Song Fei looked up and looked at the city guard coldly. He slapped him out and directly fanned him to the ground. The other three city guards saw it and immediately killed Song Fei. Song Fei slapped three times again. The four people lay on the ground together and didn\'t get up. They were all smashed by song Fei.