God-Level Exchange System

Chapter 1700

In the boundless void, a huge building ship shuttles through the void at a high speed. The building ship is the size of an ordinary star. The palace on it stands tall, carved beams and painted buildings, showing its beauty.

On both sides of the building ship, the dark hull showed an indestructible ferocity, dragging the whole ship to crush it in the distance. Whether it was the death star in front or the meteorite disorderly suspended in the void, it was mercilessly knocked away by the building ship.

This is the treasure ship of the Oriental dungeon. At the moment, it is the second prison envoy who controls the treasure ship.

In the uppermost Hall of the building ship, the second warden is wearing a black robe and sitting in the first seat. Below are the third and fourth warden respectively. In addition, there are a group of experts whose strength is only inferior to theirs, a total of more than ten. If nothing happens, the later warden will be selected from these people.

Below, a Jinxian expert named Linton said: "I report to you, from the recently obtained information, the people we searched and arrested disappeared in these two places respectively. From the connection between these two points, Yue Tianyu\'s route should be like this."

While talking, Linton made up a red line on the star chart.

The second jailer nodded and ordered: "in front of the track of this line, arrange heavy troops. Of course, we should also prevent him from suddenly changing his route. We should calculate the approximate distance between Yue Tianyu before and after the two times and the speed of Yue Tianyu. We should ambush in advance on the mountain where he may change. In addition, he has 72 changes. Don\'t take it lightly."

"Yes!" the crowd answered.

The third jailer whispered, "the second and ninth have really betrayed evil gods? Evil believers have betrayed, but there has never been anything."

Hearing this question, a trace of hostility flashed in the second palm prison envoy\'s eyes. Thinking that Su cancan cheated himself away and let the fat meat coming to his mouth pass by him, the second palm prison envoy\'s whole lung seemed to explode and felt uncomfortable.

Even if he was a little radical at that time, he should be able to see through Yue Tianyu\'s disguise, but it happened that he trusted Su cancan and let the other party slip away under his nose because of his caution.

Otherwise, he could make great achievements without saying, let alone so much labor, and was ridiculed by the boss.

The second warden said: "It\'s true that she betrayed, which was confirmed by the boss himself, and with Lao Jiu\'s strength, if she didn\'t want to, who could take her away silently? The emperor of heaven in the fairy world? Or those top experts in the fairy world. Don\'t forget, the place where she disappeared is not far from the evil city, and no expert dare to get close to it. Moreover, even if an expert can avoid God\'s eyes and ears, it\'s good for the fairy The law is so oppressive that Lao Jiu doesn\'t even have a chance to ask for help. "

The third sighed: "although I don\'t understand why the ninth is willing to degenerate, but listening to the second you say so, the ninth is really betrayed."

The second jailer looked at a young man below: "suno, you used to be from the old five Luo river. The old five used to be very close to the old nine. Do you know what happened before the old nine?"

Luo he got up and saluted the second warden and said, "report to your excellency, my subordinates used to be subordinates of Lord Luo He, but they have been fighting outside for a long time. However, Lord Su, the ninth warden, sits in the evil city all year round, so there are few intersections. Moreover, even the first warden didn\'t find any clues. How can I find them with the weak strength of my subordinates?"

The second jailer sighed, "that\'s right. It\'s really difficult for you to ask you such a question. Even the boss is stunned. The reason must be very complex. We don\'t have to guess more. We can\'t guess it."

Suddenly, Linton got up again and said to the people: "everyone, just came the news that an army of 100000 people has completely disappeared, including eight immortals and the rest are earth immortals."

Suddenly, a compassionate expression appeared on the faces of the people. The second jailer sighed, "he died for God and must be saved by God. Linton, mark the area where the 100000 people disappeared."

"Sir, it\'s here!" Linton lit a red dot on the star chart, and then began to connect the two dots where the golden fairy disappeared last time.

Everyone looked at the star chart silently, staring at this line.

The fourth jailer frowned and said, "after extending this line, you will go to the explosive Jedi. What does Yue Tianyu mean?"

Linton hugged his fist and said, "maybe Yue Tianyu thought he could slip through our defense line by rubbing the edge of the explosive Jedi."

The second jailer nodded: "I can\'t rule out this possibility. Try my best to compress Yue Tianyu\'s range of activities and continue to set up a space barrier in front of him, so that he can\'t move out in a blink. In addition, warn the soldiers in that direction not to take it lightly. Once an enemy is found, send a distress signal at the first time."

"Yes, sir!" Linton said.

Then, the second jailer sighed, "we\'ve delayed some time before. We have to catch up with Yue Tianyu. I\'m afraid we still have two or three days. As long as we can catch up with him in person, Yue Tianyu can\'t escape from our hands."

The third jailer smiled and said, "as long as we get close to him and surround the experts here, Yue Tianyu can\'t escape our palm if we think of him. Just the second, if Yue Tianyu doesn\'t wipe the edge, but enters the explosive Jedi?"

The second palm jailer\'s pupil suddenly shrunk and whispered, "don\'t you want to die when you enter the explosive Jedi?"

The third jailer said, "I mean, what if? If Yue Tianyu finds that there are many obstacles ahead and is completely desperate, will he risk entering the explosive Jedi to deal with us?"

The second warden gradually dignified his face and nodded: "What the third said is quite reasonable. Yue Tianyu has a rebellious character since his debut. He never sticks to one style, and often acts crazy. If he is desperate, it is not impossible to enter the explosive flame Jedi. Send experts to set up ambushes at several entrances of the explosive flame Jedi. The explosive flame Jedi has limited access. If he wants to enter the explosive flame Jedi, we will block him in front and back and put him in a urn Catch turtles. "


In Kunpeng palace, Su cancan said in surprise, "that team should not be able to find you just now. How can you take the initiative to kill them all. Since then, your unchangeable deeds have been exposed again."

Song Fei sits opposite Su cancan. Wang Shishi makes tea for them. After recovering from the injury, Tang Xiaoyue sits in the middle of them with her head down. She also looks at Song Fei for some unknown reason.

Song Fei gently blew the tea and said softly, "it\'s very simple. The evil sect is my enemy. It\'s foolish for me to eat a team of 100000 people instead of eating."