God Level Demon

Chapter 2216

Chapter 2216 swallowing the heaven and devouring the earth 卍Demon Qi

“Hmm? Ollasg, the old fart seems to be desperate.”

In the distance, Old Ancestor Xiaoyao seems to be aware of it, staring at Illusion Clan Saint such as Oglas.

“Desperate? I am afraid that this old brat is acting, I don’t know how many times, this guy is fabulously on the surface, and he wants to run on the substance, he must guard against him.”

Old Ancestor Kongkong said with a sneer, but he has been deceived by Oglas’s acting skills for several times. He is obviously an Invincible Saint, but he is faster than anyone else when he runs away. He is very shameless and has no Invincible Saint at all. Forced.

“Yes, and now, even though Abyss Demon didn’t appear, did they give up Illusion Clan? I think this is unusual, is to give up Illusion Clan, or that they are confident in the strength of Illusion Clan, no Worried that Illusion Clan is annihilated? A piece like Illusion Clan should not be abandoned.”

Another Old Ancestor-class Saint blinked and he thought it was unusual. The old antiques were guarded by the old ones to prevent Illusion Clan’s trump card and Abyss Demon’s Corrosion and siege.

But so far, there is still no movement, but the more so, the more uneasy they are, because the real biting dog is not called, for fear of Abyss Demon’s crafty plots and machinations.

“It’s really important to be careful. Ollasg’s old fart hasn’t shown a desperate look. It’s still full of confidence. I’m afraid he really has a trump card to get rid of the current predicament. Sometimes the fate beast of Death is the most terrible.”

Old Ancestor Xiaoyao is also nodded.

“Oh, no matter what means that Illusion Clan’s little nephew wants to make, if we are guarded, we won’t turn up any storms.” Old Ancestor Kongkong indifferently said.

“Look, Ollasg shot.”

Old Ancestor Xiaoyao start to talk.


“Dark North kid, you are completely irritating me, your Human Race will pay a heavy price for yourself to look at Illusion Clan.” Ollasg sneered, emits out infinity fiendish aura, it seems that the entire universe principle rotates with him Formed a huge dark Vortex, a horrible Abyss aura emerged from his within the body.

“You really fell into Abyss.”

Dark North Saint blinked and felt the horrible Strength of Abyss in Ollasg within the body. The black Abyss pattern of the densely packed surface appeared on the other’s body surface, and the emits were stunned and formidable.

It can be said that this Ollasg is completely full of an Abyss creature.

“Surely falling into Abyss, with Ollasg’s natural talent should not be able to step into the Invencible Saint’s realm, it should be with the strength of Abyss to enter the Invincible Saint.”

Old Ancestor Xiaoyao and the others Eyes reveal the terrible fiendish aura. The horror of Abyss is in this place. It can give people an infinite strength. Some of the traps that are stuck in bottleneck and don’t know how many years will resist the temptation of Abyss. Will eventually fall.

Obviously, Ollasg is such a Saint. In order to get the strength of the extends onwards formidable, he accepted the Abyss solicitation and became the Abyss creature of formidable.

“Foolish, to achieve this realm, there is a difference between Abyss creature and other creatures, some are just the difference between strength, in order to get strength, I have given up self-conduct, such realm you will not understand, So today, you will be defeated, you know?”

Ollasg angrily shouted and immediately rushed to the Dark North Saint.

Supreme Divine Ability – swallowing the heaven and devouring the earth 卍Demon Qi !

In an instant, a huge dark Demon Qi emerged from him, and it was turned into a horrible demon. All of them were condensed by Abyss Demon Qi, and the darkness reached the extreme.

A dark Demon Qi Devouring the Heavens and Earth, covering thousands of light years, as if the Star Territory was completely shrouded, turned into an absolute dark Star Territory.

Even these Abyss Demon Qi hiding the sky and covering the earth, shrouded Void, partitioned Space-Time, Corrosion all Matter, wherever one goes, everything was completely dying, and even Space-Time was reversed.

Some Saint without warning, by this Abyss Demon Qi Corrosion, actually was sucked into the adult in an instant, swallowed all the Magic Power and energy, even Soul was destroyed.

“Retreat, retreat immediately.”

Many Human Race Saints are awesome, didn’t expect Ollasg to be so horrible, one shot is Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering, turning around, invincible.

They quickly escaped the scope of Demon Qi’s cover, so as not to be poisoned.

“courting death! Come out, four seasons!”

Dark North Saint showed a hint of cold glow, murderous aura, and he was completely angry at the moment, exhausting full power.

Sōu sōu sōu 嗖! ! !

In a flash, his big hand waved and immediately flew out four handles of Treasure Sword, green, red, yellow, and white, representing the seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter, and each Treasure Sword reached the level of Peerless Grade Saint Artifact. .


The four-handed Treasure Sword descended into four corners of East, South, West, and North, forming a Peerless Sword Array that enveloped the entire Space-Time. It seems that this Space-Time is transformed into the World of Sword.

At this moment, it seems that time and space are still, and one after another horrible sword qi come out, like the endless universe principle, like Chaos torrent, destroy everything.

Pēng pēng pēng ! ! !

In an instant, in front of many Illusion Clan Saint could not resist, was pierced by a sword, the body was completely torn, the horrible dead sword qi broke out, destroying their souls, Nascent Divinity disappeared.

Even hundreds of millions of words seem to be the sword qi tearing the void, with no difficulty strangling all around Abyss Demon Qi, each sword going down, can annihilate part of the strength.

“How could it be so horrible? Retreat and retreat immediately.”

The eight Illusion Clan Extreme Antiquity Saint were horrified, repeatedly reversing, and felt the unbeatable torrent, even the Universe barrier could be cut, each word glow contained an amazing Sword Intent, piercing all the Matter.

With a bang sound, they are also with no warning, one arm is cut off, thrown out, a lot of black blood, flowing out of the huge Abyss magic power.

Obviously these eight Extreme Antiquity Saints were also corrupted by Abyss.

“damned Dark North, you irritated me completely, this is what your Human Race forced me. My Ollasg will definitely make you heavy race price, Irreconcilable, Irreconcilable.”

Seeing this situation, some Illusion Clan Saint was crushed like a bug, countless death, and Ollasg stunned. He couldn’t stand it anymore, and he was furious.

“Clam Mist Pearl, turn around, combine reality with reality, and unite with one another.”

Split second, Ollasg angrily shouted, actually used the strength of Peerless Grade Saint Artifact Clam Mist Pearl, a mysterious strength immediately wrapped his whole body, making his body blur, into the form of smoke, formless and colorless.

With a bang, he escaped from this place with the eight seriously injured Extreme Antiquity Saint.

(End of this chapter)