God Level Demon

Chapter 2272

Chapter 2272 Death Substituting Talisman

Absolute Beginning Sacred Land, Dark North Peak.

At this moment, Xia Ping followed Dark North Saint to this peak immortal mansion.

“Not bad.”

Dark North Peak at a palace hall, Dark North Saint looks at Xia Ping, showing a satisfied smile: “originally I thought that you had to advance to Immortal Realm for at least a thousand years, and didn’t expect it to be successful in just a few decades. And your promotion to Immortal Realm is also very deep, not the kind of parallel Immortal Saint.”

He can see that Xia Ping has a deep foundation and solid foundation. It can be seen from the performance of Monster Suppressing Tower. If you can enter Immortal Realm, you will break through the 19-story Monster Suppressing Tower. It is not the usual Immortal Saint. Things.

Some Immortal Saints are different. They spend all the money and are forced to advance to Immortal Realm. This is already running out of potential. It is estimated that it is difficult to make progress without an adventure.

These Immortal Saints are basically parallel imports, some people can’t even hit the Thunder Tribulation peak with a little monstrous talent, just live longer with the Immortal Body.

“Nooooo, I am still far behind the Master.”

Xia Ping modestly said.

“Haha, yes, I still know modesty.”

Dark North Saint slightly smiled : “although you are promoted to Immortal Realm, but in Saint is only the most small and weak existence, this can only mean that you can have endless life, does not mean that you can not die.

Although Immortal Body is very formidable, but Saint Countless of Universe formidable can kill your existence. Simply is a few, and each time Saint enters a realm, the strength is the difference between Heaven and Earth, incomparable.

Especially if you have been promoted to Immortal Realm for decades, this Innate Talent is enough to alarm the entire universe and let those aliens be frightened. They may be very jealous of you, killing them quickly. I thought that when I was a teacher, I was almost killed by the aliens several times. ”

His eyes showed a deep cold glow, which seemed to remind him of some experience of nine deaths. The Voids in the millions and millions of them all vibrated for a moment, and they burst into a burst of Void.

In Universe among, race countless.

Although Human Race is one of the peak races, it has a lot of strength, and there are some races with Human Race mention on equal terms, such as Monster Race, Insect Clan, Dragon Race, Elemental Clan and so on.

These alien strengths are very formidable, and Human Race also competes with these races at all times to compete for natural resources and territory, and they also form irreconcilable hatred.

Although because of Abyss Demon’s relationship, these races barely unite together, but there are still a lot of battles in the dark.

If you have the chance to kill some Human Race monstrous talent Genius and weaken the potential of Human Race’s, they won’t mind doing it.

The Human Race is also true for aliens.

There is no right or wrong in this agong, just the survival problem of race, not that you are dead or that I live.

“What are you going to do next?”

Thinking of this, Dark North Saint began to ask Xia Ping about the next cultivation plan, and the International Xia Ping has been promoted to Immortal Saint, but for Saint Grand Dao, this is not just the beginning, it is not the end.

“I might go to the Bizarre Area for a gain experience.”

Xia Ping said his next plan.

“Bizarre Area ?!”

Hearing this, Dark North Saint nodded: “Your origin Eastern Universe, may not be very clear about the power of the Bizarre Area, this is the location of the Ten Thousand Clans power struggle, which is born with countless Universe rare treasure, also Ten Thousand Clans kills the most intense territory, Immortal Saint is not a formidable in the Bizarre Area, just barely survive.

Of course, this place is also the best place for Saint cultivation. If you can snatch a Universe rare treasure, the cultivation speed can immediately advance to Supreme realm, and many adventures will happen in this place.

But there are countless Saints in the Bizarre Area stand out among one’s peers. Basically, Saint of the entire universe will enter the Bizarre Area among, and you will also encounter the Saint of the countless race.

These alien methods are very different, and some of the race forces may not be peak races, but their own Ability is very strange and uncomfortable. If you are not careful, you may be yin. You don’t know how to die. You must be careful. Points, no one should believe it easily. ”

“Yes, Master.”

Xia Ping nodded, saying that he would never care.

After going through so many things, he naturally knows that there are countless characters in the universe. Sometimes it may be a negligence, and he will die. No one is an absolute Wudi.

Having said that, Dark North Saint suddenly grabbed a big hand and seemed to grab something from the Void deep place. He flipped it over at random, and suddenly a dark-gold Talisman appeared in front of Xia Ping.

This dark-gold Talisman emits a mysterious aura, deep and unmeasurable, which seems to contain the strength of the fate, the internal deep place concealing the esoteric energy of the vast and limitless.

“Master, what is this thing?”

Xia Ping Curious look at this piece of dark North Saint.

“This is an extremely precious secret treasure I got from an extremely dangerous Universe Secret Realm – Death Substituting Talisman !”

Dark North Saint said solemnly: “If you put this Death Substituting Talisman on your body, then it can help you withstand five deadly attacks, reverse Life and Death Law, and then you will be randomly teleported by Death Substituting Talisman to Universe. a corner.

However, this Death Substituting Talisman has been used three times before, helping me to withstand three deadly attacks. Now the Death Substituting Talisman has only two effects. Before Old Ancestor Xiaoyao, they wanted to use a Peerless Grade Saint Artifact. I changed, but I have not changed, so you must use it properly, don’t waste it, and die everywhere. ”

He is serious about looking at Xia Ping.

In reality, his progress speed is so fast, far more than his peer cultivator, not only his natural talent monstrous talent, but also because of this Death Substituting Talisman’s relationship.

With this Death Substituting Talisman, he unbridled and entered several extremely dangerous Universe Secret Realm to gain gain experience, which earned some extremely valuable Universe Treasure.

Although almost died three times, wasting three chances of rebirth, but also benefited him a lot, promoted to Invencible Saint’s realm, became the Universe Overlord Level other Expert.

“Master, This, this Death Substituting Talisman is too precious, I can’t.”

Upon hearing this, Xia Ping immediately knew how precious the Treasure was, which helped Host to withstand two deadly attacks.

For Saint, such a secret treasure can indeed be associated with a Peerless Grade Saint Artifact.

After all, there is only one person’s life. With this Talisman, it is precious to have two lives, so precious.

If this news is released, I am afraid I don’t know how many Saints will coveting over, or even completely crazy, this is really a life-saving means.

(End of this chapter)