God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1731

"No matter how angry and provocative he is at me, I will only laugh away. Because we don\'t live at the same level at all, maybe I smile because its angry actions are interesting." song Feidao.

This metaphor is novel, but it is very appropriate to reflect Song Fei\'s current ideas. For today\'s young generation, Song Fei really has no interest in fighting.

If I entered the original Shendi secret realm and faced all kinds of provocations from Tang Yu, I might smile and slap my face.

When the realm gap is large and the horizon is high, some people naturally don\'t care. Before, Tang Yu was killed because Tang Yu always posed a threat to him. Now, even if Tang Yu is alive, he is only a mole ant in Song Fei\'s eyes. At most, he is regarded as a sharpener of Qingtian sword school.

Hearing Song Fei\'s words, Feng Xian finally stepped back and stood quietly behind Song Fei.

Heiya laughed and all his anger disappeared. The whole person was very happy. He laughed and said, "hahaha, the anger of ants is interesting. It\'s too interesting. What\'s the matter with your face, night Han Xuan? It seems very unhappy. Smile, or you can stretch out your angry tentacles now."

Such words are the biggest disgrace to yehanxuan, who claims to be the pride of heaven and the first person of the young generation. From small to large, everyone is respectful and praising him. No one has ever dared to insult himself like this.

It was more painful than killing him. His anger was about to erupt and burn the people in front of him.

"That\'s enough." night Han Xuan raised his head suddenly, and looked at Song Fei ferociously, "To give you time to show off your tongue is my last kindness to you. I admit that you have angered me, which will only make your suffering more painful. Stupid man, let you pay the price now. My appearance will no longer be the age when there are no tigers in the mountains. You monkey is called the king."

Night Han Xuan\'s light rose sharply, approaching Song Fei step by step, and his power broke out in an all-round way.

Night Han Xuan had absolute confidence in his strength. He seemed to see that Song Fei\'s face changed greatly under the impact of his momentum at the next moment. Then he felt his real strength and turned pale. He just didn\'t know whether Yue Tianyu knelt down to beg for mercy or resisted stubbornly.

After taking a step, night Han Xuan saw that Song Fei was still standing in place and was not forced back by his momentum as imagined.

The night cold Xuan thought: "it has some strength, but it depends on how long you endure." the next moment, the night cold Xuan took a step again.

"Hmm?" night Han Xuan was a little surprised. Song Fei was still a calm expression in front of him, and his momentum was like a huge wave patting on the reef.

"It\'s good to be calm. I managed to hold back under the impact of my momentum." With his strength, ye hanxuan has the confidence to attack the strongest of the young generation in the fairyland. Even Huo Bai, the first person of the young generation of Shenshan, can\'t withstand the impact of his momentum. Ye hanxuan, with unprecedented confidence, doesn\'t believe that Song Fei can stop his momentum by strength, so it can only be attributed to the good determination of the other party.

Heiya and Xuanyuan Buke and others looked at yehanxuan with great interest. They had heard of Song Fei\'s outstanding performance in the changguan trial. Although the changguan trial made Shenshan shut up about the content of the trial because of the interference of evil gods, they knew Song Fei\'s deeds of pressing Mu Qing and Huo Bai.

Night Han Xuan just left the pass, and his subordinates thought Song Fei was dead. Naturally, he didn\'t have time to tell him about it. However, with his current self-confidence, even if he learned that Song Fei was defeating Huo Bai and Mu Qing, he wouldn\'t care at all.

The unprecedented expansion of confidence is unstoppable.

Time passed quickly. When Han Xuan came to Song Fei that night, he still didn\'t see Song Fei retreat under the impact of his momentum. Instead, he raised his mouth, just like watching a monkey playing.

The unknown fire suddenly ran up on the ground, and the golden light in the hands of night Han Xuan was even more shining. He shouted loudly: "no matter what magic weapon you use to resist my momentum, you can\'t reverse the reality that you are waste. Waste is waste, even if you have a treasure is waste."

The golden light condensed into a lightsaber and cut it hard towards Song Fei\'s right arm.

Looking at the lightsaber of night hanxuan, a trace of amazement flashed in Song Fei\'s eyes. The lightsaber gave Song Fei the feeling that it was not only the magic power of jinzhidao, but also the combination of magic weapon and magic power.

A special treasure looks familiar.

At the moment when the lightsaber was cut off, everyone\'s expressions were extremely rich. Except that the 18th night guard was indifferent, Feng Xian and others looked like watching the play. The expression on the distant night Han Mo\'s face was somewhat similar to that of Feng Xian and others, but a little more happy.

Song Fei stretched out his right arm, raised his index finger and middle finger to face the lightsaber of night Han Xuan, and unexpectedly clamped the lightsaber with his index finger.

Night Han Xuan smiled grimly and laughed at Song Fei\'s overestimation, as if his whole arm was neatly cut in half under his lightsaber at the next moment.

"Ding!" the crisp sound of metal hitting rang through the whole audience. The transmission of the sound completely violated the law of the need for media in the void, pierced the sky like lightning and spread to everyone\'s ears.

It sounds so incredible to night hanxuan and others.

At this moment, the pupils of Yeda and Yeer suddenly contracted, and they repeatedly realized that they had some gaffes. They soon recovered to their cold touch. Maybe it\'s not worth fighting in their eyes at the moment.

"How could it be like this." night hanxuan stared at his lightsaber and Song Fei\'s fingers. They were like a whole, and he couldn\'t make his lightsaber move forward.

In ye hanxuan\'s heart, he is the strongest genius. This confidence expands unprecedentedly. The more confidence expands, the more difficult it is to accept such a fact. In his eyes, Yue Tianyu is just a clown. How can he catch his sword.

How is that possible? How is that possible? A series of greetings came to my mind. I didn\'t believe that the clown in my eyes could surpass me.

"You die for me!" night Han Xuan\'s ferocious face uttered a roar from the bottom of the earth. His left hand formed a sword finger and fiercely stabbed Song Fei\'s forehead. He even wanted to point out Song Fei\'s divine knowledge and destroy everything about Song Fei.

This blow unexpectedly ordered Song Fei\'s forehead as he wished. There was no scene of forehead breaking. Instead, a sharp pain came from the end of his fingers. When he stared at his fingers with unbelievable eyes, he found that both fingers were broken and turned into flesh and blood.