God Level Demon

Chapter 2206

Chapter 2206 Space-Time Ark

“Okay, let’s get started.”

Old Ancestor Kongkong both hands hand seal, the entire square is tremor, from the Void deep place immediately a transparent flying boat, huge, boundless, contain the power of the violent Void.

“My God, this is the Peerless Grade Saint Artifact Space-Time Ark.”

There was a moment that Saint couldn’t help but screamed and shocked, because he was still seeing Peerless Grade Saint Artifact for the first time.

To know that Peerless Grade Saint Artifact is very different from High Grade Saint Artifact, this is not as simple as fordidable ten times. It is forformable a thousand times, ten thousand times, and the gap is almost impossible.

Promoted to Peerless Grade Saint Artifact, its internal itself is like a contain of a universe, engraved with the complete Universe Principle, can play an unparalleled strength.

This is really true clan’s protecting Magical Artifact, enough to suppress the millions and millions of years of gas.


I saw that the Space-Time Ark arrived at this square, without speaking, and the entire square was shrouded.

No, not only is it so simple to cover the square, but the entire Void of the square is covered, up and down, without any dead ends.

In an instant, many Saints felt that they were staying at Space-Time Ark, and seemed to enter another Universe. Any Universe Principle is completely different from the previous one.

In the Space-Time Ark, their 100% strength does not play 50%.


I saw this Space-Time Ark shocking, instantly merging Space-Time among, swimming sea of ​​stars, without speaking, all around passing each and everyone Dimension space, as if in another dimension of the creature, what Everything is unaware of the phantom of the Space-Time Ark.

After 1 hour.

This Space-Time ark suddenly appeared in Illusory World over in the sky, like a behemoth in the Starry Sky, aloof and remote, many Saints can perceive the convenience is where Illusory World is.

“Sure enough, Illusion World, the home of Illusion Clan.”

Many Saints finally believed in Human Race Old Ancestor’s words, they really found the location of Illusion Clan.

“Get started, open Divine Restriction, block Void, don’t let this Illusory World run away. It is said that the core of this Illusory World is Peerless Grade Saint Artifact Clam Mist Pearl. The damage attack power is not enough, but escape the Ability First Class, once there is any clue Immediately, Peerless Grade Saint Artifact Clam Mist Pearl merging Void, without speaking, leaving the first three rounds of Illusion Clan, failed because it was unclear about the Peerless Grade Saint Artifact Clam Mist Pearl’s Ability.”

Old Ancestor Xiaoyao said solemnly.

“Do not worry, this time we have been fully prepared, let Illusion Clan seduce like a ghost, this time we have to drink our bath water.” A Human Race Ancient Saint coldly said.

“Get it done.”

Old Ancestor Xiaoyao waved.

Sōu sōu sōu ! ! !

Suddenly, there were ten Extreme Antiquity Saints next to them, all with a dark-gold tower in their hands, which contained countless Restriction aura, deep and unmeasurable.

Other Saints saw this scene, and the eyes were almost smashed out.

“My God, this is the Peerless Grade Saint Artifact.”

Saint couldn’t help but scream: “There are ten such dark-gold towers, and ten Extreme Antiquity Saints are needed to fully exploit the fullness of this Peerless Grade Saint Artifact.

Once the Shifang World Tower is launched, it can immediately arrange the Ten World, block the Space-Time, form the World Promenade, and let the Clam Mist Pearl escape, and can’t escape the blockade of the Ten World.

Immemorial Era, Human Race also used this Peerless Grade Saint Artifact to deal with Abyss Demon, which resulted in a great victory in the battle, the inexhaustible Abyss Demon, and Heavenly Demon, which won the battle for Extreme Antiquity. The basics. ”

Many of Saint’s hearts are cold, and Human Race has even taken out the ten-party World Tower. It is obvious that Human Race. For this action, simply is a must.

Perhaps this time not only to deal with Illusion Clan, but also to deal with Abyss Demon hidden behind Illusion Clan.

Some of Saint’s eyes showed a hint of chill. It seems that this war is not so simple. If you fail, you will die a lot of Saint.

At this time, the ten Extreme Antiquity Saints are immediately distributed everywhere, with a dark-gold tower, both hands hand seal.

Suddenly, a respectable dark-gold giant tower appeared in the universe vacuum, able to support both heaven and earth, across the world, like ten pillars, divided into ten directions.

Dōng dōng dōng ! ! !

Immediately, the ten dark-gold giant towers immediately formed one after another World, intertwined with each other, endless, indefinite, Yin-Yang, and Five Elements circulation, seemingly formed a cycle.

Ten Worlds represent ten different World laws.

Even though the Peerless Grade Saint Artifact Clam Mist Pearl is even more powerful, it can display Illusion Technique, concealing Space-Time, but in the face of ten World Law strangles, it is impossible to escape from this place.

“Give a greeting with Illusion Clan Saint, otherwise someone else would think that our Human Race is rude.”

Old Ancestor Kongkong said lazily.

“This is simple.”

Dark North Old Ancestor stood up and expressionless, he took a palm, earth-shattering, a horrible big hand crushed from Void deep place.


Suddenly the entire Illusory World was pinched by the big hand, and the powerful power of the vast and limitless broke out from the big hand deep place, causing devastating fluctuations that seemed to smash the entire Illusory World.

At this moment, the Illusory World is squeaking, the world principle collapsed and destroyed, the landslide tsunami, and the land smashing one after another, generating Berserk’s World vitality.

Vaguely, it seems that this Illusory World is smashing.

“Oh my God.”

Many external clan Saints are horrified, incredible looks at Dark North Saint, this a palm is beyond all of them, and has reached the realm of Invincible Saint.

If this World is not protected by Clam Mist Pearl, it has long been pinched by a palm and turned into a vitality.

“Who is, is so courageous, dare to scatter in my Illusory World.”

“Who is the courage to be so fat, dare to disturb my sleep.”

“Who is, is so courageous, dare to anger my Illusion Clan up and down.”

A voice from the Illusory World deep place, angered, unable to restrain one’s anger, a horrible Saint aura rushed, and have guts flustered and exasperated.

Because a moment ago, the a palm of the extreme extremely important, if not Clam Mist Pearl support, I am afraid that the entire Illusory World will burst, the entire Illusion Clan will be gone, this is the enemy of the genocide, absolutely irreconcilable.

It is obviously that, how angry these Illusion Clan Saint are.


Dark North Saint showed a hint of cold glow in his eyes, no nonsense, and went directly to the a fist.


An Illusion Clan Saint didn’t know what was going on at all. This fis transcends time and space, reaching the realm of the gods, unimaginable, and immediately the whole body is blown up, even Soul is shattered.

Just a fist, an unknown Saint was killed alive, body dies and Dao disappears.


This a fist also caused war, and other race Saint did not hesitate to rush to all directions.

During the momentary, the war between Human Race and Illusion Clan broke out.

(End of this chapter)