God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1714

Such a terrible colorful flame, even if it is only close to it, the terrible destructive power can not be countered by the white man in the immortal realm.

The speed is too fast and the strength is too strong. Song Fei is as weak as a baby in front of the flame.

When Song Fei took action, the colorful flame approached Baixuan, unexpectedly, the temperature suddenly decreased, and the destructive power contained in it magically disappeared.

Then the colorful flame went into the pale white forehead and disappeared. A colorful streamer burst out on the white body.

Bai\'s body slowly rose, and his originally miserable white face slowly became ruddy again. His body began to change and became the body of the original Snake tail. Under the colorful streamer, his frightened face completely disappeared, and a trace of insight appeared on his face.

The vision came and went quickly. Within three breaths, the colorful light disappeared, and Bai Hui would be the same again.

Needless to say, the colorful flame must have come specially for Bai. Seeing the colorful flame, Song Fei first thought of the Sun God Emperor.

Of course, the interior of the sun star also contains colorful flames, but Song Fei can\'t verify whether the colorful flames are caused by the God Emperor or inspired by the fragments of the sun star.

"Have you got anything?" Song Fei asked. At the moment, everyone\'s eyes turned to Bai Yu.

A glimmer of joy flashed across Bai\'s face and said, "I have gained an understanding. I have stepped into the realm of golden immortals, and there is no obstacle."

"What?" Song Fei was completely shocked. Jin Xian was strong. Although Song Fei could kill Jin Xian now, Song Fei was confident that he would be promoted to Jin Xian smoothly.

Since ancient times, no one can be absolutely sure to promote Jinxian in the realm of immortals. It is a natural moat. Countless talents stop in front of Jinxian. Even if so many people of qingtianjian sect have realized the Tao in a chaotic place for a hundred years, not everyone can break through Jinxian.

But now it\'s just a flame, which makes Bai Huang\'s breakthrough unimpeded. Even Jinxian pill can\'t have such an effect.

However, at this moment, Bai Xuan whispered with a trace of sadness: "this is a pure memory. I think it should be left to me by my mother."

Song Fei was stunned. Everyone was stunned. Since it was Bai\'s mother\'s memory, it must have been stripped from the previous generation\'s Bai\'s divine knowledge. The moment when he was able to peel off his memory represented Bai\'s meteorite. This was the wealth left for his daughter at the cost of his life. In this world, I\'m afraid there will never be a similar memory again.

Although the people had already prepared for the death of the previous generation Bai Huang, with the advent of this memory, the smell of sadness still permeated from the people.

When Teng snake came to Bai Xun\'s voice, the rough man\'s action was surprisingly delicate. With a trace of panic and expectation, he said to Bai Xun, "sister, mother, what else did they leave? What did they experience before they died?"

Bai Xuan shook his head: "no, there is no trace left. Maybe they don\'t want us to know about them. However, they left a memory about this place."

Without waiting for Song Fei to continue asking questions, Bai Xuan said on his own: "There was no explosive Jedi here. It was the God Emperor who put a fragment of the sun star here before he died. I don\'t know why he left it here. Then I only know that the God Emperor uses his own power to refine his memory with his mother. Only when I am close to my mother\'s descendants can I stimulate this power and leave the energy passed on by the God Emperor to future generations At the same time, only in this way can we successfully hide from the evil god.

The God Emperor seemed to calculate that I would fall into the hands of the evil clan. If I believed in the evil god, or my mind was not open, or I was subdued by the experts of the evil clan to become a mount, the colorful flames just now would burn all my soul. My mother\'s memory must not be a tool used by the evil clan.

Moreover, the conditions for stimulation are not only that, but also a large number of evil families\' souls and blood. The creatures who believe in evil gods die in the explosive Jedi, and their soul power will be absorbed by the power of the God Emperor to successfully stimulate the awakening of this power. All of the above are indispensable. It is these limitations that the evil families only know that there is only a fragment of a sun star here, but they never know it How to get the debris of the sun star. "

Song Fei continued: "Then the evil god ordered to send out the news of the sun star fragment and let the immortal experts pick it up. Under the eyes of the evil god, it\'s a great place to kill the immortal experts. If I didn\'t have all kinds of means, even if I was so close, I wouldn\'t be able to successfully enter the explosive Jedi, let alone the immortal people coming from afar. It would take a month just by blinking I\'m afraid the evil gods took the lead in intercepting and killing before they went deep here. In order to suppress the characteristics of immortal Dharma, even the God Emperor wanted to hate at the beginning, let alone other experts. "

Song Fei then sighed, "but the God Emperor is the God Emperor after all. Finally, he left his backhand, and one ring after another, leaving a glimmer of vitality for future generations to cultivate the true fire of the sun. Bai, there should be a way to collect the fragments of the sun star in your memory."

"Hmm!" Bai Xuan nodded, "Unless the evil god comes, anyone else who wants to break this place by force will have to bear the power left by the God Emperor. To collect the sun star, we need three things, my blood, the soul of the evil sect and the sun true fire. The three conditions are integrated into the external forces that we can\'t see at the same time, and the forces that block us here will completely disappear. At that time, we will collect the sun There is no more difficulty in the debris of the star. "

"I see." Song Fei nodded. "If so, then it\'s just to harvest the soul of the evil clan."

Bai Xuan said, "as long as you kill the evil clan, as long as you are in the explosive Jedi, the soul power of the killed evil clan will be absorbed here. When a colorful transparent mask appears here, it means that you have absorbed enough soul power. Before, the mask will appear seven colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple."

At this moment, Su cancan points to Song Fei\'s back and says, "look."

They looked quickly, but saw an orange transparent mask as transparent as a huge egg shell wrapping the center of the explosive Jedi.

"Orange has appeared, which shows that the previously killed evil clan soul is also effective. It\'s only orange when I kill so many golden immortals. I have to kill a lot of people to turn into colorful colors. Next, I\'m destined to turn into bloodthirsty Shura."