God Level Demon

Chapter 2276

Chapter 2276 Yan Huang Star’s expansion

And Nangong Wu, Qiu Xue, Su Ji, Su Mei, Jiang Yaru, Chu Rong, Yu Qiqi and the others returned to Universe Sect, and they all knew that Xia Ping was promoted to Immortal Realm.

However, because of the relationship between Qiu Xue and Su Mei, they already knew about it. Even after knowing the news, they were not particularly surprised.

“Now this rascal is probably a famous Universe.”

“The cultivate 20-30 year has reached this realm, and it is indeed eternal rare.”

“Can’t compare with this monstrous talent, otherwise it will be mad.”

“Yes, we also have our own cultivation steps, and it’s ok, it’s ok.”

Nangong Wu and the others pinched fist, they could’t compare with Xia Ping such a monstrous talent, but they themselves are Genius, experiencing some adventures, plus a lot of spirit medicine given by Xia Ping, which also makes They were promoted to Golden Core Realm.

For the average person, such cultivation speed is already scary.

Therefore, they are not discouraged, and they are still cultivate step by step.

However, because of their special relationship with Xia Ping’s, they also made a huge improvement in the status of Universe Sect’s.


Western Universe, somewhere in the Universe Secret Realm, which is a place of trial laid out by Monster Temple.

Tu Linglong and Qing Luan are also in this place, and they also know the news that Xia Ping is promoted to immortal.

“damn, this bastard’s progressive speed is so fast, it took only a long time to advance to the same realm of Monster Saint, knowing that even if we complete all the Missions arranged by Monster Temple, the ultimate goal is just to become Monster Saint.”

Tu Linglong is not convinced, not convinced that Xia Ping is promoted to speed so fast.

“can’t do anything about it , this human is indeed Genius, permanent ancient is rare.”

Qing Luan said.

“Elder Sister Qing Luan, how do I feel that you have started talking to him lately, isn’t it what happened to you and this bastard?” Tu Linglong is a bit suspicious of looks at Qing Luan.

Qing Luan seems to be reminiscent of what happened to Xia Ping last time, but it is his first time, how could this kind of thing be forgotten.

But this kind of gaffe, she quickly with no difficulty to cover up the past: “You think too much, I just speak according to the facts, and there is no other meaning.”

“Forget it, no matter these things, in short, we have to complete the Mission of Monster Temple as soon as possible, get Monster Saint inheritance, we must not let this rascal take the lead.”

Tu Linglong looked at it, and nothing happened. She clenched the fist and was very motivated. Now she has not given up the idea of ​​defeating Xia Ping, the bastard human.


Eastern Universe, Blood Soul Continent.

At the moment, Liu Rulan was with speaking and returned to the Land among Bloom Soul Saint. She also learned about Xia Ping’s promotion of immortal from the Universe Virtual Network among.

“It’s a Xia Ping. It’s really amazing. It seems that I have to dig out the last secret of this continent by the test of Blood Soul Saint’s as soon as possible.”

Liu Rulan beautiful eyes reveals a hint of cold glow.

Her current strength is different from the past, and she was promoted to Thunder Tribulation Realm. The rapid advancement is not enough to describe the speed of her progress. The strength of the formidable is not known how many times.

It can be said that no one is now her opponent in the entire Blood Soul Continent.

However, Blood Soul Continent still has a lot of secret treasure left by Blood Soul Saint, and she has to risk again to return to this continent, which is related to her own growth.

Once she gets the ultimate inheritance of Blood Soul Saint’s, she is promoted to the state of Saint, which is also a thing with no difficulty.


If Xia Ping is promoted to immortal news, the person who can get the most benefit, but also can surpass in Universe Sect’s Feng Hetang, as Xia Ping’s number one henchmen, he is mixed in the Universe Sect simply to get great fortune.

Original Xia Ping is Saint disciple, the status is quite lofty, enough for the countless people to tie up Feng Hetang and Xia Ping relationship excellent little brothers.

Now when Xia Ping was promoted to the scene of Saint, it even detonated the entire Universe Sect. Many Universe Sect disciple and even Eastern Universe have heard of Feng Hetang’s name.

It can be said that Feng Hetang is now very moist, his relationship network spread all over the Eastern Universe, everyone wants to make friends with him, while catching the Xia Ping’s line.

And he is also very sociable, slick, and handles all the relationships.

Even the many Huang Huang Star humans who own the Corpse Beast bloodline and become the Corpse Beast servant, now have tens of millions of people, and they have also entered the Eastern Universe’s major Saint Level Sect among the Feng Hetang’s relationship.

Of course, if all of them go into Universe Sect’s, then naturally there is no problem. With Xia Ping’s face, no Elder dares to refuse.

But eggs can’t be placed in a basket.

If you want to expand the human power of Yan Huang Star origin, you must be involved in the various organizations of the universe and become one of these organizations.

If these Yan Huang Star humans grow up completely, they can occupy a very important position in the major organizations of the universe.

Connected together, it is a huge intelligence network and relationship network.

And these are the Huang Huang Star humans of the Corpse Beast servant. They are very tall, and they can continue to upgrade their cultivation base as long as they eat a lot of Matter. There is no bottleneck before they are promoted to Saint.

Such Genius is a worthy elite for all major forces.

Therefore, they also quickly occupied a certain degree of status among the major organizations.

Feng Hetang also named the organization Peaceful Heaven Gate, which is an extension of the previous Foundation in Cloud Firmament Continent.

As Xia Ping’s number one henchmen, he naturally knows that as long as he can hold Xia Ping’s thighs, he will be able to make progress and even advance to Saint Realm if he has the chance.

To be honest, after coming to the Universe, he also began to have his ambition to live forever.

“The expansion of Eastern Universe is complete, and then Peaceful Heaven Gate will continue to develop Northern Universe, Southern Universe, Western Universe, and even into the sphere of influence of Central Universe.”

Feng Hetang wild ambition.

If you can release many of Yan Huang Star’s elites and enter every corner of human territory, then their Yan Huang Star people will definitely occupy a very important position in Human Race among.

This is also an important plan that Xia Ping has developed.

Don’t look at the fact that this plan is just a prototype, but as time goes by, the forces of Peaceful Heaven Gate development, and the strength shown are enough to make any forces trembling in fear.

After all, the elites of each power are still limited, and Genius is a minority.

But these Corpse Beast’s servants are different. They can’t go beyond the Corpse Beast Luna. There is almost no bottleneck. It just needs to consume a lot of natural resources to break through.

This is definitely the elite of elite among.

Therefore, the human forces of Yan Huang Star origin are also rapidly expanding, with speaking, which will slowly exert a profound influence on the entire universe.

(End of this chapter)