God Level Demon

Chapter 2263

Chapter 2263 is the leader!

Monster Suppressing Tower 1st layer.

Sōu sōu sōu ! ! !

All Absolute Beginning Sacred Land and Dark Palace’s disciplines enter, and the Surface area of ​​the Monster Suppressing Tower 1st layer is extremely wide and has more than millions and millions of light years.

So even if all the Sacred Land disciple enters it, they will almost never meet each other because of the too large a relationship.

Even each discipline has its own customs clearance channel. As long as it can kill the Demon of this channel, it can go all the way to the highest level of Monster Suppressing Tower.

With a bang, Xia Ping figure flashed. He entered the 1st layer of Monster Suppressing Tower and immediately found that it is one of the customs clearance channels, but the in reality surface area is also very broad, like an ordinary planet’s surface area. Many tyrannical Demons are being held in this place.

In reality Every channel, is equivalent to a cage Small World.

Hōng lóng lóng ~~~

When Xia Ping appeared in this space, it suddenly seemed to disturb the stone on the lake and set off a huge wave, causing the attention of all Demons in this cage.

“This kind of aura is human, and humans come in this place.”

“Damn, this human is definitely coming to gain experience.”

“damned bastard, damned Human Race, actually held us up as their to gain experience object.”

“Slaughter him, immediately kill this human, and want to sharpen his cultivation base, simply is delusional, today let this human Genius return to the West, let Human Race regret to put him in.”

“Kill him, kill him immediately, and unload him eight!”

“Jié jié, human’s flesh and blood I haven’t tasted it for a long time, this time I must eat him and swallow the bones.”

Dark Space deep place, the sound waves coming from the rolling, contain the roar of countless Abyss Demon, they are being held in the Monster Suppressing Tower for too long, without any freedom, can’t go out, not even food, one piece Void.

So they hate the humans who are holding themselves into the Monster Suppressing Tower. Once someone breaks into the Monster Suppressing Tower, they immediately become attacked on all sides and become the object of their anger.

And they also know that they can’t go out at all, so they are all afraid of death. As long as they can pull a human scapegoat, they are all big profits.

It is obvious that the sinisterness of this to gain experience, all monsters and demons, ghosts and freaks are not afraid of death, once there is a slight negligence, I am afraid they will be killed.

For these Demon’s roars, Xia Ping’s expression is very calm, because the Demon who is being held in the 1st layer Monster Suppressing Tower is generally not his opponent, at most, only the strength of the Law Idol peak.

Ordinary Absolute Beginning Sacred Land disciple can be with no difficulty, let alone him.

Xia Ping looked at these rushed Abyss Demon with a glance, just a glance, with his body as the center, a huge Illusion Technique Domain formed in a radius of tens of kilometers.

A burst of sturdy Spiritual Fluctuation spreads all around, covering every corner and almost condensing into a substance.


Regardless of the strength of the monsters and demons, ghosts and freaks, as long as they are exposed to this sturdy Spiritual Fluctuation, they and everyone are stunned and even the entire Soul collapses.

They simply can’t stand such a terrible Spiritual pressure.

A few passes, Xia Ping walked along the way, wherever one goes, all Abyss Demon fell like wood, and even one kilometer near his body could not do it.

Some of the powerful and weak Demons were directly killed, the whole body shattered, and the Divine Soul disappeared.

Just a few breathing time, he passed with no difficulty 1st layer Smelting Trial Tower, arrived at the end of the channel, and at the end there is a huge Light Door, 2nd Layer Monster Suppressing Tower is the gateway to arrive.

Xia Ping did not hesitate and suddenly entered the 2nd Layer Monster Suppressing Tower.

in reality is not only 2nd Layer Monster Suppressing Tower, 3rd Layer, 4th Layer, 5th Layer Monster Suppressing Tower, sixth floor Monster Suppressing Tower with no difficulty every time he got into the past, as easy as blowing off dust.

Every level of the Monster Suppressing Tower is like a walk, and no Demon can pose a threat to him.

And the score he got was also crazy, and immediately teleportation to the score list, directly to the top, was seen by everyone in Sacred Land among.

“Crap, what’s going on? Why is this abnormal speed so fast? It took so long to get on the 7th Layer Monster Suppressing Tower.”

“Yes, Che Guangliang, Sun Jiexing and the others are still struggling in the 5th Layer. He actually boarded the 7th Layer. Isn’t that Demon really muddy? It’s too fast to die, is this brat this time? Want to suppress the audience and get the first?”

“Impossible, don’t dream, this brat is a new variant, where is the first thing.”

“That’s right, this brat’s speed is so fast, it is estimated that he is the relationship of the Illusion Technique division, a thought can hypnotize the terrible Demon. For the low-Rank Demon, he is the existence of Wudi, but The demo for the formidable is different, and may not be able to get his Illusion Technique.”

“It is true. He just started to get faster. When he reached the 7th Layer, the eighth floor, this brat knew what the horror of Monster Suppressing Tower was.”

“Ordinary Thunder Tribulation Realm peak can break into 7th Layer Monster Suppressing Tower, Genius level can break into the eighth floor, monstrous talent level can break 9th Layer, like Che Guangliang these Peerless monstrous talent estimated to break into 10th Layer Monster Suppressing Tower, this brat can break into the 9th Layer. It’s not a good thing to be able to talk to Che Guangliang.

“Really, the 10th Layer Monster Suppressing Tower has appeared Immortal Demon, and it’s still in droves. Even the Peerless monstrous talent like Che Guangliang can’t compete for too long.”

“Wait, I’m going to show Xia Ping this guy soon.”

“I just wanted to suppress our Senior Brother just after getting started. Simply is pipe dream, this is impossible.”

Numerous Absolute Beginning Sacred Land and Dark Palace’s discipline also saw the ranking of the scores from the Virtual Network, immediately discos spiritedly, causing a huge uproar.

They can’t imagine that Xia Ping’s ranking is far ahead, but even so, they don’t think Xia Ping can get the first, it’s just a temporary ranking.

After all, this time Sacred Land Great Competition is not the speed of the game, but the true fighting strength between the parcels. Even if the brat passes the speed faster, it is impossible to get through the 9th Layer Monster Suppressing Tower.

Even so, they are very anxious in their hearts, but they are more than the brat. I don’t know how many years of Senior Brother, now I was pressed by a little Junior Brother, it is too shameful.

In particular, Che Guangliang, Sun Jiexing and the others saw such a breakthrough speed, complexion is even more incomparable to gloomy, speeding up their own speed, and can not let Xia Ping take the lead.

(End of this chapter)