Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 663: deep pockets

Hearing what Zheng Shan said, Vice President Wang came back to his senses and said angrily, "I know that you are rich and don\'t lack money, so I don\'t think so."

"What is that? As long as you make a request, I will try my best to satisfy it." Zheng Shan said with a guarantee.

In the future, this research institute will definitely need to be directed by professors and experts in China, so Zheng Shan needs to find good people in advance, and by the way, he needs to investigate.

Vice President Wang didn\'t know what to say for a while, but after thinking about it, he said it anyway.

"I\'m not very clear about the field of mobile communications, but I know that no matter which field, as long as you invest in research, the money will be spent like running water."

"And it\'s not likely that there will be any results. You need to have this psychological preparation." Vice President Wang said solemnly.

Zheng Shan smiled, "I know, my daughter-in-law told me just now, and I understand the situation myself."

"Where did you get so much money?" Vice President Wang couldn\'t help it.

"I know you have a lot of money on hand, but that\'s not how you spend it, and you are a supermarket owner, why did you suddenly switch to the communications field?"

"Although I\'m not in business, I also know that your span is too big, right? No matter what you do, you have to be careful, especially if you have some money in your hand now, if you spend it like this, it is likely to be very difficult. It will soon fail."

In the end, what Vice President Wang said was sincere. He really regarded Zheng Shan as a junior.

Otherwise he would not have said these words.

Zheng Shan\'s doing this is a good thing for their school. Some people pay for research, which school doesn\'t like it?

Especially if Zheng Shan is so generous, 100 million US dollars!

Vice President Wang has handled countless projects, but in his hands, there is really no project that can cost so much money, especially precious foreign exchange!

But Zheng Shan took it out!

Therefore, Vice President Wang does not need to work hard, just report the price of Zheng Shan, and then wait for the notice.

But he didn\'t want to watch Zheng Shan mess around, so he couldn\'t help reminding him so much.

Zheng Shan also understood, and was very happy in his heart. He smiled and said, "You are thinking wrong. Who told you that I am a supermarket operator?"

"Isn\'t it? Didn\'t it say that it was listed some time ago?" Vice President Wang frowned.

Zheng Shandao: "It is true that supermarkets are also one of the most important industrial layouts for me at this stage, but this does not mean that I only have one company, and I only engage in supermarkets."

"Let\'s tell you this way, I won\'t mention the rest, such as the domestic Xishui real estate and Phoenix Automobile Co., Ltd. are all mine."

"In addition, my investment company in the United States has hundreds of industries and can do anything."

Vice President Wang looked at Zheng Shan although he was joking, but his eyes were serious, knowing that he was not lying.

For a time, Vice President Wang was a little dazed. Even if he didn\'t understand business, through Zheng Shan\'s few words, a vague but huge concept of a business empire was formed in his mind.

But it wasn\'t over yet, I saw Zheng Shan continue to say: "Also, where did you say I got the money, what would happen if I didn\'t get the results of the research?"

"Then I can tell you that I earned this money from the U.S. stock market, and it\'s not much, just a few hundred billion.

100 million US dollars, for me, if I lose it, I will lose it, and it will not affect my eating less. "

Vice-President Wang is completely unwilling to speak at this time, hundreds of millions?

And in dollars?

Vice President Wang looked at Zheng Shan, saw that Zheng Shan was still smiling, and blurted out, "Are you lying to me?"

"How is it possible, no matter what I do, I won\'t fool you with such a thing, you take me for someone." Zheng Shan said speechlessly.

Vice-President Wang just stared at him blankly, and it took a long while before he recovered, "I... Forget it, let\'s not talk about it, since you are ready, then I have nothing to say. All right, I\'ll just submit an application at that time."

After speaking, he seemed to think of something, "You put this institute under the name of our school?"

Zheng Shan shook his head and said, "It\'s a separate research institute. It has been discussed with the above, and it will be approved directly at that time."

Zheng Shan doesn\'t want to be linked, it\'s too troublesome, especially when some results are produced, then Zheng Shan doesn\'t want to make some bad things.

All the results of the institute are completely in his hands.

"Okay, then do you have any standards? It is estimated that if your condition spreads, there will be many people who want to enter the institute." Vice President Wang said with emotion.

Indeed, with a fund of 100 million US dollars, who is not interested?

Zheng Shan had already made plans and said, "I not only want professional professors and experts from Peking University, but also from other universities."

"What I mean is this, let Peking University come forward as the leader, contact more colleges and universities, and make selections from them."

"Of course, I can make the corresponding conditions now. As long as I work in the institute for more than ten days a month, the institute\'s subsidy is 3,000 yuan per person per month. If there is a result, it will be given according to the importance of the result. The bonus is not capped.”

Zheng Shan doesn\'t just want a professional professor from a school in Peking University. After all, there are too few, and his appetite is not so small.

"It\'s not about money. Of course, so much money will definitely attract a lot of people. After all, everyone has to eat and live, but have you ever thought about it? It\'s not a good thing for these people to get together. Many people\'s ideas They are all different, what should I do when there is a conflict? Who do you listen to?" Vice President Wang thought that Zheng Shan\'s thinking was simple.

Zheng Shan knew this, and thought about it, "Whoever has the ability to listen to the other, if anyone can\'t convince anyone, then study it individually. I don\'t lack the money."

Vice President Wang opened his mouth~www.novelhall.com~ In the end, he couldn\'t say anything, and he was rich!

In addition, he also understands what Zheng Shan means. If someone can complete the integration, at least with similar opinions, then the leader will be elected.

"Okay, you give me the information and I will submit it." Vice President Wang said.

Zheng Shandao: "I haven\'t prepared the information yet. Wait a minute. You can mention it to the school first."

"I feel like you are playing tricks on me now." Vice President Wang said angrily.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "How can it be, it\'s really not ready, but this project is definitely going to be carried out, and it has already been declared."

"Okay, I\'ll give you a sound first, but it\'s not a big problem, it\'s a good thing for everyone." Vice President Wang said.

Zheng Shan\'s salary is high, research funds are also high, and it is foreign exchange, which can make many professors excited, and if they want to buy some equipment, it is easy to operate.