Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 666: decision

Not long after Wang Wei left, Zheng Shan came to Qingshan Company, and Xia Laidi also found some information.

After listening to Zheng Shan, he said directly: "The other person is Wang Wei. In addition, thoroughly investigate any investment and transaction related to Wang Wei, and let no one be spared!"

Brother Xia Lai understood that Zheng Shan had already set his target.

Nodding his head, he said hesitantly, "Teacher, why do you think Wang Wei is like this?"

Zheng Shan said lightly: "There are not so many reasons, time can change a person, and money and power are even more so."

Zheng Shan can understand Wang Wei\'s change, but he understands it, but he can\'t really use his reputation to do bad things.

When Zheng Shan returned home, Liu Yi was already waiting for him, apparently he had found out the specific situation.

At the beginning, Liu Yi was actually very embarrassed, because he was not particularly aware of Zheng Shan\'s thoughts.

He understands that Zheng Shan doesn\'t value that money, and as for other policies, it\'s even more impossible.

If Zheng Shan wants a policy, he can directly negotiate with the top, instead of looking for a mere leader below.

The gap in between is too big.

It\'s just that Liu Yi doesn\'t know whether Zheng Shan attaches great importance to the relationship between teachers and students. You must know that Zheng Shan only brought a class of students.

Wang Wei and the others were the only students that Zheng Shan brought, and their weight was not light.

And Liu Yi also knows that Zheng Shan is a very emotional person. In case, because of this, Zheng Shan chooses to be invisible.

He Liu Yi took the initiative to clarify, the faces of the two people were not good-looking, so Liu Yi only heard a general idea before.

It just felt that Zheng Shan might not choose to ignore it, so he would come over, and he had been mentally prepared for several days.

At the very beginning, he was talking out of the way.

Not long after Liu Yi arrived here, Yan Qingqing also came back from get off work.

"Brother Liu, what did you hear?" Zheng Shan asked directly.

Liu Yi said, "It\'s a man named Wang Wei."

"Wang Wei?" Yan Qingqing was a little surprised, "I remember he was a very honest person before, how could this be?"

"No matter how honest people are, they will become." Zheng Shan said.

"You don\'t seem surprised at all?" Liu Yi said.

Zheng Shan twitched the corners of his mouth, as if he was laughing at something, "People came over in the morning and said they wanted to see my teacher. It\'s really hard for him, and he still thinks about me at this time."

Liu Yi also understood in an instant, "No way, as long as you don\'t nod your head, his affairs are not non-negotiable."

"Haha, I didn\'t even know I had such great ability." Zheng Shan laughed at himself.

Immediately, he said seriously: "I don\'t care about other things, and I won\'t get involved in them. You know my principles."

Liu Yi nodded, "It is because I know your principles that I chose to come here."

"Well, I will order the cancellation of all business related to Wang Wei, and I will not care about the future." Zheng Shandao.

Liu Yi thought for a while and said, "There is no need to do this, since you have already invested, there is absolutely no need to lose yourself.

And according to the information I inquired, these projects are very normal, and there is indeed a little care, but you have to know that this is a company under your name, and it is already considered small to receive this care, and it is still within the normal range. Inside. "

In his opinion, Zheng Shan only needs to make a statement, which is the same as Yan Qingqing\'s thoughts before.

Zheng Shan shook his head and said, "No, I don\'t care about this money, I want everyone to understand that I, Zheng Shan, are a person who obeys the rules.

Besides, if I don\'t do this, then some people think I\'m just saying this out of face. "

Liu Yi thought about it, there is really such a possibility, there is no way, now Zheng Shan is too famous in the ears of some people.

Especially with the support of Xiangjiang this time, it has gained more recognition and trust!

Therefore, it is still necessary for Zheng Shan to consider it.

"Whatever you want, since you are willing to waste so much money, then I don\'t need to feel sorry for you." Liu Yi said with a smile.

At this time, his mood was also relaxed. To be honest, Liu Yi\'s heart was still under a lot of pressure at first.

Well now, these are gone.

"By the way, do you need me to talk to someone?" Liu Yi said.

Zheng Shandao: "Wait, wait for me to sort out the company\'s affairs now, and then you can talk about it."

"Besides, what exactly did Wang Wei do? Did you find out?"

Liu Yi said: "The matter is actually quite serious. Otherwise, it would not have spread to this side. Of course, the most important thing is because of you. Otherwise, no matter how serious it is, it will not spread to the capital."

This is a fact. No matter what Wang Wei says, he is only a county leader. No matter how serious the trouble is, it will basically be dealt with locally. How could anyone in the capital know about it.

It\'s just about Zheng Shan, especially since Zheng Shan has just done such a big thing.

Liu Yi also began to talk about some of the things he had inquired about, and Zheng Shan\'s face was also ashen when he heard it.

It\'s crazy!

Accepting bribes is a trivial matter. This guy even colluded with some underworld forces and did a lot of harming things.

Yan Qingqing also had an ugly face. She didn\'t expect her students to do such a thing.

That night, Brother Xia Lai came to Zheng Shan\'s house and reported on her investigation. It was quite convenient to investigate the inside of the company, especially when Zheng Shan spoke, everyone had to cooperate as soon as possible.

"Among the investments related to Wang Wei, there are not too many violations, and most of them are investments based on the face of his being your student.

And these investments are also profitable, and there is no loss of investment. "Brother Xia Lai summed it up.

Every year, Zheng Shan is investigating some personnel within the company, and every year someone is fired from a high position, or even imprisoned.

In addition, the salary given by Zheng Shan has not been low, so the internal situation of the company has always been maintained in a relatively good state~www.novelhall.com~ In this case, let me report it and criticize it and punish them. one month\'s salary. "Zheng Shan said.

Zheng Shan didn\'t mean to focus on punishment. After all, he didn\'t seek personal gain, just to please his big boss.

This kind of thing doesn\'t make a big deal out of it.

After brother Xia Lai nodded, he was ready to do it. At the same time, he also let all these investments be withdrawn. As for the lost money, no one would care.


At this time, Wang Wei was in high spirits at the dinner table, pointing at the country. At this time, he could see four words on his face, and he was full of energy!

In his opinion, after he entered Zheng Shan\'s house, the previous things were completely fine.

After getting drunk, Wang Wei got up the next day and found that there were countless messages on his BB machine.