God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1703

As a sharp blade, Song Fei took the lead in facing the young master of the evil sect of Jinxian second level. At this moment, the flame that Song Fei had held tightly for a long time finally burst out violently.

The firelight in the palm of the hand turned into the most dazzling point in the star space. The miserable white light on the battlefield was pressed down by this red light. Song Fei competed with Jinxian youth in the most central position of the light source.

The two ferocious faces glared at each other, and the flame in Song Fei\'s hand fiercely threw out at the Jinxian youth.

The void seemed silent. At this moment, under the impact of fierce fire, everyone subconsciously narrowed their eyes.

The flame turned into a huge impact force and madly impacted the evil god\'s shield. Like the giant shield in front of the planet, it became like glass about to break under the impact of the flame, and there were many dense spider webs.

"Roar!" the Golden Dragon and the white tiger roared at the same time. The tiger claws of the white tiger took the power of heaven shaking and beat the evil god\'s shield fiercely. The Golden Dragon took out the Dragon claws and dragon tails and clapped frantically on the giant shield. The giant shield was crumbling, but it was still in front of tens of thousands of troops.

The evil sect and others continue to add divine power to the evil god\'s shield. If the huge shield is not broken, they can easily drag Song Fei here and wait for the encirclement and killing of the army.

"Kill!" Song Fei shouted angrily. At this moment, Song Fei has seen the agitation in the distance with thousands of miles\' eyes. It seems that thousands of troops and horses are killing here. One more second is more dangerous.

Another punch hit the giant shield hard. The giant shield that had just been blessed had more cracks, as if it would break with a little more force. But as long as it is not broken, it is an obstacle for Song Fei, the difference between life and death.

"Kill!" the four evil beasts followed. The four evil beasts seemed to feel the urgency of Song Fei\'s heart and directly hit the evil god shield with four bodies without reservation, just like a huge shell on the glass. At this moment, the evil god shield suddenly broke, and the four evil beasts crashed into the crowd of the evil sect, The two golden immortals who were supporting the shield of evil gods were severely smashed out.

Then, the four fierce beasts crushed dozens of people and stopped their bodies.

"Don\'t stop!" Song Fei took the lead in crossing the four fierce beasts, rushed directly to the golden immortal youth in the center, and quickly made a wonderful gesture in front of him with both hands.

"Kill immortals!" the violent force surged to the body of Jinxian youth.

"Sword of evil god!" Jinxian youth still had spare strength and fought back at Song Fei.

The immortal killing style and the sword of evil gods collide with each other, offsetting each other\'s strength.

Behind Song Fei, the white tiger and the Golden Dragon kept up again. One dragon claw and one tiger claw patted the golden immortal youth from left to right. At the moment, he was competing with Song Fei. The attack of the two divine beasts was too fast and fierce. The golden immortal youth could only wrap his magic power around his body and shook the blow of the two divine beasts.

In an instant, Jinxian youth was photographed and lost three Jinxian masters. For Song Fei, it was like a tiger into a sheep.

Behind Song Fei, the lion dragon Zhu tired of being a tiger. Three flame beasts followed the trend. The lion dragon said to the four fierce beasts that stopped his body: "what are you doing? Keep up with the sect leader."

"Roar! Keep up with the sect leader" roared chaos. His body suddenly shook and threw away the nearby evil sects. Then he grabbed three evil believers nearby and chewed them in his mouth. For a time, the corners of his mouth were full of flowing blood.

The chaotic movement was very fast. When he started running, five divine beasts such as the broken prisoner cow were still behind him, and the speed of the other fierce beasts was also fast. Each fierce beast had evil believers in its mouth, followed behind the hips of three divine beasts such as lion dragon, and constantly impacted the 10000 people array.

"Kill!" Song Fei is like falling into madness. Compared with the divine beast, his body is the smallest. However, as a sharp head, he faces the black robed man of the evil sect who obstructs him in front. With each step, his limbs hit the evil believers in front like lightning. With one fist, his chest collapsed, one palm clapped, his body smashed, one leg swept and emptied a large area.

Song Fei, who has no reservation, is like a killing machine. He frantically blows a killing whirlwind and pushes forward all the way. No matter whether it is earth fairy or heaven fairy, there is no enemy in his hands.

The crowd in front came towards Song Fei and others and became more and more dense. Song Fei saw that there were people up, down, left and right in front. Each person\'s hands emitted white light and condensed into a shield of evil gods again to block Song Fei\'s progress.

"Break it! Kill the immortal." Song Fei roared, and the violent power gushed out. The evil god shield was smashed as if it had been beaten by a huge wave. The crowd blocking him in front was blown over his body by the violent power. After the invasion of this power, his body was quietly turned into fly ash and dissipated.

When Jinxian young man and Jinxian old man reacted, Song Fei had reached a third of the distance.

Seeing that Song Fei killed the evil sect behind the scenes, the golden immortal young man wanted to crack his eyes, his body suddenly pulled up, and his body released a dazzling miserable white light. The rolling voice spread all over the void: "the anger of evil gods!"

All the evil sects were infected by him. The two first-class Jinxian elders first cooperated with the Jinxian youth and blessed their power in the anger of the evil god. Then, more and more evil believers far away from Song Fei played their divine power and cooperated with the power of the anger of the evil god to become stronger and stronger.

The feeling of danger suddenly came to Song Fei\'s heart. At the same time, the beasts who followed Song Fei seemed to feel the danger. They all looked up at the little white light condensed above their heads. The next moment, these white lights would turn into a deadly sword rain to cover all the gods and beasts.

"Roar!" Jain was roaring. His fierce nature was aroused by the anger of the evil god and wanted to come forward and tear the golden immortal youth.

"Everyone listen to the order!" Song Fei shouted at the right time, and his eyes stared at the four fierce beasts. Under Song Fei\'s stern eyes, the four chaotic fierce beasts suddenly woke up.

"Keep up with me, no one is allowed to fall behind, let alone drag back!" Song Fei shouted. He rushed forward again. Facing an immortal level 8 master in front, he punched into the center of each other\'s chest. Then his hands went deep into the wound. Song Fei\'s eyes were on the injured evil believer, See the unyielding expression in each other\'s eyes.

Song Fei lifted up his mouth and smiled. His hands suddenly tore each other from the middle, spilling blood into the sky. A lot of blood spilled on Song Fei\'s robes, making him a blood man.

Song Fei\'s ferocity stimulated the nerves of the animals behind him and killed them one after another with Song Fei\'s footsteps.

The anger of evil gods has gathered and silently issued a deadly declaration to the gods and beasts.

(it\'s almost 12 o\'clock in the next chapter. Let\'s go to bed if we can\'t wait.)