God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1701

Killing 100000 evil sect soldiers for the sake of the enemy, let alone Su cancan\'t believe it. Even Wang Shishi, who has been isolated from the outside world for a long time, doesn\'t believe it. Only Tang Xiaoyue believes it with a pair of round eyes like gemstones.

"Well, don\'t look at me like that. I\'ll tell you." Song Fei said, "the reason is very simple. I want to turn passivity into initiative. Instead of letting him intercept me everywhere, I\'d better let them mobilize people and horses to follow my wishes."

"Take yourself as bait?" Su cancan said, "attract them in the direction of the explosive Jedi."

"Well, actually, that\'s what I think. There are so many soldiers in your evil city. They let them spread out by themselves. The net is too dense, and I don\'t rule out whether the other two people in the evil city will come in the future. I think with the value of Yue Tianyu\'s head, they should rush over like flies smelling feces."

"Eh, the analogy of guild leader is disgusting." Tang Xiaoyue took the lead in making a disdainful expression. The faces of the other two women are not good-looking. As a girl, it won\'t be easy for anyone to suddenly see that kind of picture in their mind, even the murderous Su cancan.

"Anyway, that\'s what I mean." Song Fei said, "I\'ll let them mobilize the army according to my idea."

Su cancan doesn\'t know why. He wonders, "you took the initiative to attract a large army to surround you. Isn\'t this a death attempt?"

"I never do anything to seek death." Song Fei said faintly, "we are still surrounded. I think the limited entrances have been surrounded by the army."

"You expected it. I want to remind you!" Su cancan\'s expression became more confused. "Yue Tianyu, if you are attacked by the left and right, you will fall into a real Jedi!"

Song Fei smiled indifferently: "isn\'t there still you?"

"Oh!" Su cancan responded, "do you want to use my strength to kill a large number of evil clan soldiers at one time?"

Su cancan doesn\'t object. She just thinks of her loss after losing her strength, and her face is a little gloomy.

Song Fei said with a smile, "I lied to you. Your strength is my card. How can I use it on these garbage? Don\'t worry, the mountain people have their own tricks."

Su cancan said, "if you don\'t tell me, I can\'t rest assured."

Seinfeld Road: "My strategy is not unchanging, but adjusted according to the actual situation at any time. There has never been a winning strategy in the world, and the plan can never catch up with the change. What\'s more, in the face of so many strong enemies, there are countless situations that we can\'t expect. The only thing I can do is to reduce the occurrence of accidents and think more about possible accidents. That\'s all Just. You are all figures who control hundreds of millions of legions. How can you not even have this military common sense? "

Su cancan\'s face flushed: "my wars are led by experts to fight with real swords and guns. Where can I use so many cunning tricks."

Song Fei shook his head and said, "I finally know why you are the ninth jailer and have been in this position for so many years."

"It doesn\'t matter." Su cancan suddenly gulps down a cup of tea with great determination. "Anyway, we are one of life and death. If I want to die, you can\'t live, just go crazy."

Song Fei smiled, no longer sarcastic, but began to taste tea quietly, and then explained to Wang Shishi and Tang Xiaoyue about Qingtian sword school after flying. Listening to the thrilling experience again and again, even Su cancan began to listen attentively.

Time passed quickly. One day, Song Fei killed two teams of tens of thousands of people. With their disappearance, Song Fei\'s trace was more confirmed by the evil sect.

The Kunpeng palace turned into a huge Kunpeng flying in the void. Standing in the Kunpeng palace, Song Fei seemed to see the scene of the second palm prison making him angry, and even more seemed to see thousands of troops and horses being transferred to the entrance of the explosive Jedi to block his progress.

There will be more and more people there. One day has passed, and the power there has an overwhelming advantage for yourself.

Compared with those masters of the evil sect, Song Fei is undoubtedly very small. If the masters he met were not lucky, Song Fei would not be able to fly smoothly at all.

Of course, luck is also a part of strength. Sometimes it seems like luck, but it is the result of countless calculations.

The temperature in the void became higher and higher, and the hot breath came to our faces. The whole starry sky became much brighter, and it was no longer a darkness.

Through his eyes, Song Fei sees that the road ahead is becoming brighter and brighter. For Song Fei, it is becoming more and more dangerous, more and more rugged and darker.

The long, bloody, rugged and dark road has only really begun to start now.

Taking back the thousand mile eyes, Song Fei sighed: "no surprise to us, the other side\'s defense line is getting tighter and tighter. Not only the entrance of the Jedi, but also the edge of the Jedi, are arranged with a big net."

Although Su cancan said that he ignored Song Fei\'s arrangement, when he was about to approach the explosive Jedi, he couldn\'t help asking, "what, do you want to rush over?"

Song Fei shook his head and said, "since the evil city is ready, hard Chong is looking for death."

Su cancan said, "there are only a few entrances for the explosive Jedi we are facing, unless you can know the secret entrance, but our evil sect once sent experts to explore here and concluded that there is no secret entrance at all."

Song Fei said, "I didn\'t know the existence of explosive Jedi until I saw your star chart. How can I know the so-called secret entrance."

Su cancan said, "what do you want to do, rush or not, expose your whereabouts, and wait to be made dumplings?"

"Rush to nature!" Song Fei said with a smile, "but I don\'t rush to the entrance." Song Fei pointed to the edge of the explosive Jedi in the star river picture, "let\'s rush from here."

"Wipe the edge of the explosive Jedi, rush through their encirclement and suppression, and leave them behind?" Su cancan\'s eyes lit up.

"Well, let\'s say so." Song Fei nodded, "but even in the marginal area, it\'s not so easy to rush. I have to work hard this time."

Song Fei said to several golden immortal beasts in the sky, "this time, you will fight with me. I hope you can all appear here again after the war."

The white tiger said, "the evil sect imprisoned and enslaved us. We have a grudge against them. The guild leader is like a kindness to us. Let alone just trying hard. Even if I know it\'s death, I won\'t frown."

Although the realm of white tiger is not as good as Baize, the status of these divine beasts is the highest. After hearing his speech, the other divine beasts nodded one after another.

However, the strength of the divine beast that can\'t use mana has decreased by more than 50%, and Song Fei still can\'t help worrying about them.