God Level Demon

Chapter 2205

Chapter 2205 The Enemy of All Heavens and Myriad Clans!

Human Race Saint attacked Illusory World and immediately alerted Illusion Clan up and down, numerous Illusion Clan Saint lose one’s head out of fear, naturally including the old Monster guarding the deep place of the treasure house.

“Damn, what’s going on in the end? Why is the location of our Illusory World discovered by Human Race Saint, but we didn’t get a little bit of news, spending so much money on weekdays to get intelligence, but not at all critical moments. No news is available, trash, all are trash.”

An Illusion Clan old Monster roared out and was furious.

Originally Illusion Clan is able to countless years of safe and sound, with Illusion Clan formidable’s intelligence Ability and concealing ability, often the other party has not launched the coffers, they will escape without trace.

But now they didn’t get any news. They were killed by Human Race Saint. Only then did they know that this may not lead to the anger of many Illusion Clan old Monsters. They are now killing the hearts of those intelligence leaders.

“No matter how it leaked, in the end, Human Race is coming out of the nest, and the heart of Illusion Clan is well known.”

“Human Race Saint has now blocked the entire Illusory World space, and the surroundings have arranged all kinds Divine Restriction, blocking Space-Time, and we can’t do anything about it.”

“Damn, all Illusion Clan Saint listened to the order, all shots, and these Human Race damn bastard fight, come out a bloody way, let them know that our Illusion Clan is not good.”

Many Illusion Clan Saint angrily shouted, they received orders from Old Ancestor, whether they are in somewhere, what they are doing, they all fly out to Illusory World.

Sōu sōu sōu ! ! !

In an instant, many Illusion Clan Saints flew out like bees, and the sky agong was covered with densely packed Illusion Clan Saint’s phantom, which invigorated Void.


A little ahead of 1 hour, Central Universe, a Human Race Sacred Land, a square of the beat Boundless, where Saints from the major races are gathered.

At this moment, this place is hosting a conference between Saints.

And Human Race Many Old Ancestor are sitting on the high platform of Praying Mat. The emits out of the unmatched aura seem to suppress Space-Time and make the countless Saint feel heart-wrenching.

This is the Human Race Old Ancestor, standing in the horror of the Universe peak, and the guarantee that Human Race has always stood at the Universe peak race, Universe strongest battle strength.

“The empty ghost, is it almost?”

At this time, Old Ancestor Xiaoyao opened his eyes and revealed a hint of cold glow, Void vibration, Divine Consciousness without speaking, but only on the high platform, the other Saint could not detect any sound.

“Almost, Human Race Saint, and other Saints have gathered together, so as not to have a long night dream, let the Illusion Clan damn traitors run, or hurry.”

Speaking of a gray robe Old Man, behind him carrying a scarlet’s bottle gourd, his cheeks red, seems to be drunk.

This person is Old Ancestor Kongkong, who mastered the Space-Time technique to Expert.

“Dark North, this is a war that we haven’t had in Human Race for a long time. It will be killed with Illusion Clan Saint and even with Abyss Demon. This will be a drill for Abyss, this time you are the main force. We are watching from the side, there is no confidence.”

Old Ancestor Xiaoyao slightly smiled , looks at the standing side of the silhouette, this person is Xia Ping’s Master, Dark North Old Ancestor.

He is really just Junior in front of many Human Race Old Ancestor.

However, his strength is equal to the numerous Human Race Old Ancestor.

“Reassure, no Illusion Clan Saint can leave alive and will be hacked to me.”

Dark North Old Ancestor indifferently said, touched a Treasure Sword on his waist.

“That’s good, let’s get started.”

Old Ancestor Kongkong A little bit, a bang, the Void of the entire square appeared a burst, Void vibration, suddenly a huge horrible formation enveloped, blocked this Space-Time.

what? !

Many Saints were shocked and couldn’t help but stand up. They realized that this square has become an absolute Space-Time cage, and they can’t run out with any strength.

Some external clan Saint is a bit scared, thinking that Human Race Saint chose to do it for them. This time the conference is a trap, the purpose is to want them to catch everything in one net.

However, some of Saint’s Saints are very calm. They know that if Human Race Saint wants to kill them, they don’t need to use this small method.

Moreover, it is obviously unfavorable for the Human Race’s reputation to be murdered at the General Assembly. It will cause crusades of other races. How can we see that Human Race has not made any reason to take the world seriously?

“Everyone, don’t worry.”

At this time, Old Ancestor Xiaoyao stood up: “This time blocking Space-Time, just to block the news, do not let this action have any chance to leak out, everyone is not safe.”

Under this Space-Time blockade, no information can be passed away, as if it were isolated.

“Old Ancestor Xiaoyao, what do you want to do when you make such a big battle?”

An Ancient Monster Race Saint start to talk asks.

“We only have one purpose, and that is to destroy Illusion Clan.”

Old Ancestor Xiaoyao indifferently said.

“What? Illusion Clan? Is it difficult for the Daoist to know the location of Illusion Clan?”

“I definitely know it, or I won’t make such a big battle.”

“didn’t expect Illusion Clan has been away for so long, still found by Human Race.”

“But Illusion Clan is really guilty of the Human Race. He is so arrogant, and even organizes a conference for this matter.”

Many Saint discuss spiritedly.

“I know that you among these Saint among may have a relationship with Illusion Clan Saint, or they may have changed themselves from Illusion Clan Saint, and even sympathize with them, but it doesn’t matter.”

Old Ancestor Xiaoyao has a hint of cold glow in his eyes: “Old Man wants to wait for the attack on Illusory World. You are willing to shoot, you are not willing to shoot, you can stand by and watch the show.

Because this offensive plan is important, Illusion Clan colluded with Abyss Demon and was corrupted by Abyss. This is a felony of killing the Nine. Who dares to be at this time, who is the enemy of All Heavens and Myriad Clans, even if they flee to Abyss I have to die at the end. ”

He is filled with horror killing intent, spread all over every corner of the square, let the countless Saint chill.

“Damn, Illusion Clan colluded with Abyss and became Abyss running dog?!”

“Can it be true, does Human Race have evidence?”

“There is definitely evidence, otherwise how can it be so motivated?”

“If this is the case, then Illusion Clan is really dead and no one can save them.”

“Dare to dare to collude with Abyss, simply does not have this reason, killing dozens of times is not enough.”

“Reassured, Old Ancestor Xiaoyao, this action counts us. I dare to violate the Ten Thousand Clans Convention and Abyss Demon. This is the enemy of the Universe and must be executed.”

Many external clan Saint murderous aura Teng Teng, if it is other things, maybe there is no relationship with them, but Illusion Clan dare to collude with Abyss, this is incredible.

No one race will tolerate this.

This is the All Heavens and Myriad Clans matter of life and death. Even the peak race with Life and Death will work together because of this.

(End of this chapter)