God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1713

Hold Mo Yu\'s body with your right hand and press it down, while the top of your right leg knee.

In this process, Mo Yu wanted to resist. Even if he was indifferent at ordinary times, at the edge of life and death, he still broke out a strong desire for survival. All evil forces broke out at this moment, impacting Song Fei\'s body and trying to get out of Song Fei\'s control.

However, no matter how Mo Yu struggled, Song Fei\'s hand holding his throat was like a pliers and could not shake a penny. As for the power of the evil spirit that impacted Song Fei\'s body, it was rushed by the golden flame outside Song Fei\'s body. When it fell on Song Fei, it could no longer cause any damage to his body.

Then, Mo Yu could no longer feel the existence of the body. He was the flesh body, which was turned into the purest flesh and blood under Song Fei\'s hands and feet. Then it was rolled by the pale golden flame, and the whole flesh body completely disappeared. Immediately, the flame climbed up his head, and the tingling feeling filled his whole body.

Seeing Moyu\'s head burned into nothingness, Song Fei gently waved his right hand, and all the light golden flames were absorbed into his body.

There were experts flying from the rear. Song Fei smiled faintly and walked towards the front. His body slowly hid into the flame.

In the following time, Song Fei has been haunted and killed the experts of the evil sect. In one day, three golden immortal experts and hundreds of Heavenly Immortal experts died in Song Fei\'s hands. As for the earth immortals, there are too many, so many that Song Fei can\'t calculate.

Although the results of the day\'s war did not hurt the strength of the evil sect, it also brought them a major blow. The consequence of this event was that the evil sect was more cautious and slower.

Outside the explosive Jedi, the second jailer kept Hess standing in the bow of the boat to watch. However, after so many days, his side suffered many deaths and injuries, but he still didn\'t catch the shadow of Song Fei.

In the distance, Linton, who was sitting cross legged, suddenly got up, hugged Hess and said, "Sir, Zoke is coming."

"Finally?" heard the name, Hess\'s spirit was shocked. "Bring him to me."

Then, an old man in a black robe appeared silently behind Hess. The old man had a hooked nose and a long face with an extremely gloomy expression, like a dead man.

Standing behind Hess, Zucker bowed slightly and said in a hoarse voice, "Zucker, meet the second prison envoy."

Hess turned, looked at Zucker and said, "you\'re welcome. It\'s great that you can come back in time. You should have heard what happened recently."

Zuo Ke nodded and said, "all my subordinates listen to Lord Linton. Since Yue Tianyu is so presumptuous, my subordinates will naturally try their best to catch him and let him be disposed of by adults in front of adults."

"In that case, go now. If you do meritorious service this time, I will personally ask for meritorious service for you and raise your golden immortal realm by at least one level." Hayes said.

"Thank you, sir." Zucker saluted again. Then the space in front of him cracked silently. After Zucker stepped into the space crack, the space began to heal slowly again.

Linton said with a smile, "Sir, if Zuo Ke makes a move, Yue Tianyu must be able to catch it."

Hess nodded and said, "there is space power. Those congenital prohibitions can\'t threaten him. Zucker should not disappoint me. Now guard the periphery comprehensively to prevent Yue Tianyu from escaping."

"Yes!" Linton said.

The center of the explosive flame Jedi is also an endless sea of fire. Compared with the outside temperature, the flame is more intense. Song Fei even felt the terrible smell of immortal flame.

Song Fei once again stood on the edge of the center and looked towards the center of the sea of fire. Song Fei wanted to go forward to find out. But every time he came forward, there was always a force pushing him. No matter how hard he tried, Song Fei could no longer move forward at this edge.

This inexplicable force wrapped the center of the explosive Jedi like an egg shell and could not enter from any direction.

"Prohibition is not prohibition, array is not array, what power is this?" Song Fei whispered softly, feeling the extreme Yang power emanating from the center of the explosive Jedi. There must be a flame treasure in it. Even if it is not a fragment of the sun star, it must be more precious than any flame treasure Song Fei has seen.

"Just, how can we enter?" song Feizhi advanced several times, always missing the point.

Muzhi stood beside Su cancan and asked, "don\'t you have any records about this place?"

Su cancan was silent and waved, then said, "it\'s not a record, but the boss once said that he could destroy this Jedi, but could be used to attract experts in the fairy world to die."

Attract experts to die? This place is deep in the northern battlefield. Immortals can\'t give full play to their strength. Generally speaking, they won\'t go deep here. The first Palm prison envoy vowed that this place can attract immortal experts and must have peerless treasures. And those who can be called masters by the first prison envoy are also the strong ones in the later stage of Jinxian.

"From all kinds of information, it is undoubtedly pregnant with the most precious treasure." Song Fei sighed, "I can\'t move forward now. Don\'t you know the way to enter here?"

Su cancan shakes her head.

Suddenly, a colorful flame appeared on the edge of the explosive Jedi. The terrorist power emitted by the colorful flame instantly attracted all of Song Fei\'s mind. Song Fei\'s eyes stared at the colorful flame in the distance. The terrible smell of destroying everything made Song Fei feel frightened even if it was far away.

"Colorful flame is the final flame situation of the sun\'s true fire. How can it appear here." Song Fei was surprised.

However, the flowing colorful flame flew very fast and flew in the direction of Song Fei. When Song Fei wanted to capture this cluster of colorful flame with great mana, the flame suddenly broke Song Fei\'s mana and went directly into Song Fei\'s Kunpeng palace.

In the moment of drilling, Song Fei saw that there were twisted faces wrapped in the colorful flames, which turned out to be transparent white, like souls one by one.

Colorful flame to the sun, how can Baogu soul? The idea flashed away in Song Fei\'s mind, and the colorful flames disappeared. Even Song Fei felt that everything he had just seen was an illusion.

The next moment, Song Fei was shocked and didn\'t think about why the colorful flames wrapped the twisted soul.

There are not only countless treasures stored in Kunpeng palace, but also two women of Tang Xiaoyue Wang\'s poetry and a divine beast. If the colorful flame rages inside, I\'m afraid the whole Kunpeng palace will turn into nothingness.

Song Fei immediately entered the Kunpeng palace to deal with the fire. Only this master had the ability to do this, and mobilized the strength of the Kunpeng palace to be ready to suppress it at any time.

The next moment, he saw that the colorful flames rushed to the blank white man with a lightning speed. Under the power of the terrible flame, the white man\'s face became pale.