God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1702

As Song Fei got closer and closer to the explosive Jedi, the naked eye could see a vast sea of fire filled the whole cosmic void. The scope of this sea of fire was very wide. Compared with it, an ordinary star was like the difference between stars and dust.

According to Su cancan, except for a few limited entrances, all other places in this sea of fire are wrapped by terrible congenital prohibitions. If you accidentally set out, even the strong Jinxian have a great chance to fall. What\'s more, sometimes those prohibitions are hidden in the depths of the void, Only after the real trigger will it appear.

The Jedi, which frightened the whole evil city, naturally could not be compared with ordinary dangerous places.

It is also because of the existence of congenital prohibition that if the immortals pass through the edge of the explosive Jedi, they can withstand the high temperature coming from their faces, and they don\'t have to worry about being burned by the sudden flame.

There are six directions at the entrance from Song Fei. These six directions have been guarded by heavy troops at the moment. Song Fei estimates that the leaders of the evil clan army at the entrance are at least the strength of Jin Xian Level 3. Let alone that their strength is suppressed so badly that they can\'t compete with such experts even in their heyday, And the other party can summon more and stronger enemies at any time.

Now, under Song Fei\'s men, Jinxian level enemy masters include Jinlong, Danghu, prisoner ox, Zhu Yan, Suan dragon and white tiger of Jinxian level 1, as well as Baize of Jinxian Level 2.

At the moment, the fierce beasts and gods are smaller and float above Song Fei. A star chart appears in front of Song Fei. Song Fei points to the sea of fire in the star chart: "this is the explosive Jedi. We enter from this edge. You must remember to follow me closely and don\'t love war. Especially hundun, your four fierce beasts are not allowed to chase and kill the enemy without my command."

"Yes!" looking at Song Fei\'s serious expression, several people also knew the seriousness of the situation.

Song Feixuan\'s direction is the weakest guarded area. There are three checkpoints in total. The first is in front of the explosive Jedi. If you want to go to the edge, you must rush through this line of defense first.

Kunpeng palace flies like lightning in the starry sky. In an instant, it is thousands of miles away.

Before entering the battlefield, Song Fei had to destroy a burning star and grasp the power of the star in the palm of his hand. The whole Kunpeng palace is deeply shrouded in everyone\'s soul by a strong sense of danger because of the influence of the flame power in Song Fei\'s palm. The imitation Buddha will be destroyed the next moment, and this feeling will continue, Until Song Fei completely released the power in the palm of his hand.

More and more close to the sea of fire, tens of thousands of troops have gathered in front of Song Fei, and this army is more terrible than the thousand troops led by the old Jinxian, among which the celestial masters are more dense.

The arrival of Kunpeng palace soon attracted the attention of evil sect experts.

In front of the army, the first three are Jinxian level masters. The first young man is equivalent to Jinxian Level 2, and the other two black robed elders are equivalent to Jinxian level 1.

"Enemy attack, fight!" shouted the young man of Jinxian second rank. The whole army immediately roared and began to greet Song Fei\'s Kunpeng palace with the young man of Jinxian.

Standing in the Kunpeng palace, Song Fei said in a deep voice: "while they are facing the battle, they will certainly summon other companions. We will rush to kill the past within ten breaths. If we are dragged by them, we will die without doubt, okay?"

All the beasts shouted, "understand!"

"OK. Let\'s fight with me." Song Fei\'s body took the lead to higher altitude.

In the starry sky, in front of the waiting evil clan army, Song Fei\'s body suddenly rushed out. Behind him, eleven strange animals emerged behind him like a hill. The unique authority of Jinxian level filled the void, making the evil clan experts in front change color.

"Divine beast!"

"Golden immortal beast!"

"There are not only divine beasts, but also fierce beasts!"

The prestige of divine beasts and fierce beasts is not only in the fairy world, but also in the hearts of evil families. The northern battlefield has never lacked children from the divine beast family. Under the same level, the divine beast family is always a nightmare for the soldiers of evil families.

With the appearance of Jinxian level divine beasts, the soldiers of the evil sect were subconsciously nervous.

Jinxian youth stared at Song Fei and his beast. With Song Fei and others approaching, he suddenly shouted, "don\'t be afraid, their mana is suppressed, which is not as terrible as we thought."

If it were a divine beast in the peak period, even if the golden immortal youth had great confidence, he did not have the confidence to defeat so many divine beasts, but now the divine beast has its shape, so it is not so terrible.

Jinxian youth shouted: "for evil gods!"

This sentence has enough power to excite the evil believers in an instant. They seem to forget the horror of death. With the golden immortal youth, they shouted: "for the evil god!"

The distance between the two sides was getting closer and closer. More than 10000 evil believers in black robes stood in the void, with their hands on their waist and their palms facing upward. The white light was emitted from their palms and reflected on their faces, as if they had crossed a layer of holy light.

The team of 10000 people is silent and ready to meet the impact of divine beasts.

Song Fei\'s team takes Song Fei as the sharp head, followed by white tiger and golden dragon. The white hair on the white tiger stands up like steel bars. Sharp teeth and claws have stretched out from the hiding place, showing the ferocity of destroying everything.

The two long beards of the green dragon are flying around, and the red eyes exude a cold killing intention. There is no doubt that the Dragon claws are empty and powerful.

After that, there were four evil beasts in chaos. Finally, when Danghu, prisoner cow, lion dragon, Baize and Zhu fan were broken, they formed a triangle and rushed to the team of evil sect.

The surging forces of both sides are brewing. As the distance gets closer and closer, both sides can clearly see the ferocity on their faces.

Song Fei clenched his fist tightly and again shouted, "don\'t forget, there are only ten breaths. If anyone can\'t keep up, don\'t blame me for being ruthless."

On one side is an army of ten thousand people, on the other side is a giant beast just like a hill. The forces of both sides collide with each other like two raging waves with the momentum of destroying everything.

In front of Song Fei\'s eyes, Jinxian youth took two Jinxian elders, and the light on their hands suddenly rose.

"Evil shield!"

The cooperation of the people was surprisingly consistent. Countless white lights fell in front of Song Fei\'s eyes and condensed a huge pale color light shield in the void. The shield crossed the vast void, blocked 100000 people behind, and blocked the way forward of Song Fei and others.

Jinxian youth, with a look of war spirit, faced Song Fei\'s ferocious face and roared deafly: "Yue Tianyu, this is your grave."