God Level Demon

Chapter 2214

Chapter 2214 Seal!

“Root of all evil?!”

Xia Ping’s eyes are a bit stunned. He seems to have a picture of the mind deep place. The Cursed Black Coffin opens, and the frequent and limitless resentment qi and Curse emerge, turning a Star Territory into Boundless darkness.

All Sun and Moon Stars are decaying and turned into dark planets. All Earths are turned into magical creatures, and Violent Poison swamp. All the creatures are Cursed and turned into zombie devils.

Such strength, even Hell devil, Abyss Demon can not resist, this is the death of all dead, bringing Death and darkness, this is the end of the end.

“Illusion Clan Saint found this from somewhere?”

Xia Ping exclaim in astonishment, he thinks that Cursed Black Coffin is the real trump card of Illusion Clan. Because the strength of the Cursed Black Coffin breaks out, the might simply can’t imagine that Saint will be completely degraded and can’t resist.

Of course, the strength of this Cursed Black Coffin is no match for me. Once it is used, even Illusion Clan will be unlucky.

So Illusion Clan shouldn’t be able to do it, but Illusion Clan might have to use it if it is in the doldrums, and enemy Perish Together.

“didn’t expect Illusion Clan actually has such a trump card, but fortunately I found it.”

Suddenly, Xia Ping was in a hurry. If the strength of the Cursed Black Coffin broke out in the war, it didn’t know how many Human Race Saints would be killed.

Even if it kills all Human Race Saints, it will bring extremely painful casualties to Human Race.

I have to say that Illusion Clan although the strength can’t compare with Human Race, but the trump card they have is too terrible, it can definitely bring great harm to any race.

“No, you must take this Cursed Black Coffin, otherwise maybe will give Illusion Clan a chance to turn over.”

Xia Ping blinked and he immediately noticed the importance of Cursed Black Coffin to Illusion Clan. If such a thing is used at a critical moment, it is really a bad thing.

If you take this Cursed Black Coffin, you will simply cut off one hand and foot of Illusion Clan, equivalent to previous life. In Country, those Country have no nuclear bomb, and there is no threat.

However, it is not so easy to take Cursed Black Coffin away. After all, a little closer will send out the horrible Strength of Curse, killing enemy Curse.

If it is too close, with the power of Hell’s Golden Crow Bloodline on his body, it may not be able to withstand it.

He saw that the black coffin was engraved with the densely packed rune. Each rune contained a terrible strength. At first glance, it knew that at least Extreme Antiquity Saint Rank refine came out.

Each Saint Level Talisman contains Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering strength, contain time and space law, communicates with Universe Source, forms World law, suppresses this black coffin, and does not let any strength leak out.

Xia Ping didn’t know how many Talisman the black coffin was sealed by Seal. It was estimated that it took the effort of Illusion Clan Extreme Antiquity Saint countless years. The other side has been guarding the treasure house inner hall, I am afraid that it will suppress this black scorpion for refine Talisman.

Even so, the Cursed Black Coffin at all times emits out the horrible Strength of Curse, and the Saint Level Talisman engraved on it is still invaded by Corrosion into black Talisman and turned into Curse Talisman.

And as time goes by, these Saint Level Talisman have produced a lot of slight cracks, at all times are enhanced.

In a few days, Cursed Black Coffin will break through Seal sooner or later, even Extreme Antiquity Saint can’t suppress it.

When thinking of this, Xia Ping immediately asked: “system, do you have any way to seal this Cursed Black Coffin so that I can take it away?”

“There are several ways, but according to Host’s financial resources, the best way to do it now is to exchange a creation ball, which can be turned into a World, to contain everything, to isolate everything.”

The system replied: “If you put Cursed Black Coffin on the creation ball, you can isolate the Curse aura from the Cursed Black Coffin emits, and it won’t let it leak out.

And this is a one-time item, can’t break, if Host breaks the creation ball, you need to re-exchange one to continue Seal. ”

“Oh, there is this way, but how many Hate Points does a creation ball need?”

Xia Ping raised the eyebrow.

“Need a hundred Hate Crystals.”

System road.

what? !

Xia Ping mouth corner twitched, one hundred Hate Crystals? Just kidding, he painstakingly doesn’t know how many people are offended, it’s hard to earn a hundred Hate Crystals. Now it’s just a creation ball, or one-time supplies, you need a hundred Hate Crystals, the price is really It is too exaggerated.

“Is there any other way? For example, this problem can be solved permanently.”

Xia Ping asked unwillingly.

“Yes, as long as Host can completely refining this Cursed Black Coffin, understanding the essence of Curse law will solve this problem forever, and will not let Cursed Black Coffin’s strength leak out.”

System said: “But now the strength of Host is really small and weak, and can’t control such Innate Magical Artifact. Once it is trialized, it will only die, Soul will be completely dying by Strength of Curse Corrosion.”

“That’s it, exchange a world of creation.”

Xia Ping is helpless. I want to wait until his strength grows to refining Cursed Black Coffin. I don’t know how long it takes, there are a lot of Hate Crystals, but in order to get this Cursed Black Coffin, it is quite worthwhile.

鈥沧槸镄凥ost 锛宎s you wish 銆傗€

The system replied.


The next second, suddenly a white, probably a fist size sphere appeared in front of Xia Ping.

“Hmm?! Is this the ball of creation?”

Xia Ping in the heart, immediately felt that he had a spiritual connection with this white ball of light, even this white ball of light seems to be a complete World, with a complete World law, extremely strong, can isolate everything Aura and strength.

But there seems to be nothing in this World. The Void is like a huge cage.

With this Magical Artifact, believe that Seal Cursed Black Coffin is not a problem.

“go with!”

Thinking of this, Xia Ping did not hesitate, immediately broke through the Restriction Formation here, the leg of the legend under the control of his mind, a bang, and suddenly entered the space of this Void.

This space does not seem to have any traps or Restriction Formation protection.

It is estimated that this is also Illusion Clan’s Saint thinks that no one can break into the treasure house, even if it really broke into the treasure house, trying to get close to the Cursed Black Coffin, it is also a dead end, will be Strength of Curse Corrosion, until Death.

Cursed Black Coffin itself is a strongest defense.

Unfortunately, they don’t know that Xia Ping has a secret treasure like the creation ball, and it can be Seal Cursed Black Coffin.


In a flash, the Genesis Ball is close to Cursed Black Coffin, and before the Cursed Black Coffin reacts, the ball of light completely swallows it, merging its with the body World.


Perceived such a strength, Cursed Black Coffin broke out immediately, and the horrible Dark Strength of Curse broke out, trying to shred the creation ball, but no matter how it hit, it could not break through the absolute barrier of the creation ball.

(End of this chapter)