God Level Demon

Chapter 2273

Chapter 2273 joins All Saints Temple

“Tell you to hold it, you will hold it, don’t be jealous.”

Dark North Saint’s face, said solemnly: “Master I have been promoted to the Invencible Saint’s realm, equivalent to the demigod, thoroughly understand the life and death of the law, with the the body into a universe, is close to immortal existence.

This Death Substituting Talisman is awesome, but at the very least it guarantees that the creatures below Extreme Antiquity Saint are not dead. This special law strength cannot guarantee that Invincible Saint will not die.

If the attack can kill Invincible Saint, then even the Death Substituting Talisman has no effect, so the Death Substituting Talisman looks very precious, but it doesn’t work for the teacher. ”

He said that his strength has exceeded the scope that Death Substituting Talisman can protect. Basically, this secret treasure does not have much effect on him.

But for Immortal Saint like Xia Ping, it is very useful, and it has two lives.

“In this case, I will accept it, thank you Master.”

Seeing the firm look of Dark North Saint, Xia Ping had to pick it up and put Death Substituting Talisman up. His heart was grateful and there was endless warmth.

To be honest, he and Dark North Saint have no relatives, no blood relationship, and some are only mentoring, but they are treated with such wholeheartedness, and the other party does not need any return.

In reality For such universe Overlord, according to their strength, what Treasure can’t get, what natural resource can’t be captured, and the little guy like Xia Ping has what Adharma Gang got.

Even so, Dark North Saint treats itself like this, and to some extent it is no different from regenerating parents.

He made up his mind that if there is a chance in the future, he must repay Dark North Saint.

“Well, just accept it. Don’t give me a face after going out. If it’s okay, leave.”

Dark North Saint saw Xia Ping accepting Death Substituting Talisman. He was very satisfied. I believe that Xia Ping, who has Death Substituting Talisman, will not be killed so easily by the alien Saint.

This is the only disciple of my own that can’t be killed by others.

Then he sat cross-legged on Praying Mat, seemingly planning to meditate, in reality. He found Xia Ping this time, the main purpose is to give Xia Ping Death Substituting Talisman.

“Yes, Master.”

Seeing Dark North Saint like this, Xia Ping nodded, and now it is not easy to disturb his Master cultivation, he left the Dark North peak alone.

But just left the Dark North peak, a white-clothed Old Man greeted him, and was a Saint of Immortal Realm peak.

“Junior Brother Xia, Old Man is All Saints Temple Steward White Willow Saint and has been waiting near the Dark North peak for a long time.”

White-clothed Old Man introduces himself.

“Oh, White Willow Saint doesn’t know what to do with me, actually waiting for me at Dark North Peak?”

Xia Ping raised the eyebrow, very curious looks at this white-clothed Old Man, he is not worried about the other side looking for trouble, after all, the other is Human Race Saint, and here is Absolute Beginning Sacred Land.

“This is the case. I am here to inform Junior Brother Xia that you have been promoted to Immortal Saint. You have been automatically promoted to All Saints Temple and become a member of All Saints Temple. You will get the authority, treatment and so on at Absolute Beginning Sacred Land. Upgrade.”

White Willow Saint slightly smiled.

Xia Ping in the heart, All Saints Temple This is the most formidable organization of Human Race and the tyrannical force of many Human Race Saint gather together. Only Saint can join.

In reality Absolute Beginning Sacred Land and Dark Palace’s Inner Sect disciple, after they were promoted to Immortal Realm, the first thing was to join All Saints Temple.

In this case, you will get great benefits at All Saints Temple and become one of the Human Race High Level big shots.

“What good is it to be a member of All Saints Temple?”

Xia Ping asked.

“Of course there are great benefits. The first is to get permanent residency at Absolute Beginning Sacred Land, and you can also bring your own direct family member into Absolute Beginning Sacred Land. There is a quota to recommend Genius to join Absolute Beginning Sacred Land.”

White Willow Saint suddenly smiled: “As a member of the All Saints Temple, you are also qualified to have your own peak in Absolute Beginning Sacred Land among, these are ownerless peaks, you can pick them.”

His big hand waved, and suddenly a virtual projection appeared in front of Xia Ping. There were tens of millions of towering peaks, densely packed, clouds and mist, like a fairy mountain, spread all over Absolute Beginning Sacred Land Place.

“There are so many peaks?”

Xia Ping blinked his eyes.

“This is of course, after all, Absolute Beginning Sacred Land is too big, and Saint is too few, so that no one can fill these peaks.” White Willow Saint slightly smiled.

“Okay, then I picked this peak and named it Yan Huang Peak.”

Xia Ping chose a peak as his home, and this peak is inside the hunting thousand near the Dark North peak.

Anyway, in Absolute Beginning Sacred Land among, which peak is the same, there is not much difference, so it is better to pick a peak and your own Master close to the place, so the both sides have a good care, what can be convenient Find the Master.

“Well, then this peak belongs to Junior Brother Xia in the future. I have already registered, and no one can enter Yan Huang Peak at will, otherwise the Monster Suppressing Tower will be held forever.”

When I saw Xia Ping’s selected peak, White Willow Saint nodded, I didn’t care much. He immediately registered the peak selected by Xia Ping.

Then he said that these peaks are private places, private places are sacred and inviolable.

If someone enters a private home with an evil intent, it is against the rules of Absolute Beginning Sacred Land and will be detained into the Monster Suppressing Tower for a lifetime.

He said that Xia Ping should not easily break into other Saint’s residences. This is a move to the door. The consequences are quite serious. It is self-defeating to be killed.

Having said that, White Willow Saint suddenly remembered something, immediately said: “Right, something almost forgot, Junior Brother Xia, you become a member of All Saints Temple and have a reward, you will get a million points of initial points.

Also, the Junior Brother Xia also won the Sacred Land Great Competition first, and also got a million points, these points will immediately hit the Junior Brother Xia Bank Account. ”

He said a series of rewards.

“Not bad.”

Xia Ping touched the chin and felt very satisfied. This time the Sacred Land Great Competition got two million points for this reward. Plus the points won by the previous gambling, I am afraid he already has tens of millions of points.

This is a huge sum of money, enough for the Early Antiquity Saint to be red.

I don’t know how many Treasures can be exchanged for so many points.

“Oh, then I won’t bother with the Junior Brother Xia.”

After saying these words, White Willow Saint left, and the work never drove the water, which was extremely efficient.

“Absolute Beginning Sacred Land’s residence? It seems that it has been settled in Absolute Beginning Sacred Land.”

Xia Ping figure flashes and immediately goes to your new residence.

(End of this chapter)