God Level Demon

Chapter 2261

Chapter 2261 chapter heaven frightening


Upon hearing this, Xia Ping touched his chin: “If you want to send points to me, then I have no reason not to agree.”

He was very helpless, and he dissuaded him. The other side also sent his points to the bottom of his ass. He also wanted to lose a family fortune and gambled with himself. Others gave birth to themselves and he didn’t make sense.

“Interesting, even Che Guangliang wants to gamble. This gambling also allows me to mix one. I don’t have many points, but a million can also be obtained.”

Dark Palace Sun Jiexing also wants to blend in and want to take advantage of the opportunity to earn points.

After all, on the million points, but a lot of rare Treasure in the Dark Palace exchange, it is enough for him to promote to Immortal Realm.

Even after being promoted to Immortal Realm, he still needs a lot of points to exchange all kinds Treasure and improve the cultivation base.

These points are of great use at any time, similar to universal coins.

“No problem at all, how much gambling is coming, there are not many other things in my body, there are many points, I don’t know how these points are spent, old man hurts.”

Xia Ping said Da La La.

A group of Absolute Beginning Sacred Land and Dark Palace disciple mouth corner convulsions, all want to hammer him, have not seen such awkward bastard, rich money, but also said points do not know how to spend, why not give them, guarantee second All the flowers are clean.

“Since the Junior Brother Xia is so confident, I will also bet on you. As an Absolute Beginning Sacred Land Inner Sect Eldest Senior Brother, it is not a strength.”

Zhang Ruixuan also has a bit of vitality │ angry on Xia Ping’s arrogance. I want to give this new lesson a lesson, and by the way, I can earn points, why not.

“Haha, my Huang Yong also bet a million points with you, I don’t believe you are really so bullish, can be in this Sacred Land Great Competition rampage overbearing.” Huang Yong squeezed the fist, his eyes revealing a sighing intent, If he is talking about fighting, he has never been afraid of anyone.

Other Dark Palace disciple are also screaming, saying that they want to join this gambling game and make a big profit.

For this kind of money-sending behavior, Xia Ping will not refuse, one after another promised, and signed a Sacred Land contract with these people, if this happens then, anyone can’t do anything about it against the contract, otherwise it will be Out of Human Race Sacred Land.

After careful calculation, the points of this gambling have reached 6.5 million, which is a scary wealth, even if Immortal Saint painstakingly accumulated millions and millions of years, no more than this.

Once you win this gamble, Xia Ping will be rich, and can exchange countless Treasure, the benefits are endless.

Although after looting Illusion Clan’s treasure house, his Treasure is scary and doesn’t care too much, but who would dislike his Treasure too much.

“Interesting, Junior Brother Xia, you are indeed enough, that tomorrow we will see you again, see who is the first place in this Sacred Land Great Competition.” Huang Yong pinches the fist, fighting intent boiling, after saying these words Turn around and leave.

Zhang Ruixuan and the others also looked at Xia Ping deeply and left. The purpose of their coming has been reached, and there is no need to stay in this place.

Xia Ping is also slightly smiled, and the interest is very pleasant. It is estimated that after this event, he will not only get the weekly million points, but also harvest a lot of Hate Crystals.

And Hate Crystals on his body is not far from a thousand, if this event is over, it will certainly break through a thousand Hate Crystals, when the time comes he has system Big Gift.

I don’t know what Treasure this Big Gift will give.


Xia Ping and many Absolute Beginning Sacred Land, Dark Palace’s Inner Sect disciple signed a bet, and the stakes points up to 6.5 million also swept Absolute Beginning Sacred Land up and down, and were known by all disciples.

Even Saint of Absolute Beginning Sacred Land has heard about this. After all, these monstrous talent disciple have infinite potential, and there are many opportunities to promote to Saint Realm.

Such a gamble will naturally attract the attention of countless people.

“Crap, Xia Ping, how long has this guy been stable before returning to Absolute Beginning Sacred Land without a one day period, and making such a big news, simply scared to death.”

“I know, right? This brat although natural talent is indeed a horror. It is the rare Illusion Technique Great Master of Universe. Soul Strength is extremely formidable, but Zhang Ruixuan, Huang Yong and the others are not Peerless monstrous talent, millions and millions of years are born. One exists, which loses to him.

Not to mention, their cultivation base has reached the Thunder Tribulation peak, and the cultivation time is much longer than Xia Ping. Their record and experience are not comparable to Xia Ping’s newbie. This bet is also acceptable. crazy. ”

“It is estimated that the previous gambling made Xia Ping taste the sweetness, earned a full million points, and made him think that the strength of Absolute Beginning Sacred Land disciple is more than this, so he dared to promise such a bet. In his eyes , maybe the gambling is a big profit.”

“What a joke, Huang Yong. Their strength is not the existence of the ordinary Inner Sect disciple. They can be promoted to Immortal Realm anytime and anywhere. Now it is only for further onwards to suppress the speed of their breakthrough. It can be said that even now they even Not Immortal Saint, it’s not far off, and other Inner Sect disciple is not a Rank.”

“This Xia Ping is still too mad, and through childhood is smooth, from Wudi, he also developed his Wudi’s imposing manner, Only I Am Supreme. Unfortunately, this universe is very big, can countless, this time I am afraid he Will plant.”

“If you lose, but lose enough 6.5 million points, can he lose?”

“Indeed, even with the previous million points, it is not enough.”

“They have signed a contract, and they can’t afford to lose. Even if they can’t afford it now, they can pay back their debts in the future.”

“Haha, if you really lose, this brat will probably work for tens of thousands of years.”

“It is said that he also has a lot of Treasure, sacred medicine, and even Saint Artifact. If you sell it, you can exchange a lot of points. But this time he estimates that it will really be a family fortune.”

“I really look forward to it. I don’t know how to win the tomorrow. Who is the first place in this Dark Palace and Absolute Beginning Sacred Land.”

Many Absolute Beginning Sacred Land disciple discuss spiritedly, they are consistently not optimistic about Xia Ping.

After all, Huang Yong and the others have been famous for a long time, at least for a thousand years, and they have created a record that has so far been enough to marvel at the countless Supreme Talent.

Xia Ping is just a little guy who has just entered Absolute Beginning Sacred Land for a year.

They also think that Xia Ping’s is really a bad Peerless Genius, but the age is still too small, the accumulation is not enough, perhaps after the hundred years can compare Huang Yong and the others, but it is not enough.

It can be said that the bottle sides originally are not the Genius of the same era, so the contrast is unfair.

Even so, the gambling is a gamble, and the gambling contract is a gamble. Since it is signed, there is no reason for remorse. This kind of thing can be regardless of your age.

(End of this chapter)