God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1733

The golden net condensed into essence and wrapped Song Fei\'s body. Song Fei was like a fish in a fishing net.

The net ground is very tight. If not for experts of the same level, the net wires are enough to cut the body in the net into pieces of flesh and blood, even the yuan God can\'t be spared.

Without Yehan Xuan\'s order, Yeda didn\'t use the power of the golden net to cut Song Fei.

The next moment, the night University grabbed the other end of the golden net and pulled it back.

Song Fei\'s white tiger stretched out his big hand and grabbed the big net around him. He looked at the night in the distance and sneered, with a thick irony.

Night university immediately found that the golden net in his hand took root in the hands of the white tiger, and he couldn\'t pull it. As if he didn\'t believe in evil, night Ambassador gave 100% of his strength and pulled it hard again.

The white tiger didn\'t continue to give the night university a chance to try. He grabbed the golden net with both hands and pulled it to the left and right, tearing it in half.

Yeda gave up the golden net, and then whispered, "Yeer, follow me."

Two golden lights came from a distance at a very fast speed. They came to Yeda Yeer in an instant. The speed was as fast as a blink.

The white tiger and the golden dragon stood in front of Yeda and Yeer. The white tiger said with a grim smile, "are you more than a genius? Come on, everyone is the first rank of Jinxian. Let me see if the so-called genius\'s men are genius or waste."

Jinlong said with a grim smile: "since you are a genius, you must be a genius. Hehe, I hope you will show mercy when you fight."

Night Han Xuan looked at the battlefield with a heavy face and said nothing. He saw a dignified expression from night University\'s eyes.

Night Han Mo shouted, "our soldiers of night family can\'t be compared with those cultivated by Yue Tianyu. Kill these two people at night."

Night Han Xuan said, "indeed, the people of my night family can\'t be compared with others. Behind you, there is the whole night family."

"I see." Yeda whispered. Then they gently held up their right hands, and their palms emitted dazzling light. The next moment, a golden fairy sword appeared in the palm of Yeda\'s hand. Yeda and Yeda combined their mana together, which complemented each other and far exceeded their usual strength.

"Xiaobai, take the sword." Song Fei shouted softly. With a wave of his right hand, a golden fairy sword came from a distance and was held in his hand by the white tiger.

The power of the golden fairy is extremely powerful. If the other party has the golden fairy but the other party does not, the advantage of the body of the white tiger divine beast will be equalized.

After holding the golden fairy, the momentum of the white tiger soared, raised the fairy sword high, and cut it hard towards Yeda Yeer.

The power of the two people\'s Union was split by the white tiger\'s sword, which cut off their connection.

The original two people, like wearing an iron armor, wrapped the whole person in the iron armor. If the opponent wanted to split his defense, he could only split his iron armor severely.

The white tiger\'s sword hit the gap between the armor with a lightning speed, which was very clean and deadly.

In the distance, Song Fei looked at the sword of the white tiger in surprise. Unexpectedly, the white tiger\'s fighting consciousness and fighting experience were so high. When he thought about it, it suddenly became clear that the white tiger had lived in the secret place at the bottom of the Shenguang pool for hundreds of millions of years, and was able to promote the golden immortal in ignorance. None of his talents was hundred million, and the world was a cruel world that followed the rules and survived the struggle, The battle experienced is far from the imagination of fairyland people.

It can be said that he has been fighting all his life. The instinct of fighting goes deep into his soul, which is far from being comparable to Song Fei\'s night hanxuan.

The mana of Yeda and Yeer was divided into two. At the next moment, the Golden Dragon followed and blocked Yeer\'s face, and then blasted out with a fist.

A tiger\'s claw appeared in night two\'s hand, and the golden light of the tiger\'s claw was put into full play.

The Golden Dragon doesn\'t take the tiger\'s claw in his eyes at all. It\'s just an immortal tool. The strength is far less than the Golden Dragon\'s own claw.

There are no superfluous moves. Facing the tiger claw magic weapon of night two, the Golden Dragon\'s right hand becomes a claw and hits him hard.

The tiger\'s claws and claws shine brightly and then collide together.

The tiger\'s claw was broken and flew, and Yeer\'s body retreated for hundreds of kilometers. The right hand that originally held the claw was bleeding and trembling.

Seeing the smashed tiger\'s claws, the white tiger in the distance smiled coldly and disdained to say, "light has its shape, not its God." while talking, the golden sword cleaved to the night University, and the night University holding the golden fairy was also cleaved away.

At the moment, two people at night really realized each other\'s terror. Facing these two people, their own side didn\'t have the strength to fight back.

Black cliff whispered, "it\'s terrible. Where did Yue Tianyu get the master? If it\'s more powerful than our Kirin people, I\'m afraid only some top talents can compare it."

Xuanyuan Buke and others were also surprised to sweep back and forth on the white tiger and golden dragon. It is reasonable to say that such a gifted Jinxian level master should be famous, but these people searched the master\'s information in their mind and couldn\'t find a name similar to them.

Xuanyuan said, "the strength of Qingtian sword sect really shows explosive growth."

Night Han Xuan and others were completely ignorant. They thought that even if they were defeated at night, they would just fall into the disadvantage, but they didn\'t expect that the situation was one-sided.

Despite the consternation of the people, the empty battle in the distance was still going on. Both sides were very restrained for fear that the leaked power might accidentally hurt other people present. The battle of several people was getting farther and farther away. In an instant, the four people disappeared in everyone\'s sight.

Night Han Xuan clenched his fist tightly and came here in high spirits. He wouldn\'t think of such a result.

After ten breaths, the white tiger and the Golden Dragon flew back from a distance. They each carried a dying body in their hands. They had caught them alive on the second day of the night.

"Let them go!" night Han Xuan shouted.

The white tiger sneered and looked at him. His eyes seemed to ask ye hanxuan: are you an idiot?

And Jinlong didn\'t say a word, which only showed that he didn\'t care to talk to Yehan Xuan at all.

Night Han Xuan turned his eyes to Song Fei: "Yue Tianyu, it seems that you really want all your sects to be destroyed."

Song Fei stepped forward with a overcast face. Heiya and others approached Song Fei. Heiya whispered, "brother, do you really want to kill him?"

"Kill him? It\'s too cheap for him." Song Fei sneered and went on.

"Ha ha, Yue Tianyu, you just don\'t dare to kill me." night hanxuan laughed, "I\'ve written down this revenge. I\'ll see you later."

"Who said let you go?" Song Fei said faintly, then motioned white tiger and golden dragon to block in front of the night cold pavilion, while Song Fei took out a special sound transmission jade slip without delay: "Brother Chi, do you remember my younger brother? Hahaha, of course I\'m not dead, and the lark is back. I\'m in the northern battlefield. Come here quickly. Remember to bring some golden immortals. In addition, please keep the news of my life secret."