God Level Demon

Chapter 2264

How did the 2264 chapter teach you how to teach it?

At this moment, many Saints outside the Monster Suppressing Tower also see this scene, and they can also see the Xia Ping and the others clearance scene, more than what other disciplines see.

“It’s not easy, Xia Ping’s speed of breaking this brit is too fast, Che Guangliang and the others can’t compare with him.”

“Can’t do anything about it, he is Illusion Technique Great Master, Innate Soul Strength formidable, himself is the Expert against group battles, even if many Abyss Demon are not opponents.”

“Indeed, when a thought goes on, these Demons are in a illusion. How can this be blocked?”

“If you continue this way, will the first time be obtained by Xia Ping?”

“Impossible, this is a bit too high to look at him. The sixth six-story Monster Suppressing Tower is the same, but the next few layers of Monster Suppressing Tower are holding a lot of formidable Demons, and the Demon that can withstand Illusion Technique also has Quite a lot, at that time, I am afraid he can’t do anything about it breakthrough so fast.”

“It’s true. After all, he just broke through Thunder Tribulation Realm. The savings are not very strong. I still want to have a certain distance from Che Guangliang and the others.”

“It’s not bad to be able to reach the 9th Layer Monster Suppressing Tower.”

Many Saint discuss spiritedly, but also a little amazing Xia Ping’s performance, but they do not think that Xia Ping can always lead, sooner or later will be caught up by Che Guangliang and the others.

In reality, too, Che Guangliang and the others saw the scores after the rankings, all of them are worried, no longer retain the strength, full speed all-in, continuous break, breakthrough a layer upon layer Monster Suppressing Tower, a pair of potential Look like that.

All Absolute Beginning Sacred Land and Dark Palace’s disciplines can see Che Guangliang and the others quickly approaching Xia Ping’s ranking, simply that you are chasing after you, chasing after.

They also broke through to the 7th Layer Monster Suppressing Tower.

“Haha, I know that Che Guangliang, Sun Jiexing, and Huang Yong and the others are powerful enough, they will not be thrown away in such a simple way, and now they will catch up as soon as they force it.”

“Wait a minute, Xia Ping will soon be chased, and only after Che Guangliang and the others’ ass.”

“After all, there is still a lack of knowledge. Go back and practice for another ten years.”

Seeing the changing ranks of the scores, I quickly caught up with Xia Ping’s rankings, and many of the Absolute Beginning Sacred Land and Dark Palace’s disciplines involved in the bet were not relieved.

Because if Xia Ping really gets the first, they probably lose a lose a family fortune, all of them are in the heart of the Curve Xia Ping by the Monster Suppressing Tower’s Demon flying out, immediately eliminated.

Some Human Race Old Ancestor is very silent, their eyes flashed, instinct’s perception of Xia Ping’s body aura is a bit wrong, but it is also not noticeable.

This is because Xia Ping uses Phaseless Mask to concealing his own aura and cultivation base. Even the Universe Overlord of Wudi Saint Level can’t detect his cultivation base.

Even so, they clearly felt that the Soul Strength formidable from Xia Ping emits was a bit too much. Even if this strength was controlled by Xia Ping, they were noticed a bit tricky.

But there is not enough evidence, they are just a little doubtful and have not said anything.


At this time Xia Ping also naturally saw the dramatic changes in the score rankings. From the above situation, the score is rapidly increasing. It is obviously that Che Guangliang and the others are trying to catch up with themselves.

However, he still follows his own movement technique, just like walking in a leisurely manner.

7th Layer, the eighth layer, and even the 9th Layer Monster Suppressing Tower is nothing more than a playground for him. He has a thought, all the monsters and demons, ghosts and freaks that have come to intercept are fainting, no one. exception.

Awkwardly, he did not hesitate to step directly into the 10th Layer Monster Suppressing Tower, which is a Demon that holds many immortal Saint Levels, and this is also a huge dividing line.

“How can it be?!”

Seeing this scene, a Saint couldn’t help but jump up, unbelievable: “Too effortless, this is really effortless, is this really a young discipline just promoted to Thunder Tribulation Realm? One thought goes down, these Thunder Tribulation The Demon of peak actually passed out, not even one that resisted.”

He simply can’t believe his eyes.

“It’s really exaggerated. These Demons are extremely thorough vicious Extreme Evil, some from Abyss, some from the Bizarre Area, some from a Universe Secret Realm, battle strength tens of thousands, thousands of threats comparable to Immortal Saint.

Even the Peerless monstrous talent level Thunder Tribulation Realm cultivator, it can be blocked for a few minutes, he actually split them with split second, is Illusion Technique Great Master really soformable, so no solution? ”

Some Human Race Saints are also dumbstruck, but they know how terrible the Demons are held by the 9th Layer Monster Suppressing Tower. They are basically the most terrible Experts at the Thunder Tribulation level.

If you can deal with them, you will have enough strength to survive under Immortal Saint, which is the dividing line of the ordinary Genius and Peerless monstrous talent.

If Xia Ping cultivation has such strength for thousands of years, they are not surprised.

But now this brat is just getting started with Absolute Beginning Sacred Land for a year. Even if it is counted from his mother’s womb, it is only cultivation for decades. How can it have such strength? !

They were completely frightened by Xia Ping’s performance, the real Illusion Technique Great Master was so terrible, so unsolvable, simply beyond all their imagination.

“Dark North Taoist, how did he do this, isn’t cultivation what Secret Art is not? How did his out of the ordinary Soul Strength get?”

There is Saint not asking about Dark North Saint.

“This, I am not very clear, it is estimated that his adventure.”

Dark North Saint was also asked. In reality, he didn’t know much about Xia Ping cultivation. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to teach. It was this guy cultivation speed that was so scary.

In a blink of an eye, cultivation to Thunder Tribulation Realm, even if he wants to guide something, it is too late, it seems that this brat does not need to guide himself.

To be honest He is also the first time. When the Master, he has never been’t expect to be so effortless, throw it there, and answer a few questions, naturally grow up.

If every discipline is so worry-free, I am afraid that Universe Sect has long been the first force in the universe.

“Dark North buddy, this is can it be true, don’t you have any tips for guiding the discipline, or how would this brat grow so fast?” There are Saints who want to ask Dark North Saint for the secret of the discipline.

“This, I really have no secrets, it is all grown up by himself.”

Dark North Saint is also a bit depressed, and sometimes it’s a bad thing to have a discipline of too monstrous talent, that is, he doesn’t have a sense of accomplishment at all, and he is so confused.

(End of this chapter)