Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 738: go out

Zheng Shan laughed and shook his head. It seems that the fifth-year-old\'s wealth-obsessed attribute was only temporarily hidden and did not disappear.

After Yuan Xiaohua heard this, not only was she not unhappy, but she was very happy, because it proved that the fifth child really had no interest in their family\'s business.

"Okay, my sister-in-law will give you 10,000 yuan a month." Yuan Xiaohua said with a smile.

Zheng Kui said: "You give her such a high salary, why don\'t you leave me some pocket money."

"The fifth is a famous college student, what are you?" Yuan Xiaohua gave him a sideways glance.

The next day, the fifth went to work, and Zheng Shan sent Yan Qingqing to school and told him, "Don\'t be too tired recently, I think your eye circles are a little dark."

During this time, Yan Qingqing was really tired. She was a responsible teacher and read the students\' papers very carefully.

So every day, I have to revise the papers for students. There are various problems in these papers, and she needs to correct them one by one.

Now Yan Qingqing goes to bed around the early morning every night, sometimes even at one or two o\'clock in the morning.

In addition, there are basically no Saturdays and Sundays, because she is also revising the papers these two days, and she has to come to the school if she has nothing to do, and find students to correct some mistakes in the papers.

Yan Qingqing yawned and said, "It\'s fine, it\'s just a few days, and it\'ll be fine after this period of time passes."

Zheng Shan felt a little distressed when she saw her like this, but she didn\'t say much. This is her job, and it\'s the job that Yan Qingqing loves. Zheng Shan, as her husband, can only support it.

After sending Yan Qingqing to school, Zheng Shan also went to the company. Brother Xia Lai told him yesterday that Bai Yi has something to report to him today.

When he came to the company, Bai Yi was already waiting at the door, chatting with brother Xia Lai.

"Boss." Seeing Zheng Shan coming over, Bai Yi immediately said hello.

Zheng Shan nodded, "Arrived so early? It seems that things are in a hurry?"

Pushing the door and entering, Zheng Shan motioned Bai Yi to sit down, and then asked Xia Lai\'s younger brother to pour tea.

"No, I\'m not in a hurry, I just want to share some thoughts with you," Bai Yi said.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "What are your thoughts, talk about it."

Now Baiyi has occupied a relatively important position in Zhengshan\'s entire business system.

In recent years, the domestic Xishui supermarket business, as well as the various production resources that Baiyi has invested and integrated in the past, have formed a relatively complete supply chain.

In particular, the self-operated business of Xishui Supermarket almost surpasses that of the Xishui headquarters in the United States.

It really occupies the right time and place.

First of all, there is basically no competitive pressure in Xishui Supermarket in China. This one has already saved Bai Yi countless energy and time.

In addition, the support that Xishui Supermarket has received in China is far from what Xishui Supermarkets in Europe and America can match.

Coupled with the price advantage of domestic labor and raw materials, the development is quite rapid.

Of course, it is not completely without disadvantages. The biggest disadvantage is that the current domestic conditions for industrial production are still not good.

This is hard power, there is no way to do it, but because of the channels at the Xishui Supermarket headquarters, it is easier for many product lines to come in.

Bai Yi sorted out his thoughts, "Boss, I want to rapidly expand the domestic Xishui supermarket in the last few years. In addition, if possible, I want to go out."

After saying these words, Bai Yi became nervous.

The rapid development is nothing, and Zheng Shan is basically supportive, but Bai Yi is a little worried about letting Xishui Supermarket go out.

After all, the positioning of domestic Xishui supermarkets was to develop in China at that time, and it already existed abroad, and the achievements were very bright.

If she goes out, she will definitely have some competition with foreign headquarters, and it will definitely lead to various conflicts.

At the same time, it will also cause unnecessary losses on both sides, and no matter which side loses, it is Zheng Shan\'s money that loses.

Zheng Shan didn\'t expect Bai Yi to have such an idea.

However, he did not immediately refuse, but answered the first question first, "I have no problem with rapid expansion, and I also think that the company has developed well in the financial reports of the past two years, and it has also stabilized the existing sites. down.

I support your rapid domestic expansion. "

After he finished speaking, he looked at Bai Yicai again and said, "But why do you think about expanding outward? Do you have so much power? In addition, there are still many domestic markets waiting to be developed, and now you want to go out, why? Thought?"

Bai Yi swallowed, and although he was very nervous, he still said: "The country is actually very stable now, we don\'t have any rivals, even if there is, it\'s not worth our attention now, I don\'t think it\'s necessary to spend too much time. on this."

"As for going out, I mainly think that if we merge in the future, the stronger our side is, the better it will be for you."

These are all good words to say, of course, Bai Yi is telling the truth~www.novelhall.com~ But the most important thing is that once the domestic Xishui supermarket can be compared with the American Xishui supermarket headquarters, then once the time comes Merger, Bai Yi doesn\'t even need to wait for Lucas to retire, he can directly compete with him.

People\'s ideas will change over time, and even more so with changes in strength.

At the beginning, Bai Yi thought that once the merger was merged, she would be able to gain a firm foothold in the high-rise.

But slowly, Bai Yi thought about being able to take over Lucas\'s class at that time.

But now, Bai Yi is thinking of directly fighting against Lucas, rather than waiting for succession.

This idea has taken shape since she proposed to vigorously develop the self-operated business of Xishui Supermarket.

Zheng Shan also understands her thoughts, but this matter can\'t be rushed, and as he said now, there are still a large number of businesses in China waiting for Bai Yi to develop.

"Don\'t worry about going out for the time being. Just wait. Your main thing now is to expand domestic industries and improve various supply chains. This is extremely important, especially in the later stage."

"At the same time, you have to integrate the entire industry chain of Xishui Supermarket to a certain extent. You have a lot of things to do." Zheng Shan said.

Seeing that Zheng Shan didn\'t agree, Bai Yi was not frustrated, because Zheng Shan didn\'t refuse, which was the greatest good news for her.

Bai Yi didn\'t think she could convince Zheng Shan at first, as long as Zheng Shan didn\'t explicitly refuse, it would be a success for her.

Bai Yi is very clear that getting the support of Zheng Shan is the most important factor for her to truly gain a firm foothold, so she is not in a hurry, and not rejecting it means that it is possible in the future, and the possibility is still very high.

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