God Level Demon

Chapter 2274

Chapter 2274 interracial killing intent

At this moment, Xia Ping was promoted to Immortal Saint, and the first news of the Sacred Land Great Competition was quickly spread. This incident was also known to many interracial Saints.

In particular, Xia Ping’s cultivation was promoted to Immortal Saint for dozens of years, shocking many Saints.

In reality, such news can’t be hidden.

“Impossible, there are humans cultivation for dozens of times actually promoted to immortal, what a joke, when Immortal Realm is so good breakthrough, even human cultivation speed Innate is not possible.”

After the news of the heterosexual Saint, the first reaction was a false message.

Because Immortal Realm is All Heavens and Myriad Clans, countless creatures are dreaming of realm, this is the territory of extraordinary and refined, Immortal Realm, do not know how many souls are trapped in this bottleneck among, always unable to breakthrough.

But now there are human monstrous talents to this extent, who can believe such absurd things.

“This is a real thing, and it is confirmed that we have heard the huge price from human internal.”

There is a heterogeneous Saint said solemnly, his complexion is very ugly.

“Yes, I couldn’t believe it at first, but after confirming over and over again, it’s true.”

“Who can think of humans who really have such monstrous talent, simply is unimaginable.”

“Human Race is getting more and more scary. Immemorial Era Human Race is just a small and weak race. There are occasional comparisons with formidable, but it is still not as good as us, but after a long time, newcomer is on, now There has been a growing popularity of the first race of Universe.”

Many interracial Saints feel guilty, and they are jealous of Human Race. As time goes by, Human Race’s strength is constantly rising. Up to now, there is almost an overposing manner of Overlord race.

“What a joke, when is the turn of Human Race? First, don’t be here to end up with others to destroy your prestige.”

There is a heterogeneous Saint angrily shouted, I feel that this is too arrogant.

“That’s right, but there is a human Genius, and that’s what it counts.”

“It’s like we’re not Genius, it’s cracking a joke.”

“But you have to admit that human is terrible. Genius like this is not a case, but more and more emerge. The previous human Peerless Genius is Dark North Saint. Now, how has it been promoted to Wudi, no one. Can suppress him again.”

“Yeah, Dark North Saint this human is really terrible. I used to purify him several times before. Not only did he not kill him, but he also made him more formidable. Now he can’t compare with him. If I meet, I only Can run.”

Some alien Saints remembered the monstrous talent Genius Dark North Saint of the previous era. They had suffered a lot of losses under the hands of Dark North Saint, and even many of their companions died in the hands of the other party, causing heavy losses.

“It is said that the human monstrous talent is the Dark North Saint’s disciple, named Xia Ping.”

There is a strange Saint who suddenly broke the news and said Xia Ping’s identity background.

“What? The Dark North Saint actually has a discipline, and it teaches such a terrible discipline, how long it takes.”

“Before this guy was not enough to harm our major races, I actually taught such a discipline.”

“Just kidding, is this kind of talent passed down from generation to generation?!”

Upon hearing this news, many interracial Saint complexion gloomy, gnashing one’s teeth.

They are not willing to admit Human Race’s Overlord status, but have to admit that Human Race’s threat is more and more forformable.

In reality If there is no such huge threat as Abyss Demon, I am afraid they will join forces to curb the development of Human Race’s, and it will be forbearing until now.

But even with Abyss Demon, many alien and Human Race’s struggles are at all times, and they are also red luoluo. Both sides have a deep sea of ​​Blood Sea, and they meet each other. It is definitely not going to be merciless.

Especially for the assassination of Human Race Genius, they are more and more emerge, never ending.

Every year, Human Race has a lot of Genius deaths in the hands of aliens.

Now there is another such horrible monstrous talent Genius in Human Race. This simply makes them feel like they are on the back and feel the threat they have never seen before.

“Absolutely, there should be another Dark North Saint in the Human Race, an Invincible Saint, otherwise the Human Race will be the first race of the Universe in the future, and we can only look up.”

There is a heterogeneous Saint murderous aura, clenching the fist.

There are a lot of Human Race’s Invincible Saints. This is the other peak battle strength of the Universe Level. One more, it means the strength of the race formidable, and the battle strength will be tilted by one point.

And their race natural resource will be less and don’t know how much, which is related to the future of the major races.

If there is another Invincible Saint in the Human Race, they will probably have a hard time sleeping and no chance to stand up.

“That’s right, Peerless monstrous talent like Dark North Saint can’t be seen anymore.”

“Human Race originally is horrible. If there is another Invincible Saint, then there is still a mix of us.”

“You must kill the Human Race Xia Ping and eradicate this huge threat.”

Many alien Saints have reached a consensus to kill Human Race Xia Ping and eradicate this future threat.

“The problem is how to get rid of it. Now this Human Race Xia Ping is hiding in Absolute Beginning Sacred Land among. It is too difficult and hard to get into the Human Race Nest to kill him.”

There is a heterogeneous Saint said solemnly.

“No relationship, can’t kill him at Absolute Beginning Sacred Land, can’t you do anything about it?”

“Wait, this brat is Peerless Genius, Immortal Saint. If you want to be more on the challenge, you have to go to the Bizarre Area to find the opportunity. When the time comes is our chance.”

“This is true. Once this brat appears in the Bizarre Area, it would be easier to kill him, maybe not much price.”

“But this brat is also Genius, which is seen by Human Race. The life-saving Treasure is probably countless.”

“Count my ass, the life-saving Treasure is useless, we set out and set the trap, this brat is difficult to fly.”

“When Xia Ping appears in the Bizarre Area, immediately send his message to report, when the time comes and join forces to kill this brat completely, absolutely can not give him any chance to run.”

Many alien Saint murderous aura, they are against Xia Ping’s killing intent boiling, if there is a chance, they will never give Xia Ping any way, this is the life and death contest between the race, is the survival power struggle, can not tolerate Passionate.

During the momentary, the intelligence network of the entire Bizarre Area and countless race was in action and began to be closely monitored.

If Xia Ping’s trail appears in the Bizarre Area, it will be immediately known to All Heavens and Myriad Clans’.

It can be said that at this time, Xia Ping’s name has been put on the major race Saint’s list of kills.

(End of this chapter)