Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 740: PricewaterhouseCoopers

Zheng Shan stayed at the company until about four o\'clock in the afternoon, and then set off to pick up his wife from school.

For people like Bai Yi, all Zheng Shan can do is to persuade them. Could he still force these people to get married?

Zheng Shan doesn\'t want his subordinates to put all their minds on work. This is unrealistic and he doesn\'t like it.

Although Zheng Shan has a lot of money now, and in some matters, his methods are not bright, but Zheng Shan does not consider himself a capitalist, at least not a black-hearted capitalist.

He will not deliberately defraud customers for money, nor will he make his employees work hard for money.

Came to the school, waited outside for a while, and found that Yan Qingqing hadn\'t come out yet. Zheng Shan thought about entering the school and waiting, just to catch up with some old colleagues.

When Zheng Shan came to Yan Qingqing\'s office, he saw many students waiting by the side, all of which needed to revise their papers.

Yan Qingqing didn\'t find Zheng Shan, and Zheng Shan didn\'t bother, just waiting on the side.

Seeing a familiar teacher and seeing that he was not busy, he went to chat, and waited until about six o\'clock before Yan Qingqing finished his work.

Only at this time did Yan Qingqing realize that Zheng Shan was here.

"When did you arrive?" Yan Qingqing asked curiously.

Zheng Shandao: "It\'s not long since you came here, are you done with your work?"

"It\'s almost there." Yan Qingqing packed up and prepared to go back.

Soon the two walked out of the school gate together and returned home.

Not long after he got home, he saw the old fifth coming back with a happy face.

"How did you play today?" Zheng Shan asked curiously.

The old fifth\'s originally happy face suddenly pulled down, and he said angrily: "Zheng Laosan, if you can\'t speak, don\'t speak."

Yan Qingqing glared at Zheng Shan angrily, "Why do you like to tease the fifth man when you say you\'re okay?"

"Five, let\'s ignore him and tell my sister-in-law, how about going to Dakui today?"

The old fifth ignored Zheng Shan, and said excitedly, "It turns out that it\'s so cool to be in charge of people, you\'d know me..."

"I knew what you were going to do earlier?" Zheng Shan interjected.

"Hmph." The fifth snorted, ignoring Zheng Shan, but excitedly talked to Yan Qingqing about the company.

This time the fifth brother went there to be a big show. There are many things that the fifth brother can say clearly.

The fifth is not familiar with auto repair and transportation, but in management, sometimes, these are not needed.

She gave a lot of suggestions, and also arranged for people to implement some of her ideas.

Zheng Shan and Zheng Jianguo were listening on the side. Zheng Shan could still understand it, but Zheng Jianguo couldn\'t hear it at all, but that didn\'t mean that Zheng Jianguo didn\'t want to listen. On the contrary, Zheng Jianguo listened with relish.

"What kind of accounting and finance major is this? It\'s quite amazing. Look at how long the fifth one has studied, it\'s so amazing." Zheng Jianguo said proudly.

Zheng Shan rolled his eyes and said, "Do you understand?"

"I don\'t understand what\'s wrong?" Zheng Jianguo was angry.

Zheng Shan: ......

The major chosen by the fifth is naturally related to money. When she applied for this major, she didn\'t ask anyone else, she just applied for it herself.

However, no one stopped her. Except for Zheng Shan and Yan Qingqing, no one in the family could give her advice.

But whether it is Zheng Shan or Yan Qingqing, they will not interfere with other people\'s choices at will.

The fifth also has enough capital to let her choose at will, not to mention accounting and finance majors, even if she chooses art majors, it doesn\'t matter.

It\'s just that the fifth child has never been interested in this art. The only time she was interested was when she first went to the United States. The fifth child did have some interest in art.

However, Zheng Shan knew very well in his heart that the reason why the fifth child was interested was entirely because of the value of these works of art.

In addition, Stanford\'s accounting and finance major ranks among the top five in the world all year round, which is a very good major.

Many of the students who have successfully graduated from this major have become elite talents. Not only are they eager to get them, but there is no shortage of jobs.

The old fifth didn\'t know what to think, and suddenly said: "Brother, can you find a relationship and let me go to PricewaterhouseCoopers as an intern for a period of time?"

PricewaterhouseCoopers is a world-renowned firm, and even Zhengshan\'s Xishui Group has cooperated with them.

For example, some financial statement audits are done by asking them to help. These professional talents are really needed, and they can save Zheng Shan nearly 100 million US dollars in tax every year.

Zheng Shan heard what the fifth man said, and said with a smile, "Now I know I\'m begging you brother? Just now..."

Before Zheng Shan said anything, the fifth hummed, "Forget it if you don\'t want to."

"Why are you talking so much if I ask you a favor?" Zheng Jianguo said dissatisfied.

Zheng Shan: ......

"Okay, okay, I can\'t afford to offend you. Of course it\'s okay to go to an internship, and you don\'t need to look at who your brother is. Your brother is their big customer. This requirement is the easiest." Zheng Shan said first. Helpless, and then said full of pride.

If someone wants to enter PricewaterhouseCoopers, it will be more difficult than ascending to the sky, let alone professional students from the world\'s top universities~www.novelhall.com~ Those who have been famous for a long time may not necessarily be able to enter. Here, of course, it is estimated that these people are not very willing to go.

However, as Zheng Shan said, as a major client of PricewaterhouseCoopers, this requirement only needs to be said.

Don\'t say let the fifth one go for an internship, it\'s just airborne, and it\'s no problem to be a junior leader.

With the increase in the business of Zhengshan, the business that can be brought to PricewaterhouseCoopers is also gradually increasing, which is a large expense every year.

"Hee hee, thank you brother, I know my brother treats me the best." The fifth man immediately changed his face.

Zheng Shan was helpless, this sister of her family was eating her to the death.

"Go over there, do I need someone to take care of you specially?" Zheng Shan asked.

He originally just asked a random question, thinking that with the character of the fifth child, he probably would not agree to such a request.

Although the fifth brother likes to ask them to help her, but in some things, the fifth is also very stubborn.

But I didn\'t expect the fifth to nod happily this time, "That\'s the best."

Seeing his elder brother stunned, the fifth elder smiled and said, "I\'m here to study, not really go to work, and I won\'t think about staying there in the future.

So it\'s best to take care of me, not to delay my studies, or I have to worry about how to deal with these people every day, how to deal with the superiors, and even face the difficulties of customers, which is not what I want. "

The fifth is still very awake. If she just goes to work, then she may not want to let her brother help like this, but she is there to study, not to experience the warmth of society.

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