God Level Demon

Chapter 2275

Chapter 2275 Chapter Eastern Universe Shake

Not only are the aliens aware of the news that Xia Ping was promoted to Immortal Saint, Human Race among, especially the Eastern Universe of Xia Ping origin, which is even more alarming about the Eastern Universe’s major Saint Level Sect.

The birth of an Immortal Saint is enough to change the landscape of the Eastern Universe Human Race.

“Cracking a joke, Xia Ping This brat is not a long time to join Qiankun? In my impression, it is just a little guy. Now it has been promoted to Immortal Realm. Is the youngster so embarrassing now?”

Many Elders have dumbstruck after hearing this news. They have been cultivate for tens of thousands of years, and some are closer to 50,000, and they are running out of life.

But they still can only be trapped in the realm of Thunder Tribulation Realm, and they can’t break through.

Now a little guy who is only a few decades old has actually been promoted to Immortal Realm, which is really a great excitement for them. People are really mad at people.

“Before I said Xia Ping, this guy is Peerless Genius. I hope to be promoted to Saint, but it is only hopeful. There are too many Genius in the Eastern Universe.”

“It is true, who can think of a blink of an eye, this brat was promoted to Immortal Realm, beyond the imagination of all of us, this universe Sect is a treasure.”

“After entering Absolute Beginning Sacred Land, I was promoted to Immortal Realm in one year. Is Absolute Beginning Sacred Land so arrogant? Is there any Treasure that can help him enter the Saint Realm world?”

“Don’t pull it, there are a lot of Genius who enter Absolute Beginning Sacred Land or Dark Palace every time, but this group of people can be promoted to immortal, there are still only a handful. It can only be said that Xia Ping is not ordinary, ordinary people can Compared to eternal rare Supreme Talent.”

“How can I get such a treasure by Universe Sect? It is really dissatisfied.”

“After the bullshit luck of Universe Sect, I am afraid it is a luck that has spent a lifetime.”

Some Great Sect Elder gnashing one’s teeth, fortunate to Universe Sect’s, how to make Universes Sect receive such a monstrous talent disciple, how this good thing did not happen to them.

“There is something that I think is very serious. Original Universe Sect has three Saints. Now there is one more. This is still the case. Is Universe Sect going to heaven? A four Saint.”

“Not only is it a simple four Saint, but Xia Ping is promoted to Immortal Realm at such a young age, and I am afraid that I will be promoted to Invincible Realm in time. This is really a terrible thing.”

“It seems that the Eastern Universe is bigger with Universe Sect in the future, and no one can shake it.”

Five Elements Sect, Rising Cloud Sect, Flying Immortal Sect, etc. Eastern Universe Saint Level Sect’s big shot discos spiritedly, they were completely frightened by this sudden news.

They are very helpless, knowing that the rise of Universe Sect’s is unstoppable and no one can suppress it.

These forces have also had many contradictions with Universe Sect, and even there is a huge conflict between the interests, but after knowing this, they are one after another, and they dare not fight again.


And Universe Sect internal, many Elder, Supreme Elder, Sect Master, and many elite disciple also know about this, all of them are excited to smoke, and feel the joy of unprecedented.

“Haha, I have long said that the Junior Brother Xia has a promising future, and no-one can stop his rise.”

“It’s a promising future, but whoever can think of it becomes a Saint for decades, who can think of it.”

“I really can’t think of it. Normal people don’t think of such a thing. The Junior Brother Xia is probably a Genius that can only appear once in milliles and millions. Even if you look at the whole human race history, it is extremely embarrassing Supreme Talent.”

“It’s no wonder that Dark North Saint will go out of the mountain in person, and the Junior Brother Xia is a crime. It seems to be a torch.”

Many Universe Sect Elders are filled with emotion.

They thought that Xia Ping would become Immortal Saint sooner or later, but they completely didn’t expect the surprise to come so fast, so fast that they could not respond.

“Now we have four Saints in Universe Sect, can we walk across the Eastern Universe like a crab? Who dares to be disrespectful to our Universe Sect.”

A Universe Sect Elder was so excited that he had a white beard.

“Before Five Elements Sect, Flying Immortal Sect, there was a lot of inferiority between the words of the Turtles and Suns. Now, the Junior Brother Xia becomes Saint. After the news came out, a my ass ran apologize and changed his face. Speed ​​is almost out.”

A Supreme Elder immensely proud of oneself, obviously enjoy the other Sect’s Elder’s flattering, such a flattering shot of his whole body comfort, not so comfortable for tens of thousands of years.

“I know, right? Before the Five Elements Sect, this Turtle Sun wanted to compete with us for a natural resource star, and now the news of the Junior Brother Xia became Immortal Saint, and immediately gave up the planet. Apologize to the door.”

“Before there was a pirate alliance that was so horrible that it often robbed the big Star Territory that our Universe Sect ruled. Now it is scared to escape overnight and disappear for a while.”

“The Western Universe, which is bordering us, has several initiatives, and it is also doing small moves everywhere. Now it has also stopped and even retreated its military camp by 30,000 light years.”

“Southern Universe, Northern Universe, Western Universe, and many other forces came over and showed up with our Universe Sect, and sent a lot of gifts. This simply is to fill our Universe Star.”

“The gifts I received in a day were comparable to the Sect income of the past thousand years. It’s too exaggerated.”

“This is the threat of Saint’s, and the Junior Brother Xia is not yet an ordinary Saint.”

Many Universe Sect Elder immensely proud of oneself, whole body are very comfortable, they feel that these days Universe Sect has never been easier, simply is unimpeded, no-one dare to block.

“cough cough, low-key and low-key.”

Universe Sect Sect Master coughed, said: “although Junior Brother Xia has been promoted to Immortal Saint, our Universe Sect has four Saints, but the Universe is too big, Expert countless, or not too arrogant. We must keep in mind the previous profound Lessons, humility, humility, and humility.”

He said that Universe Sect is now forformable, but it can’t be arrogant, to be convinced by morality and to be humble.

“Don’t worry about Sect Master, we are very skilled in this kind of thing, and often serve people with morality.”

“Sect Master, frankly, I think Universe Sect is just too small for the Six Great Star Territories. Now it’s at least the top ten Star Territory to qualify for our Universe Sect’s.”

“Sect Master, think about it, a giant with a height of ten meters, but living in a room of one hundred sq. m, don’t you think of sullen? This is not what we want to expand, it is such a place that can’t accommodate us. ”

“That’s right, it’s like doing things, not going back.”

“To take advantage of this momentum, expand rapidly and expand Universe Sect.”

Many Universe Sect Elder eyes showed a burst of bright light.

During the momentary, the layout of the forces of the entire Eastern Universe began to change the Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

(End of this chapter)