Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 742: old age

Zheng Jianguo had already decided to retire, and Zheng Shan agreed with both hands. He had long wanted his father to retire, but Zheng Shan never liked to force others, not to mention that this was his own father, so he had been procrastinating until now.

Now it\'s finally okay, Dad suddenly figured it out.

The next day, Zheng Jianguo went to go through the formalities. This could not be over in a while, and he needed to hand over the work.

This time is about half a month.

The fifth is more active in going to work every day than anyone else. She has found her goal, and now it can be said that she is accumulating experience for her future.

In fact, the fifth should have some ideas for a long time, but it was not determined before. Now after this incident, he completely wants to understand what to do in the future.

At the same time, Zheng Shan also intends to make some preparations for his sister in advance.

The first time was to completely divest the human resources company, which used to be a joint venture with the state, but this time it was divested.

Of course, Zheng Shan was built according to the models of PricewaterhouseCoopers, so splitting the original human resources company into two is completely no problem.

What the fifth child needs is the information and skills of these people, and what the country needs is to master the talents themselves.

That\'s all for now, he is only responsible for building the frame, and what to fill in it, then he needs to rely on the fifth himself.

Of course, Zheng Shan will definitely support some management talents in the early stage. If the fifth man can find it himself, then he doesn\'t say it.

If the fifth is not prepared for this, Zheng Shan will help solve it.

The time soon came to Zheng Jianguo\'s official retirement. Everyone in the old Zheng family came, and there were almost no firecrackers in the house to celebrate.

Everyone is very happy.

In addition, these people also know the thoughts of the fifth, and they are equally happy. It can be said that it is a double happiness.

At the dinner table, except for the children, everyone was holding a glass of wine, and it was very lively.

Seeing the happy appearance of the whole family, Zheng Jianguo\'s original melancholy disappeared.

At this age, it is indeed time to enjoy the happiness, and let go of what should be put down.

"By the way, Dad is retired now, and the issue of pension should also be put on the agenda. Starting today, how much will each family pay?" Zheng Weijun said.

Everyone was stunned for a moment. This was something they didn\'t expect before. After all, every family doesn\'t give less, but it\'s not fixed. Zheng Shan put a lot of money on the old couple\'s side. Not short of money.

However, the younger brothers of Zheng Shan can not think about it, but as the eldest son of Zheng Weijun, these things should be brought up.

Zheng Jianguo waved his hand and said, "If you don\'t care for old age, you usually don\'t give less, and neither your mother nor I are short of money."

Zheng Shan thought for a while and didn\'t speak, although in his opinion this was completely unnecessary, but it was also the filial piety of the big brother and the others.

Zheng Weijun said: "Dad, it doesn\'t matter if you are short of money or not, but those of us who are children, we still have to give the money that should be given."

"Today, as the eldest brother, I will say it here. Everyone must give it, including Zheng Lan and yours. As long as the fifth one doesn\'t need it for the time being."

Zheng Lan smiled and said, "Brother, if you leave us, I don\'t want to."

Wen Jie has no objection to this, as it should be. He naturally knows how much his father-in-law\'s family has helped him.

"One family will give you 10,000 a year. That\'s it for now. We\'ll talk about it later." Zheng Weijun said.

Zheng Shan nodded and said, "I have no opinion."

Everyone else also ordered to nod, only the old fifth pouted, but she thought about it and didn\'t speak for a while, until she could really earn money.

Even if it is given now, it is given with Zheng Shan\'s money, and it is meaningless to think about it.

The matter was settled like this, Zheng Jianguo said helplessly: "You guys, hey, it\'s useless to give us money, and we don\'t spend any money."

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "Dad, do you really want to eat and sleep every day when you\'re retired, and eat when you\'re full? That\'s boring."

Zheng Jianguo was stunned for a moment. He really didn\'t think much about his life after retirement. He was struggling with the house before, and he didn\'t think about it at all.

Seeing this, Zheng Shan continued: "If you really don\'t do anything every day, you might be able to go crazy in your spare time.

So, I just thought, you have also developed some hobbies recently, just like your mother, dancing, how comfortable it is. "

"I\'m an old man who dances, isn\'t that a joke?" Zheng Jianguo immediately refused.

What Zheng Shan wanted to say was that in another 20 to 30 years, more old men would dance square dance.

But it\'s really not right now.

"I didn\'t let you dance, but let you find some hobbies, such as gardening, fishing, etc., just like it." Zheng Shandao.

Yan Qingqing also said at this time, "Yeah, Dad, it\'s a good thing to have a hobby. Otherwise, you will get tired of doing nothing every day."

"Let\'s talk about this later. I\'ll take a good rest for two days first. After so many years, I haven\'t had a good rest." Zheng Jianguo ~www.novelhall.com~ Zhong Huixiu said angrily: "Which day have you been tired in these years? ?"

Zheng Jianguo stopped talking for a while. He used to be really tired and worked hard every day, but in the past few years, the conditions at home have become more comfortable, and Zheng Jianguo really rarely has time to work overtime.

The pension money has also been set, and each family is 10,000 yuan per year, which is easy for Lao Zheng\'s family, and there is no burden.

This is also the reason why the old couple did not firmly oppose it. They also know that this money is small money for the children and will not affect it in the slightest.

In this case, if the children are willing to show their filial piety, let them do it.

If Zheng Weijun and the others had no money, the old couple would not ask for anything.

Starting from the next month, I will pay the old couple\'s passbook on time every month.

The family happily ate a meal, drank a drink, celebrated Dad\'s retirement, and then got busy.

Especially the fifth one, now I can\'t see her except when I get off work.

But I have to say that the fifth is really capable. At least during this time, all the accounts of Zheng Kui\'s company have been reviewed.

A lot of problems have also been found, many of which were hidden by Yang Qing and the others before. These people are all professional. Let Zheng Kui and the others check them out, and they will never try to find out the problem in their entire life.

But it is also because they underestimate Zheng Kui, so many accounts are not very strict, which is the main reason why the fifth can find out.

Otherwise, the fifth is still a little tender now.

This also made the old fifth more energetic and more confident. If Zheng Shan hadn\'t stopped him, it is estimated that this little girl would have lived in the company.

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