God Level Demon

Chapter 2204

The 2204 chapter is finally here!

“I heard no, Berdy, what else do you have to say, what else can be argued.”

After listening to these words, the Guard Captain is extremely excited, pointing his face at the point of Xia Ping: “Even Fein can testify for me, people are evidence, you still want to put up a desperate struggle, Immediately hand gesture and wait to be captured, otherwise sin plus.”

With Immortal Saint Fein supporting his waist, he was full of energy.

“If you say this, you want to frame me? Fein Vice-Hall Master, I don’t know how much benefit you have received behind them, but as a Vice-Hall Master, you should know what is fair and strict, if you frame the loyalty Lean Vice-Hall Master, you can’t ask for it, you should consider it yourself.”

Xia Ping’s eyes reveal a hint of fiendish aura.

“What do you think, I dare to talk to Fein.”

“Too audacious in the extreme, what is this attitude in the end, is there any respect for Immortal Saint?”

“Don’t dare to say that Fein has taken advantage of it to deal with you. Simply is the best in the world. Who do you think you are, and deserves to be dedicated to you.”

A group of henchmen guards smashed cursed, loyal to the Lord, and directly came up to bite.

“Is it good? I know that if I didn’t make a mistake, the person behind you should be Lionseit Clan. Nobody else would make this scum except these dogs.”

Xia Ping indifferently said.

what? !

When I heard this, several guards were half dead, and the faces were all red. They were the people of Lionseit Clan, and now they are insulted by this brat, how can they endure.

“Berdy, you are very courageous, and a return to Truth Realm’s mole crickets and ants dare to talk to me loudly.”

At this time , Immortal Saint Fein sneered : “But you have violated the law of the treasurer outer hall, suspected of the Treal Treasure, this is a felony, sin is unforgivable, let your eloquence, evil intent, distort the Truth deliberately, you can’t escape the blame.

I don’t talk nonsense with you anymore. You only have two paths now. The first hand is tied and wait to be captured. I scrapped your whole body cultivation base, grabbed it into the black prison, held it for 10,000 years, and repaid your sin. .

The second way, that is, you put up a desperate struggle, I will accidentally kill you, I heard that you are Lawrence Clan, I don’t know if Sofia will avenge you after you die, you can Try it. ”

His attitude is condescendingly, and he is arguing with the identity of Immortal Saint. Xia Ping, unbridled.

Because in the treasurer outer hall among, in addition to the Hall Master Jonas, he is the biggest, what he said is law, his Will is the rules, no one can be rebellious.

“How to do?”

At this time, Cat Sage Transmit Message Come over, it feels the strong Will of Immortal Saint, the root does not know what benefits Lions Clan gave him, but this Fein is meant to kill Xia Ping.

No matter which way is dead.

“No relationship, big deal to give up the identity of Berdy, directly shot this Fein a fist, I still dare to threaten me when I was at Thunder Tribulation Realm, now I have been promoted to Immortal Realm, I am afraid this good-for-nothing ,simply is a joke.”

Xia Ping showed a hint of cold intention on his face. He clearly felt that the strength of this Fein was smaller and weak than the many Immortal Saints he had encountered before. It belonged to the ordinary goods.

When I was still in the Thunder Tribulation Realm, I could hacked such a good-for-nothing sword, not to mention that he was promoted to Immortal Realm now, and his strength was tens of thousands of times.

The only worry is that after killing this Fein, it may surprise the outer hall Hall Master Jonas, as well as the many old Monster of the inner hall Treasure, which will make them feel good.

However, he is not worried about this. At most, he uses the Phaseless Mask to quickly escape, returning to the Mountains and Rivers Bead space for temporary concealing, and the other family will appear again when attacking Illusion Clan.

He has no family worries at all.

“This brat is still laughing? Is there any cards in one’s hand? But no matter what cards in one’s hand, it is a dead end in my hands.”

Fein is very proud.

He simply can’t look down on such a mortal. After being promoted to Immortal Saint, he has an infinite life span. Immortal Body is not a mortal short-lived species.


At this time, the entire World was violently shocked, creating a horrible vibration, spread throughout the entire Illusory World, and spread all over every corner of Illusory World.

Even the treasurer outer hall trembled fiercely, violently shaking, and all the walls had terrible cracks, as if the entire treasurer outer hall was torn.

Void deep place, passing on a horrible aura, the pressure of Void, as if a respected Revered God came to this World, passing the suffocating pressure, almost impossible to stand.

“What is going on here? Why is there such a shock in Illusory World?”

Fein suddenly startedled, his Divine Consciousness spreading out, immediately felt that Illusory World seemed to be surrounded by a horrible invisible strength, blocking all directions, all around is full of densely packed Void Restriction.

Vaguely, there are countless Saint aura outside of Illusory World.

when! when! when! when!

At this time, the entire Illusory World came up with a fierce bell, Void vibration, and the sound was transmitted into the ear of each Illusion Clan, clearly.

“Well, this is the alarm, it is the death clock of our Illusion Clan. This bell will only appear at the moment of Illusion Clan matter of life and death. Illusion Clan has only appeared three times since its birth. The second is the fourth.”

“Well, we are completely finished, the location of Illusory World was discovered by enemy, and many Saints are besieging.”

Many Illusion Clan guards are lose one’s head out of fear, and the body is stunned and trembling.

Hearing such a dying bell, all of them are fearful and uneasy. In their lifetime, they completely dit’t expect that they still have the opportunity to hear such a voice.

“Damn, how could this happen? Illusory World’s position in the end is leaked, and we don’t have any intelligence. Who knows where Illusory World is?”

Fein is embarrassed, even as Immortal Saint, but in the face of such a situation, I feel that the big thing is not good, because it was besieged by many Saints, this is the disaster of the genocide.

Even he knows the inside story of some Illusion Clan High Level, his own race and Abyss Demon collusion, if this thing leaks out, they will all become target of disdain, everyone shouts.

Saint is no exception.

“Come on, it’s finally here. Human Race Saint finally chose to work with Illusory World. It’s great, just right.”

Xia Ping was excited when she heard such a voice. He knew that the scene he had been waiting for for a long time finally appeared.


Only when Illusory World was completely confused, he had a chance to take the fire.

(End of this chapter)