God Level Demon

Chapter 2215

Chapter 2215 fights for a fight

Pēng pēng pēng ! ! !

I saw the horrible black aura that was smashed by Seal in the creation of the ball, Cursed Black Coffin, and contained the dark, Curse, Evil, resentment qi, etc., and turned into a big hand, 狠狠bombardment in creation. Above the inner wall of the ball.

Thousands of horrible big hands slap crazy, making pēng pēng sound, trying to smash, Corrosion creation ball.

A black big hand is like a ghost hand. It is very confusing. If it really breaks out, I am afraid that a terrible might will erupt, and countless creatures will be extinct.

Unfortunately, the strength of the creation of the ball isolates everything, leaving Cursed Black Coffin’s strength to be terrible, can not breakthrough, always trapped in the creation of the ball agong.


In the next second, Xia Ping’s thoughts moved and immediately took the ball of the creation back and fell into his hands.

“Sure enough, Seal has this Innate Magical Artifact Cursed Black Coffin.”

He was very satisfied. After Seal of the Cursed Black Coffin, Seal immediately broke the arm of Illusion Clan, abolishing most of their backhands and no more threats.

And get this Innate Magical Artifact, if you can completely refining it, I am afraid I can get the strength of limit and limitless. With this terrible Strength of Curse, I can completely rampage Universe, without any scruples.

This can be a trump card even if it encounters the formidable enemy.

“Well, there is no Treasure here, let’s go.”

Put the Genesis Ball into the Mountains and Rivers Bead space and store it for a while. Xia Ping wants to leave Illusory World. After all, this place is a war of desperate, and I don’t know what will happen next.

Under the dangerous wall, the so-called gentleman does not need to stay in this dangerous place.

“Wait, this Illusory World’s Space-Time is blocked and can’t leave.”

Xia Ping in the heart, found that the Space-Time of Illusory World all around was sturdy by a sturdy Magical Artifact Seal, all around being suppressed by the layer of layer overlapping World, unable to escape through space.

Although he can leave the Mountain and Rivers Bead space, but the Mountains and Rivers Bead is to stay in the Illusory World among, and this Magical Artifact may also be discovered by other Saints, the gains do not make up For the losses.

“Forget it, stay in Illusory World among for a while, and wait until the end of the war.”

He touched his chin, and the Diversity of Maskless Mask could change thousands of times. Even Invincible Saint could not find his whereabouts. Even if he stayed in Illusory World, he would not be found by other people.


Thinking of this, Xia Ping figure flashed, temporarily left the treasure house, came to a corner of Illusory World, concealing.

“Right, let’s see how the battle is going.”

After escaping, he wanted to know how the war between Illusion Clan and Human Race was. He immediately ran Hell’s Golden Crow’s Eye and immediately shot two sultry golden lights, infiltrating Void, revealing the pressure of permanent ancient.

The eyes of the two Supreme seem to cross the countless space, countless latitude, and fall outside of Illusory World.


In an instant, Xia Ping immediately saw something outside of Illusory World, and now the Void space outside Illusory World has become Super Battlefield, and countless Saint is fighting.

Among them, Immortal Saint is just a soldier. The real main force is Extreme Antiquity Saint, even Invincible Saint. Other Saints have no room to intervene under such High Level battles.

One after another horror strength, as if the Universe Principle is condensed, contains a terrible Space-Time Strength, and a Strength of Law is enough to destroy him.

The Rank war like this is not the current Xia Ping can intervene. With his cultivation base, it is estimated that entering the battlefield center will be body dies and Dao disappears.

“Hmm? !”

Xia Ping in the heart, I found out that there are also a few extremely sturdy aura in the outer circle of the war, as if they are universes in general, all the Strength of Law are around them, and they are horrible, and they are a respectable Invincible. Saint.

These must be Human Race Old Ancestor-level horror characters, but they didn’t shoot, but they were watching alongside, seemingly guarding Illusion Clan’s dog jumps and unpredictable dangers.

The only one shot, Human Race Invincible Saint, aura runs through World, inciting Nine Heavens, and rivals Illusion Clan’s eight Extreme Antiquity Saints and one Invincible Saint.

This person Xia Ping also knows, it is his own Master Dark North Saint.

“The Master is here too.”

Xia Ping is very surprised, but he also feels Dark North Saint’s formidable at the moment, one person can compete against eight Extreme Antiquity Saint and one Invincible Saint, it is obviously that Dark North Saint’s fighting strength.

Now Human Race’s strength has the absolute upper hand, and even here is not only the Human Race Saint, but the other races of Saint are also hitting the water dog, letting the Illusion Clan Saint fall.

“Damn, can’t continue this way, can’t be entangled by this damned Dark North, otherwise all low-level Saints of Illusion Clan will die.” Illusion Clan Old Ancestor Ollasg, who reached the Invencible Saint’s realm, he It is also the strongest of Illusion Clan, the true pillar.

His complexion at this time is very ugly, because he can see that the Dark North Saint did not make full power, just entangled with them, in order to contain the strongest of these Illusion Clan.

It can be said that as long as Dark North Saint is holding them enough, as time goes by, Illusion Clan Saint will be strangled. After all, Human Race has an absolute advantage, and Illusion Clan is not an opponent.

Once those low-level Saints are killed, then he is really a bachelor commander.

Not to mention, there are several old antiques in the Human Race glaring like a tiger watching his prey, the reason why the old antiques did not shoot, on the one hand is estimated to guard against the Illusion Clan dog jump wall, what Perish Together trump card.

On the other hand, I am afraid to exercise Dark North Saint.

Thinking of this, Ollasg is even more annoyed, but I am the old Ancestor of Illusion Clan, the Invincible Saint, almost standing on the Universe peak, but now it is actually considered as a trial object.

“Old Ancestor, what should we do?”

The other eight Extreme Antiquity Saint asked.

“Work with him, fight full power, split second to reinvent the Dark North Saint, then run Peerless Grade Saint Artifact Clam Mist Pearl to escape, can’t work hard.” Illusion Clan Old Ancestor Ollasg is very calm, he knows that he has reached This Rank’s Saint is hard to kill, let alone a few old antiques merging alongside a tiger watching his prey, how can he kill Dark North Saint.

So now the only way for their Illusion Clan is to run away and continue to fight, Illusion Clan will die.

“Yes, Old Ancestor.”

The eight big Illusion Clan Extreme Antiquity Saint showed a hint of killing intent, they felt the determination of Ollasg to fight, and now there is no other way.

(End of this chapter)