God Level Demon

Chapter 2213

Chapter 2213 Cursed Black Coffin

“Is there any Treasure already?”

Ten minutes later, Xia Ping perceives the entire inner hall treasure house, but finds that the Treasure in this place has been cleaned up by herself, and a little Treasure has not stayed.

Just as he wanted to take the opportunity to sneak, suddenly he was in the heart, Hell’s Golden Crow’s Eye seemed to have a weak perception: “Well, no, there is a mysterious space in this place.”

His instinct perceives the space distortion in front of him, filled with rich space energy, it seems that Space-Time is folded together.

“What is this place?”

Xia Ping blinked, and he walked over to the treasure house inner hall deep place, and he found that there was a void in front of the space, which is the core of the treasure house.

Even this space is equipped with a densely packed Restriction Formation, and the Restriction chain Seal, which is one after another, lives in this space, and is so airtight that it is like an enemy.

You know, this inner hall treasure house has the Extreme Antiquity Saint guard, but this mysterious space is still so defensive, it is obvious that the importance of it, even the Extreme Antiquity Saint is very important to this place.

“Hell’s Golden Crow’s Eye.”

Thinking of this, Xia Ping did not hesitate, running both eyes, and immediately penetrated the heavy Restriction of this Dimension space, and suddenly saw the contents of this space.

Suddenly in front of his eyes is a boundless Void, dark, cold, gloomy, as if it is a void space, nothing exists, filled with dead aura.

And this dark Void among is not nothing, but a huge black coffin suspended in one side.

I saw this black coffin on the densely packed twist-colored rune, as if a Supreme True Scripture was engraved in the coffin deep place, and the next big order chains locked the entire coffin, tight and tight.

As if these things suppress the most horrible thing in World, like the Pandora’s Box, once released, it is Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering, World’s end, and horror Boundless.

“What is this thing?”

Xia Ping in the heart, his Divine Consciousness penetrated into the past, trying to perceive the specific situation of the black coffin, but before he got closer to his Divine Consciousness, immediately a deep and terrifying cold aura popped out of the coffin deep place. This is like Evil Ghost, split second will swallow his Divine Consciousness.

what? !

Immediately, Xia Ping vibrated and felt that he seemed to be entangled by Hell Evil Ghost, and he immediately bit a piece of flesh and blood from him.

Even a mysterious deep strength, broken into the air, Corrosion Void, through the layer upon layer space, even the endless Space-Time can not be blocked, and instantly into his Sea of ​​Consciousness deep place.

“Curse, Curse, Curse…”

In a flash , Xia Ping Soul deep place There was a horrible sound coming back and forth vibration. It seems that the horror creatures from Nine Nether Hell deep place are offering sacrifices and Curse to themselves.

This strength is darker than Nine Nether, more horrible than Hell, more vicious than Blood Sea, deeper than black hole, as if it comes from the most essential strength of darkness, Corrosion.

Hōng lóng lóng ~~

One after another, the Strength of Curse infiltrates Xia Ping’s four limbs and hundred bones. As with the Life consciousness, it turns into a dark worm, drills into each cell of his body, forformable resentment qi, resentment, Strength of Darkness wraps his whole body.

Vaguely, his body made a stench, it seems that Celestial Five Wanings, even the Immortal Body can’t resist, the countless cell is so fast aging, dead, and swallowed endless Life Force.

“courting death !”

Xia Ping’s eyes showed a hint of cold glow. He felt the horror of this Strength of Curse. This is no longer the Divine Ability technique. It is almost the same as the Universe Principle. The ordinary Immortal Saint can’t resist it. Celestial Five Wanings died, even Soul will be completely degraded by Curse.

Unfortunately, he is not the Immortal Saint of the ordinary.

“Hell’s Golden Crow fire, burn!”

Thinking of this, Xia Ping spurred Hell’s Golden Crow Bloodline with the body, the huge Strength of Bloodline began to burn, and the whole body was turned into a hot Fireball, like the eternal Sun.

An ancient, dark, great, Chaos, Noble, deep and unmeasurable aura emerged from his within the body, seems to be a horrible Gods and Demons born from Chaos.

This is the flame from Hell’s most deep place, symbolizing Death, Life, six paths and samsara. Nothing burns, millions and millions will not go out, everything will be destroyed.

Huā lā lā ~~

In a flash, such a flame burns Xia Ping’s body every corner, originally trying to Corrosion his with the body cell’s Curse aura, suddenly sounds zī zī.

These Strength of Curse, like a nemesis, quickly retreat, like a tidal wave, vaguely Void deep place, it seems that there is a roar of roaring devils, begging for mercy, mourning, swearing.

But no matter what, these Curse auras were immediately burned to ashes, turned into a black smoke, and disappeared into this universe.

Pēng pēng pēng ! ! !

After such stimulation, the pressure between Life and Death, Xia Ping felt that Hell’s Golden Crow cell with the body was also awakened by madness, 10 million, 20 million, 30 million, 50 million, and finally Awakened 100 million Hell’s Golden Crow cell.

He feels that he has improved the Magic Power and strength of the body.

“system, what is this thing?”

Xia Ping asked, his eyes were a bit shocked, because after being promoted to Immortal Realm, things that threatened his life were getting less and less, almost Undying Body.

But a moment ago, I was only a little touched, but I was not close, but I was killed by a squirt of Curse aura from the black coffin emits.

If he doesn’t own Hell’s Golden Crow Bloodline, I’m afraid I have been Curse Death and I have fallen into endless Abyss.

The horrible thing like this was actually suppressed in the most deep place of the Illusion Clan treasure house, watched by a dozen formidable Saints, it is obvious that the terrible thing about this thing.

Perhaps there is an extreme antiquity Saint in this place, not because of the rest of the inner hall treasure Treasure, but because of this black coffin relationship.

He feels that this thing is absolutely extraordinary, terrifying, and has the power to destroy the world.

“This is an Innate Magical Artifact called Cursed Black Coffin.”

The system replied: “It contains the most Evil and dark strength of the universe, with infinite resentment qi and evil intent. It is the evil item, which is the source of all evil.

Once this black coffin is turned on, there will be a strength and limitless Strength of Curse, Corrosion Universe, let the countless Star Territory fall into the Land of Death, never dissipate, and can not be purified, more terrible than the Abyss invasion. ”

(End of this chapter)