Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 741: Sorry

Zheng Shan is very happy that his sister can have such a clear understanding, and is even more happy that her sister is not polite to him.

But the one who should be ridiculed can\'t be let go, "I thought you wanted to run around alone, without the help of your family."

"I\'m not a fool, there are conditions at home, why should I refuse?" The fifth pouted and said.

Yan Qingqing also smiled and said: "Yes, it\'s not that we don\'t have this condition, there is no need to endure hardships for the sake of hardships, to be happy, and to be successful."

"Hee hee, I know my sister-in-law understands me." The fifth child hugged Yan Qingqing\'s arm and said coquettishly.

Zheng Jianguo laughed heartily when he saw this scene, his daughter-in-law basically did not disappoint him.

Whether it is Lin Meihua or Yuan Xiaohua, although there will be a little conflict with Zhong Huixiu, it is normal.

Especially Yan Qingqing, the daughter-in-law, made Zheng Jianguo more satisfied.

Zheng Jianguo knew very well that if Yan Qingqing was the kind of person who cares about everything and is stingy, then the entire Zheng family would not be at peace.

Which of the brothers and sisters in the Zheng family did not rely on Zheng Shan for help?

Even if Zheng Shan and Yan Qingqing are married, they will give some benefits from time to time, and Zheng Jianguo has never seen Yan Qingqing get angry about it, let alone any conflict with Zheng Shan.

"Study hard, and when you come back after graduation, ask your brother to prepare a big red envelope for you." Yan Qingqing said to the old fifth.

Zheng Shan also smiled and said, "It\'s easy to talk about red envelopes. By the way, fifth, have you figured out what to do now? Why do you want to study at PricewaterhouseCoopers as soon as you come back?"

The old five nodded and said: "Yes, I found one thing, many domestic companies are basically incapable of financial auditing, not only the financial one, but also human resources, procurement, real estate, finance, etc. It\'s only in its infancy."

"It happens that I am studying this major now, so I thought that I can set up a firm similar to Price China Accounting in China.

Help these companies sort out their heads, and by the way, if possible, they can also help improve some domestic infrastructure in related areas. "

Zheng Shan didn\'t expect the fifth to have such grand ambitions. The previous ones are easy to say, but it can only be regarded as a commercial act.

But later, it proves that the fifth\'s vision is not just staring at the money, but also sees farther and has bigger ambitions.

This is a good thing for the fifth, of course, mainly because of Zheng Shan, there is no shortage of money at home, and the fifth does not need to worry about money.

After so many years of edification, the old fifth has changed his previous concept.

If it was in the past, the fifth child would never have thought so. She guessed that all she thought about was how to make money.

So Zheng Shan was very happy when he heard the words, "It\'s good, it\'s good to have this ambition, but you also have to study hard, it\'s not just talking about it."

The fifth proudly said: "You can ask my tutor, all my subjects are top-notch."

"Haha, I believe in you, so let\'s just say that I have a human resources company. I will give it to you directly when the time comes, and help you build the whole framework by the way, and at the same time, you don\'t need to worry about the business problems in the early stage." Zheng Shan said happily.

Accounting firms are complex, not only doing financial audit work, but also in terms of human resources, but also an important source of income for them.

When the fifth heard this, he couldn\'t help but glanced at Yan Qingqing next to him. Yan Qingqing said angrily: "What are you doing? Fifth, do you think I\'m so stingy?"

The fifth child immediately said coquettishly, "Why, my sister-in-law is the most generous person."

Zheng Shan is very supportive of the idea of ​​the fifth, and at the same time is happy that the fifth can have such an idea.

So in the evening, Zheng Shan and Zheng Jianguo had a good drink, Zheng Shan was happy, Zheng Jianguo was even happier, and his little girl was also promising, that\'s great!

Zheng Jianguo also thought that he didn\'t seem to have any regrets in his life, right?

"Why don\'t I just retire, and the house won\'t be in contention. They can do whatever they like." Zheng Jianguo said suddenly.

Zheng Shan was a little surprised, "Why did you suddenly think about it? Wasn\'t it still stubborn and stubborn before?"

"I think about you, I have been very lucky in my life. I was born in the countryside, and in that era, it was very good to be able to survive." Zheng Jianguo murmured as if he had drunk too much.

Zheng Shan didn\'t interrupt either, he just listened and had a cup of tea with his father from time to time.

"Originally, I thought that this would be the case in my life. Fortunately, God has eyes, and your mother has come to our side to become an educated youth.

And I was very lucky to catch up with your mother, and then I became a city person directly, and even settled down in the capital. "

Zhong Huixiu did not interrupt her man\'s narration, and listened quietly at the moment.

"Although it\'s not easy to live in the capital, I\'m already very satisfied. Really, I\'m really satisfied."

"If it wasn\'t for my inability to support so many children back then, I wouldn\'t have let your second grandfather take you away. Although it seems that the result of ~www.novelhall.com~ is good, I still want to I\'m sorry to tell you, child." When he said this, there were tears in Zheng Jianguo\'s eyes.

He wouldn\'t say these things before, whether it\'s a man or a father, he didn\'t want to say this in front of his son, even if he felt guilty, he insisted on supporting himself.

Zheng Shandao: "Dad, I have never complained against you, really."

"I know, of course I know, but I\'m sorry, I have been holding it in my heart, and I owe you." Zheng Jianguo said.

Of course he knew that Zheng Shan didn\'t blame him. If he blamed him, Zheng Shan would not be able to come back.

Zheng Shan opened his mouth and finally said, "Dad, don\'t think about these things. It\'s over when it\'s over, and I actually live a good life."

"Well, I didn\'t expect that Zheng Jianguo would also have such a day, and he didn\'t have to worry about life. His son actually became the richest man."

"Several children are promising, and there are two college students, and they are all world-renowned schools. I am satisfied."

Yes, satisfied. At this moment, Zheng Jianguo also felt that he was a bit funny before. God has already treated him well, and he is still fighting for those things that he has and does not have.

Things that I didn\'t want to understand before, now when the youngest daughter also said that she was going to do something big, she instantly understood.

I have no reason to cause trouble to my children, let alone make them worry.

Thinking about it carefully, as a father, in order to fight for this house, it is estimated that he would also embarrass his own son.

Those who knew, even laughed at him secretly, right?

Don\'t fight!

Enjoy the happiness in the future, this is the day that many people dream of! What else are you not satisfied with?

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