God Level Demon

Chapter 2262

Chapter 2262 Chapter Monster Suppressing Tower

Next day, the Sacred Land Great Competition started.

Absolute Beginning Sacred Land and Dark Palace of disciple one after another gathered in the Absolute Beginning Sacred Land of a Central Square, which at the Plaza simply is boundless, Earth is extremely hard, arranged tyrannical Restriction Formation, even the Saint wanted to destruction Earth here It takes a lot of effort to get it.

The plaza center stands a Super impressively towers, able to support both heaven and earth, runs through the Void, emits unparalleled divinity, filled with vast and limitless of Law’s Information.

This giant tower is the divine tool Monster Suppressing Tower!

All Sacred Land disciple arrived near the Monster Suppressing Tower. Regardless of the cultivation base, they felt the mountain stand up, as if they saw the end of the road and saw the existence of a Supreme.

This giant tower is surrounded by an almost complete Universe Principle, as if it were a universe itself, even if it reveals a mile, it will be able to kill the people present.

“My God, this is the divine tool, this is the end point of all Magical Artifact dreams!”

The Azure Ox and Cat Sage staying at Xia Ping’s body are also arrogant and excited. Just like seeing their ultimate idol, the Monster Suppressing Tower is beyond the imagination of all Magical Artifact Artifact Spirit.

This is like the ordinary person seeing the Invincible Saint, which stands in the presence of the Universe peak, the real Universe Overlord, the vertical and horizontal Wudi, the end of all cultivators.

It is impossible to say that you are not excited or excited.

“This is the divine tool!”

Xia Ping blinked and looked at the head. He saw the Monster Suppressing Tower in Earth in the distance. When he was in Illusory World, he also faintly saw a little bit, but where it is so clear now.

He can clearly perceive this Monster Suppressing Tower within the body contain the complete Universe Principle, filled the air with Chaos qi flow, at all times be able to communicate Universe Source, what strength seems to not work, could not break the defense Monster Suppressing Tower .

Fighting the Monster Suppressing Tower is like battling a universe.

He deeply felt the formidable of the divine tool, no wonder it was Human Race’s clan’s protecting Magical Artifact.

If he had a Magical Artifact comparable to Monster Suppressing Tower, I would have only Hell’s Spear and Samsara Brush, but their strength was sealed and it was impossible to compete with the strength of Monster Suppressing Tower.

Sōu sōu sōu ! ! !

At this time, Void deep place opens each and everyone wormholes, and then walks out of the silhouette of a stalwart, these people are awesomely Human Race Saint, densely packed, at least thousands of people appear.

There are several Old Mans with celestial bones, and emits has an overwhelming imposing manner, as if they are a World in nature, at all times are against the Universe Principle.

These Old Man are the Universe Overlord at the Human Race Old Ancestor level.

Xia Ping looked at it but found that there was a familiar silhouette next to the Human Race Old Ancestor, apparently his own Master Dark North Saint, who also appeared in this place.

This time, the Sacred Land Great Competition attracted a lot of attention from Saint’s.

Many Absolute Beginning Sacred Land and Dark Palace’s disciplines are extremely exciting, they are completely didn’t expect that there will be so many Saints in this Great Competition, which is their best chance to be famous.

If you can get an appreciation from an Old Ancestor, I am afraid that it is a chance frightening adventure.

“The main content of this Sacred Land Great Competition is 闯Monster Suppressing Tower, no Magical Artifact is allowed, no one-time Talisman is allowed, and only the Divine Ability can be used.”

At this time, a Saint Elder start to talk said: “If you are seriously injured, or who chooses to surrender and concede, you will immediately leave the Monster Suppressing Tower by teleportation.

Every time you kill a Demon, according to the strength, there will be a corresponding degree. There will also be a reward score through the Monster Suppressing Tower. The entire Monster Suppressing Tower is covered by the Universe Virtual Network, at all times, and monitored in all directions. So you don’t need to worry about the scores being calculated incorrectly. Ok, no more nonsense, go in, trying hard fighting, the higher the score, the more reward you will get. ”

The voice just fell, his big hand waved, with a bang sound, I saw the Monster Suppressing Tower vibrate, a group of rays of light descended from Void, covering the entire square, covering every Sacred Land disciple.

Sōu sōu sōu ! ! !

In the next second, all the Sacred Land disciple, including Xia Ping, were teleported into the World of the Monster Suppressing Tower 1st layer. The silhouette of the entire square disappeared, and there was no sound.

And the surroundings of the square are just the remaining Saint Elder.

“Do you think this Sacred Land Great Competition can get the first?”

“I think Zhang Ruixuan is very promising, with Seven Orifices Exquisite Physique, the mastery of insight, the fighting strength is the first, and I have fought with Saint in the immortal Initial Stage, and I have escaped without any loss. Except he does not have Immortal Body. In addition, his fighting strength is no less than the Saint of Immortal Realm Initial Stage, extremely formidable.”

“Nooooo, when it comes to fighting strength, it is still stronger than Dark Palace’s Che Guangliang. His origin Dark Palace has three thousand space clones. Each clone has a body strength of 80%. Who can resist this? This is the real space son. Hope is to become Late Antiquity Saint, and even to become Extreme Antiquity Saint is not impossible.”

“Che Guangliang is indeed extraordinary, but when it comes to real combat, the real life-saving Ability is still Huang Yong’s comparative formidable. With half an Undying Body, you can recover your injuries with one breath.

This Monster Suppressing Tower will have a lot of monsters and demons, ghosts and freaks, and they will attack each other. As for the life-saving Ability, Huang Yong is more likely to pass through the ten-story Monster Suppressing Tower. ”

“Indeed, Huang Yong is really unusual when it comes to the Tower Ability.”

Many Saint discuss spiritedly.

“No, you said so much, there is still one person missing. That person is the Final Big Disciple Xia Ping of Dark North. This person is quite tyrannical. Soul Strength is beyond imagination. It is Innate’s Illusion Technique Great Master. ”

At this time, a Saint Elder start to talk said: “He had just joined Absolute Beginning Sacred Land, just the cultivation base of Law Idol peak, and he was able to suppress a group of Absolute Beginning Sacred Land Inner Sect disciple with no difficulty.

Now after a year of submersible, he is probably promoted to Thunder Tribulation Realm, and his strength is leaps and bounds. I think he has a certain hope to win the first prize. After all, Illusion Technique Great Master’s strength extremely important. ”

He mentioned the name of Xia Ping’s.

“There is this kind of thing? Dark North, what do you think?”

Many Saints are looks at Dark North Saint. For this new Invincible Saint, everyone is very respectful, and Xia Ping is still the other party’s Final Big Disciple, which is more valued by all Saint’s.

In Universe among, the relationship between Master and Disciples is sometimes deeper than the relationships of parents.

After all, in the long years of anong, parents will decay because of the relationship of years, but as Saint’s Master, it will last forever, and often accompanied, natural relationship will not be ordinary.

Old Ancestor Xiaoyao, Old Ancestor Kongkong and the others Old Ancestor are looks at Dark North Saint, they are also interested in this Dark North Saint’s disciple, and Xia Ping’s name more or less is a little bit of their ears.

“Let’s take a look, I am a bit of an exercise, but I am still too young to see if he can reach the first few layers. It is not bad to get to the eighth floor.”

Dark North Saint slightly smiled.

(End of this chapter)