God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1732

Night Han Xuan sent out a shocked and trembling voice: "my finger, unexpectedly, is broken."

He used his mana to point at the opposite forehead and tried to break his soul. The final result was that his fingers were broken, which was a great blow to his arrogant heart.

"How can I? I\'m a genius. I\'m the strongest of the younger generation. How can I fail?" night hanxuan said to himself, "I have the best resources, the best cultivation environment and the strongest expert guidance. How can I be better than you."

"Pa!" with the sound of a voice, the voice of night cold Xuan suddenly stopped.

Night Han Xuan subconsciously covered his face, looked at Song Fei\'s palm incredulously, and immediately shouted, "you hit me? How can it be? I\'m the strongest genius of the young generation, how can you hit me..."

"Pa!" another slap slapped and fanned Yehan Xuan\'s face to the other side. From beginning to end, Yehan Xuan could only see a shadow. Before he could Dodge, there was a hot pain on his face. The speed was not that he could avoid at all.

"No, it\'s impossible. I\'m the king of the younger generation. None of the young people is my opponent."


"Pa Pa Pa!" several slaps in succession, completely blindfolded Yehan Xuan, and also defeated his unprecedented expansion of self-confidence.

All this happened too quickly. Even Heiya and others grew up and watched Song Fei beat ye hanxuan with an almost insulting behavior.

Song Fei said with a smile, "genius? I\'m a genius. I\'m not a genius. I\'m not qualified to let me do it. Come on, let\'s continue."

"This is not true." night Han Xuan roared.


Song Fei said with a smile, "well, it\'s not true, so don\'t care."

"I\'m a genius!"


Song Fei said, "I just told you that it\'s not a genius who doesn\'t deserve me."

Night Han Xuan suddenly retreated and took a big breath. He seemed to calm down. He looked at Song Fei with a gloomy face and said in a deep voice: "you must die. If you don\'t cut yourself, I will let everyone around you be buried with you, your friends, your relatives and your subordinates of Qingtian sword sect."

Song Fei\'s eyes flashed a murderous spirit and said coldly, "you want to force me to kill you."

"No, you can\'t kill me. You\'re just an immortal realm. There are 18 night guards behind me. As long as they fight, you\'re not an opponent at all. Even if you\'re a golden immortal, even if your strength is stronger than night guards, I can still dispatch more powerful experts to kill you." night hanxuan said, "You expect these people in front of you to save you. They can\'t stop the people I want to kill. But now I don\'t want to kill you with night guards, but let you decide by yourself, make you feel desperate and end your life in despair. If you decide by yourself, I can spare the people around you."

Song Fei sighed and then said faintly, "there was a saying that lied to you just now. I won\'t kill you. It\'s not because there is a big gap between you and me, but because Xiao Qi said just now that your parents have made great war achievements for the fairy world, so spare your life, but if you ask for death, I\'ll help you."

"Hahaha, Yue Tianyu, I admit to belittle you, but so what? Even if you have more talent than me, you still have only one way to die if you have no power." night hanxuan laughed.

"It\'s really noisy." Song Fei raised his hand and slapped him again towards Yehan Xuan. This time, he directly slapped him. Yehan Xuan\'s face was full of killing expression, and the quarrel was blood flowing. Around him, several teeth followed him.

The black cliff in the distance laughed loudly and said, "ha ha, Shuang, this slap is so cool."

Feng Xian said coldly, "it\'s up to you. Not everyone can be provoked."

Yeda and Yeer came forward, one left and one right caught Yehan Xuan\'s body, but they still didn\'t make a move without Yehan Xuan\'s command.

Night Han Xuan covered half of his swollen face, and his high momentum disappeared completely. Like a resentful woman, he pointed to Song Fei and shouted, "night is big, cripple him."

"Yeda takes command!" Yeda looses Yehan Xuan\'s arm, and then focuses on Song Fei\'s face. The palm of his right hand is empty towards Song Fei. Around Song Fei, golden lights begin to emerge. The light is like a sword and silk, and it keeps cutting Song Fei\'s body.

Black cliff looked at Song Fei and said, "brother, be careful! This is the power of Jinxian level."

With the action of the night University, the faces of Xuanyuan Buke and others completely sank. Although they had great confidence in Song Fei, they would not think that Song Fei had the ability to fight against Jinxian. Moreover, they heard that Song Fei used special means to defeat a Jinxian in the long-term trial.

Now, there are two Jinxian in front of Song Fei.

Feng Xian shouted: "stop, the golden immortal level strong can\'t be used to fight against the genius of the fairy world. If you don\'t stop, you can\'t afford the punishment of the Heavenly Emperor."

The night University seemed not to hear, and continued to exert its strength.

Feng Xian and the other four planned to come forward to stop them, but they saw a wave of Yeer\'s sleeve. The four were forced away by invisible forces and could not get close to Song Fei\'s battlefield and Yeda\'s battlefield at all.

Feng Xian shouted, "don\'t keep it. No matter what today, you can\'t hurt Tianyu."

"Don\'t do it!" Song Fei said faintly, and his words were full of strong self-confidence, which made the four people subconsciously follow Song Fei\'s decision and stop helping.

The next moment, looking at the direction of Yehan Xuan, he whispered, "who is more powerful than his men? OK, Xiaobai and Xiaojin, you two come out."

"Guild leader, can you change your name? How do I feel that the word Xiaobai means a fool." a portal appeared around me, and then a strong man with long snow-white hair walked out of the portal.

"I also think Xiao Jin is bad." beside the white haired man, there is a blonde man. They stand around Song Fei like two iron towers.

They are the human form of Golden Dragon and white tiger.

Feeling the power of the golden way around them, the corners of their mouths turned up slightly. Among the three worlds, what kind of creatures can catch up with the divine beast white tiger when it comes to the talent of the golden way, even the golden dragon, which is also a divine beast, is still a little inferior in the talent of the golden way.

Seeing the two people appear, the pupils of Yeda and Yeer suddenly shrink. Jinxian realm is very sensitive to danger. From the two people, they feel an unmatched breath.

But soon they put this feeling down again. They are night guards. They are finally night guards of the night family. Nothing can make them shrink back.

At the next moment, the mana of Yeda suddenly shrinks and turns into a big net to wrap Song Fei in it.