God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1730

"Ha ha!" ye hanxuan laughed, "this is the northern battlefield. The strong are respected. You so-called descendants of the emperor of heaven will only disgrace your ancestors. Young generation, I am the real supreme and I am the strongest. You have the name of the descendants of the emperor of heaven, but you don\'t have the strength of the emperor of heaven. I, ye hanxuan, will become the sixth emperor of heaven."

Black cliff shook his head and said, "become the sixth emperor of heaven? You are really crazy, and it is more serious than rabies."

Night cold Xuan\'s serious flashed a killing opportunity, and then well hid the killing intention in his heart. He said coldly: "you are the descendants of the emperor of heaven, I won\'t kill you. But if you speak unkindly again, I will give you an unforgettable lesson."

While talking, ye hanxuan\'s right hand was open around him, and the light on his palm became brighter and brighter. At the next moment, his body rushed out and flew at top speed towards Song Fei\'s body.

On the way to the flight, ye hanxuan laughed loudly and said, "do you feel the incomparable power? Let you know what is the real genius. The geniuses in your eyes have become waste compared with me."

"So crazy, let me experience your so-called talent strength." black cliff roared, his hands danced in front of him, and the earthy yellow breath appeared in his chest, which condensed into a mountain and flew towards the night cold Xuan.

The mountains are incomparably thick and have the powerful power of the immortal earth, giving people a sense of being invincible.

"Black cliff, you\'re still far away." the light in Yehan Xuan\'s hand soared, and the palm of his hand took the golden light and clapped it to the flying mountains. The golden light flashed on the surface of the mountains. The next moment, the mountains cracked, and the golden light stabbed out inside like a sword. The light was more and more, and the whole mountain collapsed and dissipated into an earthy yellow air flow.

The black cliff whose mana was broken suddenly took a step back, and there was a slight bloodstain flowing out of the corner of his mouth. This time, the power of counterattack hurt him.

"The Yellow Dragon is proud of the sky!" Xuanyuan couldn\'t take a step forward. With his loud drink, the light of his two arms soared. Then two earthy yellow dragons appeared on his arms. The dragons entangled each other and rushed towards Xuanyuan Buke\'s body.

"The dragon spirit of Xuanyuan family." a trace of jealousy flashed in night hanxuan\'s eyes, and then the light in the palm of his right hand rose again. The golden light turned into a long sword. A sword stood on the head of the Yellow Dragon and directly smashed a Yellow Dragon into the most basic vitality.

His left hand was raised, and the light in the palm of his hand was unsteady. At the moment when the Yellow Dragon jumped on his body, a golden light suddenly shot out from the palm of his hand and smashed the head of the Yellow Dragon.

Xuanyuan\'s spell of pressing the bottom of the box was broken in an instant.

The next moment, Yehan Xuan\'s right hand gently popped up, and a golden light blew on Xuanyuan Buke\'s chest and blew him out.

Xuanyuan\'s body is getting closer and closer, and the smile on his face is getting stronger and stronger. All his eyes are on Song Fei. He said in a grim voice: "in this world, some people are not you can blaspheme, some people are not you can approach, and their dignity and inferiority are orderly and different. Today I\'ll teach you what is the great gift of human relations. If you don\'t know the consequences of dignity and inferiority, you have to use your life as the price."

"Night Han Xuan, stop." Feng Xian and LAN jing\'er block in front of night Han Xuan together. Feng Xian is colder. "Don\'t make a mistake. If you turn around and leave now, I can let Tianyu let you go."

"Give me a break? Tianyu? Is so affectionate, bitch." night Han Xuan said coldly, completely different from the gentle and indifferent young master in ordinary days. His ferocious face seemed to destroy everything he saw in front of him.

Feng Xian\'s company completely sank down and said loudly, "you\'re clean when you die, but even if you want to die, don\'t give people trouble. Tianyu wants to kill you, just like crushing an mole ant, but the storm after your death will bring countless troubles to the living people."

Night Han Xuan stopped in front of Feng Xian, took a serious look at Feng Xian, and then drank coldly: "if you don\'t get away, don\'t blame me for being rude to you."

In the distance, night Han Mo said loudly, "Feng Xian, my brother is the strongest of the young generation. You don\'t have to say these words to scare us. All the people in our night family climbed out of the sea of blood. How can they be cheated by your mere words."

Feng Xian looked at Ye Hanmo and shouted: "shut up, the ancestors of Ye family climbed out of the sea of blood. Yes, they also made great achievements for the fairyland. But you, ye Hanmo, are just an unknown moth. You are a dandy who can\'t accomplish anything but defeat. You\'re hurting your brother."

Feng Xian was really angry. She stopped ye hanxuan. She really didn\'t want his parents to appear because of Ye hanxuan\'s death. She knew that Optimus sword sect needed a quiet time to recuperate. If ye hanxuan\'s parents came with hatred, it would cause immeasurable damage to Optimus sword sect.

Song Fei sighed in his heart. He just understood Feng Xian\'s concerns, so he didn\'t stop Feng Xian. Each of these super power disciples came out small, old and endless, and brought countless troubles to himself.

The grudge between himself and rosefinch Phoenix hasn\'t been solved yet. Unexpectedly, another night home that makes Feng Xian worry about.

In the distance, the night cold ink continued to roar: "Yue Tianyu, can you only hide behind women? Where\'s your original momentum? Ha ha, Yue Tianyu, you\'re a coward."

Song Fei smiled, took a step forward, and gently pushed away Feng Xian and LAN jing\'er. After seeing Song Fei\'s action, the night cold ink in the distance thought his provocation was successful and smiled proudly.

"Tianyu!" Feng Xian whispered.

"Elder martial brother Yue!" Lan jing\'er said.

Song Fei said softly with a smile, "I understand what you mean. Do you think I will kill him because I can\'t stand his provocation?"

A trace of amazement flashed on their faces, and their eyes seemed to say, isn\'t it?

Yue Tianyu has risen all the way, but he has killed many people.

Song Fei said with a smile, "you underestimate me too much, or overestimate him. Do you think a giant dragon will care about the provocation of a mole ant?"

The people were stunned again. Heiya laughed and said, "it\'s a very good metaphor. Hahaha, that\'s right. Compared with your brother, ye hanxuan, who claims to be a genius, is the gap between mole ants and dragons."

Night Han Xuan\'s face seemed to freeze coldly, and the killing intention in his eyes was getting stronger and stronger, as if he was repressing. When he repressed to a certain extent, more terrible power would break out.

Song Fei then said, "I stood on the cloud and watched a little ant waving its tentacles at me. No matter how angry and provocative he was, I would only laugh off. Because we don\'t live at the same level at all. Maybe I smiled because its angry actions were interesting."