Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 739: blind date meeting

"Now that the business is over, there is still time, let\'s talk." Zheng Shan said with a smile.

Bai Yi was a little stunned and didn\'t know what Zheng Shan was going to say.

But she still smiled and said, "Boss, what\'s the matter with you?"

Zheng Shan sighed: "It\'s not my business, it\'s your business, or your business."

"We?" Bai Yi pointed at herself in surprise, she didn\'t quite understand what Zheng Shan said.

Zheng Shan said speechlessly: "Don\'t you realize that you are different from other people?"

Bai Yi is even more at a loss. Others don\'t know, how can he be different from others?

It\'s nothing more than making more money. At the age of 31, he is in charge of the domestic Xishui supermarket. Is there any difference?

Zheng Shan looked at Bai Yi\'s blank expression, completely helpless, "Of course it\'s your lifelong event.

Are you thirty-one? Du Yougao is also thirty-five, right? When do you all want to get married? "

Thinking about these people, Zheng Shan has a headache. This is because he heard some rumors recently that he forbids his subordinates to get married, so he paid attention to this aspect, otherwise he would not know that there are so many single dogs under his banner.

If nothing else, basically as long as you follow him who hasn\'t been married before, almost all of them haven\'t been married yet.

You must know that it\'s the 1980s, not the 1990s, and you won\'t get married in your thirties? For many people, this is simply unacceptable.

To say that these people under oneself must be talented and talented, rich and rich, and they all look good.

Bai Yi doesn\'t say she is beautiful, but she is also quite beautiful. Coupled with her capable temperament, she should be able to attract a lot of people, right?

Why hasn\'t anyone been following it yet?

In addition, the same is true for Du Yougao, who is very straight, graduated from a world-renowned school, and is the CEO of a company.

Until now, I haven\'t heard of any sign of marriage, and Zheng Shan hasn\'t even heard that he is looking for a partner.

And Xia Lai brother next to him, the same is true.

As for Rachel, Zheng Shan is not surprised. After all, there are a lot of non-marriage in foreign countries, and their marriage age is relatively late.

It is reasonable for Rachel not to get married now, but other people, Zheng Shan, can\'t figure it out.

Only now did Bai Yi understand what Zheng Shan was talking about, and said with a bit of tears and laughter, "That\'s all?"

"Isn\'t this a big deal? Please, Sister Bai, if you don\'t think about yourself, you should also think about me. Now many people say that I won\'t let you get married. I have a conscience of heaven and earth. things." Zheng Shan said helplessly.

Bai Yi burst out laughing, she is now relaxed, her boss actually called her Sister Bai, it seems that the pressure is indeed a little big.

"Now is the time when the company needs me. I don\'t want to get married for the time being, and I don\'t have time." Bai Yi said with a smile.

Zheng Shandao: "Don\'t do it. The company\'s development is really bad. It doesn\'t matter if you slow down a bit. Let\'s take care of your life-long affairs now."

"In addition, you can also rest assured that no matter who gets married and has children in the future, especially girls like you and Rachel, how to take maternity leave, how to take maternity leave, and what to look like when you come back."

Zheng Shan actually understands what Bai Yi and the others are thinking. They are just afraid of marriage leave, maternity leave, especially maternity leave. The time is too long. If Zheng Shan is dissatisfied, or the company makes a huge mistake, they have worked so hard until now. Effort will be in vain.

Therefore, Zheng Shan also gave a promise this time to make them all feel at ease.

Bai Yi looked at her boss, and the smile on her face never disappeared, "Boss, this important life event is not something that can be solved by simply solving it. If you are in a hurry and find someone who is not suitable, then you will suffer. "

"But Mr. Du really needs to solve it quickly. My aunt is in a hurry and now goes to the company to block the door every now and then."

Bai Yi and Du Yougao are relatives, and Du Yougao is Bai Yi\'s brother-in-law, so naturally he knows something about Du Yougao.

"Anyway, I told you about the matter, and you should solve your lifelong affairs as soon as possible.

If I really can\'t find it, or I don\'t have time, just right, after a while, I will hold a blind date meeting in all companies. "Zheng Shan said, his eyes suddenly lit up.

This does seem to be a good choice, although this will lead to a lot of couples in the middle and senior management of his company, but it is not impossible to solve it.

He can contact more companies to jointly hold this blind date conference.

Bai Yi was taken aback by Zheng Shan\'s idea. She didn\'t want to attend any blind date conference, so it wouldn\'t be a shame.

She is Bai Yi, CEO of Dignified Streams Supermarket (domestic), no matter where she is placed, she is a well-known figure.

Many people don\'t even dare to speak loudly when they see that they are going to go on a blind date now.

"Boss, please don\'t. Can\'t I take some time out recently to find someone?" Bai Yi said quickly~www.novelhall.com~ She has never seen a boss like Zheng Shan, how can she urge the following Although Bai Yi has not worked in several companies, he also knows that many bosses would rather their subordinates never get married and work for the company wholeheartedly.

It\'s better for his boss to urge his subordinates to get married.

Zheng Shan could only give up the idea temporarily seeing her resisting appearance like this. Most people are probably similar to Bai Yi.

"Okay, but this matter really needs to be taken care of, not because of the rumors and rumors spread out, it\'s nothing to me.

But you are indeed at the age when you should get married. It is best to not delay both family and business. Life can not only be about career, but also have a warm family. "Zheng Shan said.

"Thank you boss for your relationship, I will work hard." Bai Yi said.

Zheng Shan waved his hand and said, "That\'s it, and also bring these words to Du Yougao\'s side, and let him order it as soon as possible. Every day, a boss as big as me has to worry about your marriage. It\'s really frustrating."

Bai Yi wanted to complain, but held back.

But it\'s actually right to think about it, she\'s getting old now. Although Bai Yi is a strong woman, she\'s not the kind of celibate person.

She used to be too busy and the pressure was getting bigger and bigger. She had to work harder to get what she wanted.

Every goal was waiting for her to complete, so I didn\'t think about these things for a while.

Now that Zheng Shan is speaking so solemnly, Bai Yi also thinks that it is time for him to get married.

When Bai Yi left, Zheng Shan shook his head and sighed, keeping him from worrying one by one.

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