God Level Demon

Chapter 2271

Chapter 2271 chapter extortion


Old Ancestor Xiaoyao big hand With a single stroke, Clam Mist Stone was immediately sent to Xia Ping. Slightly smiled: “Well, this Treasure is yours, remember to take advantage of it, don’t waste Old Man’s pains.” ”

Although Clam Mist Stone is very precious, but for his Rank Universe Overlord, it is only ordinary.

The reason why he is willing to give such Treasure is that he is cherished.

Because it has been promoted to Immortal Realm in a few decades, and the foundation is deep, if such an Innate Talent is cultivated, maybe will add an Invincible Saint to the Human Race, which is more cost-effective than a Peerless Grade Saint Artifact.

And if Xia Ping’s prestige spreads, it will surely cause All Heavens and Myriad Clans’ to be shocked. They are all taboo on Human Race. I am afraid that Xia Ping will kill the killer and kill Genius in advance.

Therefore, he decided to give Treasure like Clam Mist Stone, which would greatly enhance Xia Ping’s life-saving Ability, so that Genius would not die.

“Thank you, Old Ancestor.”

Xia Ping took over Clam Mist Stone, and he could perceive that this special stone seems to contain the unmaginable Strength of Law, as if covered and contained everything, containing the entire universe.

But these laws are Illusion’s, which is incredible.

But now it’s not the time to study this Clam Mist Stone. Just observing it, I immediately received it.

“Apprentice, this is Old Ancestor Kongkong, good at Space-Time Grand Dao.”

“This is River Saint, mastery Water Element Divine Ability.”

“This is Silver Moon Saint, an Extreme Antiquity Saint that has lived from Immemorial Era to the present.”

Dark North Saint comes forward and each and everyone introduces these Human Race Saints to Xia Ping.

“Everyone is good.”

Xia Ping each and everyone greeted each other, revealing a cute look, human and animal harmless.

But these Saint’s expressions are not very good, because the Dark North Saint bastard is an opportunity to collect money, take the opportunity to help his discipline to meet, how shameless bastard, extremely shameless.

But a moment ago, even Old Ancestor Xiaoyao gave such a precious gift. How can these Saints say something that they refused? If they really say it, they still have to be shameless.

Regardless of the preciousness of the gifts, they must come up with a little gift, and they should not be too sparse, otherwise they will get their hands.

“Junior Brother Xia, this is a Golden Thunder Bamboo, a special plant born from the Bizarre Area, which contains the Metal Element and the Thunder Element’s Strength of Source. It is an excellent Refiner material and is now gifted to you.”

“This is Taiyi Gold Essence, the rare material of Universe Level, which is the superior material of refine Saint Artifact. If it can assist Clam Mist Stone, it may refine Peerless Grade Saint Artifact, I hope it will help you.”

“This is a Seven Jewels Soul Returning Pill and Saint Level Medicinal Pill from Old Man refine. Even if Soul is badly hit, taking one of these Medicinal Pills can be restored within seven days.”

Each and everyone Saint mouth corner convulsions, they compelled by circumstances had to come up with a piece of Treasure as a gift, all of them felt so bad that it was like cutting meat on them.

But in the face of such hidden blackmail, they are helpless.

Hearing these words, Xia Ping’s eyes are stunned, very excited, it is Human Race Saint, it really is rich and overbearing, just take out a Treasure, all priceless, all Illusion Clan treasure can not find of.

But this is a matter of course. Human Race is one of the universe’s peak races. Rich and overbearing is not to be said. It is not a race like Illusion Clan. The gap cannot be calculated by numbers.

As the Saint of Absolute Beginning Sacred Land and Dark Palace, their wealth is far more than that of other races. The so-called big tree is good for the cold.

He and everyone stepped forward and took these Treasures.

“Polite, it’s so polite. If you have time, it’s better to come to my Dark North peak for dinner.” Dark North Saint smiles at the crowd of Saint, a look of sorrow.

He is Saint of Absolute Beginning Sacred Land and has his own bureaucrat, peak, in Absolute Beginning Sacred Land.

In reality Every Absolute Beginning Sacred Land’s Saint, if you join All Saints Temple, can have a peak of your own at Absolute Beginning Sacred Land as a place for cultivation.

When I heard these words, many Saint faces were green. This kind of smile is clearly a smile in the knife. Now they are all pitted with Treasure. If they really go to the Dark North Peak for a meal, three glasses of wine are poured. Confused, at that time I am afraid that the whole body’s Treasure has to be scraped by the other party.

Where is this meal, it is clear that the sheep are in the tiger’s mouth, there is nothing more dangerous than this.

“No, no, I suddenly remembered that I still have something to do.”

“Yeah, let’s just say that the Medicinal Pill that I refined before seems to be about to succeed. The time is coming, and the delay is not good.”

“It’s true that a High Grade Saint Artifact that I refined before has reached a critical moment, I’m afraid it’s not open.”

“Dark North Daoist is really sorry, we are all busy and have no time to party.”

“Next time, let’s get together again if we have a chance next time.”

Each and everyone Saint is the sole of the oil, quickly find a lot of excuses, quickly left this place, for fear of being caught by Dark North Saint, was killed as a fat sheep.

Sōu sōu sōu ! ! !

Within a few breaths, a group of Saints ran away, leaving only a few Human Race Old Ancestor.

Seeing the expression of these Saint lose one’s head out of fear, Dark North Saint was very happy, then said to Old Ancestor Xiaoyao and the others: “Old Ancestor, this is the case, I am also time to return to Dark North.”

“Well, go back.”

Old Ancestor Xiaoyao nodded, don’t care.

“Xia Ping, go back with me.”

Dark North Saint said to Xia Ping, he still has something to say to Xia Ping.

“Yes, Master.”

Xia Ping nodded, he also knows that his Master must have a lot of things to say to himself.

Sōu sōu ! !

The voice just fell, Dark North Saint big hand a wave, suddenly a space twisted, the two people’s silhouette immediately disappeared in place.

“How do you see Xia Ping this little guy?”

“Haha, his face is dark, at least he doesn’t have to worry about him being pitted.”

“It is true that some Human Race Genius’s environment is really good, and the protection is so good, like the greenhouse flowers. Once you go to the power struggle area, you will probably suffer, and many Human Race Genius will fall like this.”

“But the news that this guy was promoted to Immortal Realm is going out, I am afraid it will cause great anxiety to other races, I am afraid that they will kill the killer and deal with this little guy. Do you want to hide the news of this little guy.”

“Concealing what is not being criticized is a mediocrity, and this thing is completely hidden.”

“It is true that the crisis is a danger and an opportunity. At the beginning, Dark North grew up and suffered a lot.”

“How can I achieve the Wudi situation without suffering? This can only see the good fortune of this little guy in the future.”

Many Human Race Old Ancestor discuss spiritedly, for the existence of these already standing in the universe peak, Xia Ping’s move is no harm, they have seen too many things.

(End of this chapter)