Go Back In Time To Be Rich

~: six*****

Zheng Shan\'s desire to establish this mobile communication research institute is a good thing for Vice President Wang, and it is a good thing for Peking University.

And once this thing is done, then they can also get great benefits from Peking University.

Of course, the most important point is that Zheng Shan is rich enough!

It\'s not that these people are greedy for money, but that the funds they need to do experiments and research are astronomical.

Don\'t talk about research without money.

"Okay, if you\'re all right, you can go back. Don\'t disturb my work." Vice President Wang began to chase people away.

Zheng Shan smiled and said, "I\'ll treat you to dinner tonight."

"Forget it, I can\'t afford your meal." Vice President Wang said, "I have a lot of things on my side, and I don\'t have time. Let\'s talk about it when the things on your side are settled."

Seeing him say this, Zheng Shan no longer insisted, got up and left the office, strolled around the school again, and left.

Zheng Shan didn\'t go to the company either. Now that everything has been dealt with, he doesn\'t need to go every day.

He is not a workaholic himself, and he basically let go when he can.

Zheng Shan is playing with his son. Now the little guy likes Zheng Shan. After all, he can buy whatever he wants. Which child doesn\'t like it.

When Zheng Shan saw Liu Yi come in, he was a little curious, "Why do you have time to come here? I haven\'t seen you for a while."

Liu Yi was not polite, and just found a place to do it, "Is it because I can\'t come? It\'s because your big boss doesn\'t have time to meet me."

Zheng Shan clicked his tongue and said, "Where did you get angry? Run to my side to spread fire?"

"How dare I, didn\'t I come to pay homage to the mountain?" Liu Yi said.

Zheng Shan frowned slightly. What Liu Yi said today was not quite right, but Zheng Shan also felt that it was not aimed at himself.

"Brother Liu, what\'s the matter with you today? If you have something to say, our relationship is not too bad, why? Do you want to play dumb riddles with me?" Zheng Shan said directly.

Immediately, he patted his son\'s butt, "Go find your milk."

Seeing that his father seemed to be really in trouble, the little guy slipped away with great discernment.

When Zheng Shan saw Liu Yi\'s speech, he didn\'t urge him, and motioned him to come to the pavilion, pour a cup of tea, and wait for it.

After so many years, he and Liu Yi have a very good relationship.

Although they said that there were some official connections, but the two of them were indeed quite appetizing, and they chatted very speculatively.

So there is nothing wrong with the two being good friends.

Liu Yi also knew that he was able to come here today because of this, because he knew that he had violated a little rule.

Of course, it\'s not a big deal, I just want to remind Zheng Shan.

"Zheng Shan, if someone asks you to come forward, will you agree?" Liu Yi said hesitantly.

Zheng Shan rolled his eyes, "Can you speak more clearly? Let me show up for anything, and who else is there? What is it for?"

But at this time, Zheng Shan\'s heart also became a little dignified. What is the reason for Liu Yi this time?

How is this look?

It\'s not that he is worried, it\'s enough not to say that he hasn\'t violated the bottom line, just the things he\'s done recently.

"Hey, it\'s hard to say this, anyway, I just heard someone say it." Liu Yi seemed very confused.

Zheng Shan frowned and said, "Brother Liu, what\'s the matter? If you have any concerns, I\'ll go to Xiangshan."

If Liu Yi can be so tangled, Zheng Shan knows that he is in charge of the government without guessing.

"Hey, hey, can\'t you be so excited?" Liu Yi said quickly.

Zheng Shandao: "Is this what I\'m excited about? You haven\'t even said a complete sentence until now, okay?"

"Forget it, let me put it this way, one of your students may have committed something and was caught, but they don\'t know what you think. If you come forward, some people will consider it invisible." Liu Yi simply said directly.

Immediately he said: "I\'m just hearsay about things, it\'s not necessarily correct, but I think this kind of thing should only be heard by you."

The actual situation is also like this. Liu Yi heard someone say something about Zheng Shan, saying that Zheng Shan\'s students are now arrogant and domineering, all relying on Zheng Shan.

Zheng Shan must have also benefited from it.

At that time, Liu Yi knew that this must be a rumor. He knew a lot about Zheng Shan\'s situation. Zheng Shan did not look down on the things they said.

After Zheng Shan heard Liu Yi\'s words, his brows became more and more frowning, "Student? What\'s your name? Also, what\'s the point?"

Liu Yi shook his head and said, "I really don\'t know this, I just heard it in private."

"But it can all reach my ears. I believe that there are many people who know about this matter. It is estimated that people are also worried about your attitude, so they all choose to watch."

Again, Zheng Shan\'s status is really very high now, but Zheng Shan usually doesn\'t show it very much.

But people or things related to Zheng Shan need to be carefully considered by many people.

Even Zheng Shan\'s students were like that.

"Is someone doing something in my name, and it\'s a bad thing?" Zheng Shan said.

Liu Yi said: "It should be like this. If it is a good thing, there will be no such reputation."

"Help me ask, who is it? What\'s his name?" Zheng Shan\'s expression also calmed down.

He really wanted to see which \'good student\' he was.

"I\'ll try to find out for you." Liu Yi said, "But you should ask more here, and you should know that you also have investments in your student city."

"Is there such a thing? Okay, then I\'ll look back and ask." Zheng Shandao ~www.novelhall.com~ then toasted Liu Yi with tea instead of wine.

Liu Yi didn\'t stay any longer after drinking, and left soon, while Zheng Shan also went directly to Qingshan Company and found Brother Xia Lai directly.

"Bring over the information of all the companies we have invested in. By the way, I will find the information of all the students in the original class, which unit and which city they are assigned to." Zheng Shan said seriously.

When Brother Xia Lai saw Zheng Shan\'s appearance, he knew that something must have happened, so he did not delay and went to do it immediately.

Zheng Shan waited here for an afternoon, until almost all the materials were found. Zheng Shan brought it back directly. Before leaving, he instructed Brother Xia Lai: "You also ask if all the subsidiaries have taken the initiative to contact Xia Laidi. Invested in the city where our class of students lives.”

"If there is, what is the reason for this investment? Is it mixed with other things? In addition, check to see if anyone is corrupt."

Brother Xia Lai nodded solemnly. From Zheng Shan\'s words, she had already guessed something.