God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1712

Barney escaped with minor injuries after losing many of his men. At the moment, he did find another companion.

Mo Yu, an expert under the eighth prison envoy of the central evil city, is also under horn. Their relationship is excellent. In fact, among the evil believers, there is really no mutual hatred, because the believers have only one ideal: for the evil god.

In the same dream, although there is some competition, it will not cause resentment. The so-called unity of evil believers is carried out very thoroughly.

Mo Yu was also a young man, but a young man with few words, as if he would always be a cold face.

On the way, both of them didn\'t move. They just carefully checked whether there were congenital prohibitions around them. If they found out, the subordinates of Mo Yu would come forward and make a mark. They didn\'t have to do it themselves.

"You said you met Yue Tianyu half a month ago!" Mo Yu\'s cold words were faint.

Barney\'s eyes flashed a thick resentment, subconsciously shook his fist and shouted, "if he didn\'t run fast, he must have been captured."

Of course, the so-called capture is captured by suno, not Barney.

Although Mo Yu was cold eyed and silent, he didn\'t lose his cool. He immediately caught Barney\'s omission, saw his subconscious handshake, and said faintly: "you\'re not his opponent, are you?"

Barney hated: "I only fought with him for one round, and I didn\'t do my best at all. If you show up next time, if you help me, you will catch him alive."

Mo language is light and authentic: "If you can get away, it means he can\'t kill you instantly. It seems that his strength is between Bozhong and you. Even if he is stronger than you, in that case, I will join hands with you. If we can capture him alive, we will be able to compete for face for adults. Since our central evil city has been pressing the other two evil cities, although we have few hands, we can\'t lose to the eastern evil city."

Barney laughed and said, "hahaha, OK, I\'ll be relieved if you say this. When I see Yue Tianyu, he will be doomed."

In the sea of fire, Song Fei listened to the dialogue between the two people, and the corners of his mouth slightly stirred up. Then his mind moved. The flame in front suddenly became restless, and began to swing wildly in the void like welcoming the monarch.

The change of the flame soon aroused Barney\'s vigilance. Their faces Suddenly tightened, their eyes stared closely at the depths of the flame, and there was a terrible white streamer in the palm of their hands.

The flames separated and Song Fei stepped out.

"Yue Tianyu!" Barney exclaimed. The expression on his face was both surprise and tension. Song Fei was deeply impressed by the power of Mars beads.

With their reaching out, more than a dozen celestial masters crushed the talisman at the first time and spread the news far away.

Song Fei sneered. He had seen through his eyes that it would take at least 30 seconds for the nearest people to arrive here. He had enough time to kill them.

There was no superfluous words. Song Fei took a step forward. The spark beads were full of pale gold flames and smashed Barney again.

"Evil god\'s shield!" the two joined hands to display the evil god\'s shield to block the front.

"Boom!" the evil shield was broken, and their pupils suddenly widened, especially Barney\'s face.

Barney shouted, "Yue Tianyu, you have retained your strength before."

Song Fei sneered: "you were just my experiment before. I said I would come back and kill you again. You are doomed this time."

While talking, Song Fei strides towards the, and the Mars bead flies back upside down. Song Fei grabs it with one hand.

"Mo Yu, we killed him together." Barney roared. Even now, he still felt that the strength of the other party could be suppressed by himself.

Mo Yu nodded silently. His indifference made him move forward and never retreat easily.

They approached Song Fei from left to right.

On the Mars bead, the pale gold flame burned more and more fiercely. Its light has pressed down all the surrounding flames and become the most eye-catching point.

"The wrath of evil gods!" the two directly made great moves, and the light in the sky took shape in the flame. However, under the interference of the flame, the power of the wrath of evil gods was at least two points weaker than usual.

The sword rain condensed like a thousand arrows piercing the heart and stabbing Song Fei.

They were greeted by Song Fei\'s sneer. The flame on his body suddenly burst open, and his body was wrapped in a pale golden flame.

When the sword rain melted by the anger of evil gods came into contact with the pale golden flame, it was weakened by the real fire of the sun. Finally, when it landed on the immortal gold, it made a metal knocking sound.

Even the wrath of evil gods exerted by Jinxian Level 2 and two Jinxian level 1 masters can only hurt Song Fei. At the moment, Song Fei\'s strength has soared, and these two people can no longer shake him.

"How could it be like this." Barney has been completely shocked. In his mind, he has always regarded Song Fei as a liar in the fairy world. He never thought that Song Fei\'s strength should be so strong.

At the same time, Song Fei\'s Mars beads shot again. In the sword rain, the Mars beads crossed the sky like meteors, and this time directly hit Barney\'s head.

Barney is using the wrath of evil gods. This spell was originally to take attack as defense and destroy the enemy with the most powerful attack. Now is the time when the defense is the weakest.

When their evil god\'s anger fails, it means tragedy.

Seeing the spark beads hit, Barney\'s pupils suddenly opened wide, and a thick unwilling flashed on his face.

"Yue Tianyu, you are presumptuous..." the voice of grief and anger suddenly stopped, and then the head was broken like a watermelon, and then swept by the pale golden flame, and the broken flesh and blood was burned into nothingness in an instant.

The storage ring and space magic weapon in Barney\'s body emerge and are easily collected by Song Fei.

Mo Yu immediately stopped casting the anger of evil gods, and turned and ran away the next moment.

Song Fei smashed the flashing symbol, and his body appeared on the marked channel behind Mo Yu. In a hurry, he punched out, and Mo Yu\'s body was blown away.

Several immortal believers wanted to escape and rushed to the depths of the flame. Even if it triggered the prohibition, it would be better to die with Song Fei than to be killed by him directly.

Song Fei naturally sees their purpose clearly. Although he can exchange the prohibition, he cannot be immune to the power of prohibition after being triggered. If triggered, he is no different from the power that others need to bear.

Song Fei took a breath in the direction of more than ten people. The pale golden flame came out of his mouth and rushed to the fleeing figure. The flame swept over, and the fleeing immortal masters turned into nothingness.

Then, Song Fei shot out like a shell. His body kept up with the flying ink language, pinched his neck in the air and hit him hard down. At the same time, his right leg knee went up with all his strength.