God Level Demon

Chapter 2217

Chapter 2217 is devastating.

“Escape, go somewhere?!”

Dark North Saint blinked. He found that even under the cover of the four seasons, there was still no trace of Ollasg and the others. It seems that the speaking of disappearing is in the universe.

If Ollasg and the others run away, I am afraid it will bring irreparable damage to Human Race.

After all, Saint is crazy like this, and the assassination of the ordinary person is a huge threat.

“Don’t worry, he can’t run away. Under the pressure of the Ten World Tower, no matter if they fled to somewhere, they can’t get out of this range.”

Old Ancestor Xiaoyao immediately Transmit Message, saying that you don’t need to worry, under the pressure of the Ten World Tower, that Ollasg and the others can’t escape. It is because of this that they will prepare in advance, absolutely not This will make this cofferdam reproduce the scene where Illusion Clan and the others ran for the last time.

“But that Ollasg in the end ran to somewhere, he knew that the place had been suppressed, all Space-Time was solidified, and it was impossible to escape. Is he trying to rescue the soldiers?”

Old Ancestor Kongkong blinked and he felt an unknown threat from Void deep place.

“I don’t know, but I soon learned that I have communicated with the Ten World Tower, scanning all the time, and then waiting for the moment of three moments to find the trace of the old ghost, he can’t run away.”

Old Ancestor Xiaoyao murderous aura.


Sōu sōu sōu ! !

In a flash, Ollasg, etc. Illusion Clan Saint, with the strength of Peerless Grade Saint Artifact Clam Mist Pearl, came back to the treasure house of Illusory World.

They are panting at this moment, sweating and raining, and it is obviously that a moment ago. The desperate of the war, if not Ollasg, they have been hacked to death by Dark North Saint.

It can be said that now they have no strength to compete with Human Race.

“Old Ancestor, are you really going to release that kind of thing?”

Seeing that Ollasg returned to the treasure house, an Extreme Antiquity Saint immediately understood his home’s Old Ancestor’s idea. The reason for returning to this place is to release the Cursed Black Coffin.

Other Saints are also suddenly body hair, trembling.

This Cursed Black Coffin is a horrible secret treasure that Illusion Clan got from the Dark Forbidden Area of ​​Central Universe. It is terrible and very strange. The Curse strength of contain is not able to withstand Saint.

At the time, for the suppression of the Cursed Black Coffin by Seal, their Illusion Clan suffered heavy losses. I don’t know how many people died, and some Saints have fallen. This is a contraindication.

Even Illusion Clan has fallen Abyss and accepted the corruption of Abyss because of the Cursed Black Coffin.

In the middle of Ollasg, Cursed Black Coffin’s Curse, Life is in jeopardy, Celestial Five Wanings, thoroughly Death, the whole body’s vitality is about to become extinct.

In order to survive, Ollasg also had to accept the conditions of Abyss, remove the strength of the body from the Strength of Curse, and let his strength take it to the next level.

This also led to the entire Illusion Clan being corrupted by Abyss and becoming the Abyss creature.

Even so, they are still jealous of this Cursed Black Coffin. On weekdays, they are sending a number of Extreme Antiquity Saints to guard this place, for fear that the strength of Cursed Black Coffin will break out again, resulting in a silent death for the entire Illusion Clan.

“Yeah, if the Cursed Black Coffin is really released, the Strength of Curse no-one can withstand it, even if Abyss can’t help with this strength, it will have irreversible effects, even Illusory World will not How many people left, will be completely Curse.”

An Extreme Antiquity Saint couldn’t help but swallow and swear.

“Can’t do anything about it, I blame the dog’s human deception too much, and rush out of the nest, to destroy me Illusion Clan, Illusory World can’t resist it anyway.”

Ollasg gnawed his teeth: “But they didn’t want to kill Illusion Clan. This time I want to release Cursed Black Coffin, which gives the group of turtles a heavy price.

I would like to see what the expression of the Human Race Turtles will be after the Cursed Black Coffin. Maybe Human Race’s Invincible Saint will be a few because of this, then there will be a good show. ”

His tone of yin measurement, hatred flooding the heavens.

Other Extreme Antiquity Saint is also not allowed to be nodded. It is indeed the most dangerous moment of Illusion Clan. In order to completely annihilate Illusion Clan and arrange the heavy Divine Restriction, Human Race can’t escape.

Left is dead, right is dead, it is better to fight with the Human Race, so there may be a chance.

Once the Cursed Black Coffin is released, regardless of the Human Race multi-formidable, it will fall into infinite Curse, which is the real source of all evil, contain the strength that even Abyss is jealous.

“Go in, let’s take out the Cursed Black Coffin and give the Human Race a good look.”

Ollasg clenched the fist.

Sōu sōu sōu ! ! !

A group of Saint nodded, immediately walked into the inner hall among the Illusion Clan treasure house, but when they walked in, they and everyone were stunned and stunned.

“Crap, what is this place? Are we going to the wrong place? Isn’t this our Illusion Clan treasure house inner hall?” A Saint is dumbfounded, because according to his experience, the treasure house inner hall should be filled with a dazzling array of Treasure A large number of Longevity Pill, all kinds of Universe Level rare materials, and a strain of sacred medicine, which is coveting over.

But now, now the entire treasure house is empty, and what Treasure is gone, simply is cleaner than the face.

Suddenly they felt a flustered feeling that they had been removed from the Nest.

“Paralysis, who did it, which dog did it, was so mad, was it a thief?”

An Extreme Antiquity Saint is cursed. He thinks that this treasure house may be a thief. Otherwise, where it can be so clean, even the door has been removed, and it is not wasted.

“Is Illusion Clan Elder aware that we might be defeated, and moved the treasure house ahead of time? It’s just to leave a lifeline.” Extreme Antiquity Saint guessed that he was lucky and thought he might be doing it himself. The loss is not too big.

“Fart, if it’s your own people, where can the treasure house door move away, move so clean, even a little garbage has not left. Seeing that Spirit Medicine Garden is not, the soil has been excavated clean, not at all Waste, his mother’s simply is the entry of Tao Tie, and there is no Elder from our order. There must be Little Thief coming in, don’t be found by me, otherwise he will die, kill him whole family, 诛 him nine Ah, this damn dog thing, dog thief, shameless.”

Another Extreme Antiquity Saint gnashing one’s teeth, angry vomiting blood, these Treasure, but their Illusion Clan Saint experience does not know how many years, swindling, burning slaughter plunder, live frugally.

Now, the blink of an eye is gone, all the property has been evacuated. Whoever received such a stimulus is really split second and becomes a poor man, and went bankrupt overnight.

(End of this chapter)