Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 737: Figured out

Zheng Shan looked at Zheng Kui and Yuan Xiaohua and asked, "What are you going to do? Are you going to continue recruiting? Or as I arranged the day before yesterday?"

What Zheng Shan arranged was to continue to use the original people. I believe that after so long, some people should have learned a lot.

In addition, the framework that should be built has been built, at least it is enough for Zheng Kui and the others to use.

At this time, Yuan Xiaohua has no backbone. Although she has not gone to the company, she also knows what the company has become.

So now a little confused.

"Third brother, what do you think we should do?" Yuan Xiaohua asked carefully.

Zheng Kui didn\'t care. He didn\'t care about these things at all. He just saw his daughter-in-law like this and asked quickly, "Brother, give us an idea."

If it wasn\'t for Yang Qing and the others being too arrogant and making Zheng Kui feel so aggrieved, things probably wouldn\'t have gotten to this point.

To put it bluntly, Zheng Kui has never been an ambitious person. In fact, he only pays attention to having enough money, and never asks for more or less.

Even Zheng Weijun has more pursuits than him. Of course, Zheng Weijun is different. He considers himself a big brother and needs to bear some pressure.

Even if he can\'t compare to his own younger brother, he can\'t be looked down upon, let alone hold back Zheng Shan.

Zheng Shan thought for a while and said, "Let\'s follow this first. The people I photographed will help you temporarily deal with the affairs, and you can also take advantage of this time to learn from them.

If you don’t understand something, just ask, and they will give you detailed answers. "

Yuan Xiaohua asked worriedly: "But what if we still don\'t know what to do?"

Yuan Xiaohua has never been confident in learning this matter, after all, she just graduated from primary school.

And which of these people are not famous universities, many of them are famous universities in Europe and America.

To be honest, when Yuan Xiaohua faced these people, she felt pressure in her heart and unconsciously felt inferior.

This is also one of the reasons why Yuan Xiaohua had no confidence in facing Yang Qing and others before.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "It\'s okay if you don\'t understand, you can learn, and you can rest assured that this time the people will explain to you very patiently."

After thinking for a while, Zheng Shan said: "If it really doesn\'t work, let Qingqing find some teachers to teach you the basics?"

As soon as he heard that he was going to take the class, Zheng Kui was immediately unhappy, and he was about to refuse on the spot, but Yuan Xiaohua agreed and thought about Yan Qingqing.

Yan Qingqing is naturally no problem, "I\'ll find it for you in the next few days."

"Thank you third sister-in-law." Yuan Xiaohua said happily.

"Brother, I don\'t need it anymore. I haven\'t finished digesting what I learned in the United States."

Zheng Kui and Zheng Weijun also studied in the United States before, and Zheng Shan specially asked someone to teach them.

It\'s just that it doesn\'t seem to be of any use now, or it\'s of little use.

Zheng Shan didn\'t expect them to really become elites in the business world, just that he knew a little bit about some related things, and he didn\'t have to be deceived.

Before Zheng Shan could speak, the fifth child said, "Zheng fourth, it\'s good for you to learn more. Don\'t become a big boss in the future. In the end, you can\'t do anything except write your own name."

Zheng Kui glared at the fifth brother and wanted to say something, but he saw Zheng Shan\'s look, and stopped talking, just lamented in his heart that this is something he did for himself.

The fifth man said to Zheng Weijun again: "Brother, I think you need to think about the third brother to study, you look at him, every day you have nothing to do, you are looking at you, how busy you are.

A good company does not depend on how busy the boss is, but requires a good system management, and everything needs to be based on evidence.

Rules and regulations are very important, even if some rules and regulations seem a bit rigid, they are still necessary. "

This made Zheng Shan a little surprised, "You still study these things in school?"

"No, but most of the things are in common. I won\'t talk about other things, such as class management. It looks very simple, right? After all, there are only a few students, but some things are not so simple." The old five talked eloquently.

"Every rule has its own usefulness. Even if it seemed a bit cumbersome and unnecessary at the time, it was indispensable."

Zheng Shan looked at the fifth child at this time, and felt more and more that this little girl had changed too much.

"Would you like to help Dakui during this time?" Zheng Shan said suddenly.

The fifth was about to shake his head when he heard Yuan Xiaohua say: "The fifth, come and help your brother and me. You are a college student and know more than us."

In the past, the reason why the fifth child didn\'t go was because of Yuan Xiaohua and Lin Meihua, but now I didn\'t expect Yuan Xiaohua to come forward.

If it was put in the past, Yuan Xiaohua would definitely think more, and she was reluctant to let the fifth go.

Because she already knew the thoughts of the old Zheng family. They were all brothers and sisters. Basically, few people cared about money.

Qian Yuan Xiaohua can take it out, but she really doesn\'t want to give the shares.

But when she experienced Yang Qing and others, Yuan Xiaohua felt that she was more reliable from her own family.

In addition, there is the most important point, that is, the appearance of the fifth child just now, which made Yuan Xiaohua suddenly think that the shares of these companies that he valued may not be considered by the fifth child at all.

Also, Zheng Shan has given Zheng Weijun, Zheng Kui, and Zheng Lan so many benefits. As the family\'s favorite younger sister, how could Zheng Shan not give benefits after the fifth graduate?

Yan Qingqing has never been a stingy person, both Yuan Xiaohua and Lin Meihua admit this.

If Yan Qingqing was stingy, the Old Zheng family would not be so united, let alone so lively.

To know their industries, it can be said that they are all given by Zheng Shan~www.novelhall.com~ So, after the fifth child comes back, Zheng Shan and Yan Qingqing will definitely benefit, maybe even better than what they get Much better.

Yuan Xiaohua spoke up, and the fifth child looked at it, hesitant.

"Okay, your little sister-in-law has already spoken, so don\'t worry about it." Zheng Shan laughed, that\'s all right, what\'s the point of being wary of the family.

It\'s just that Zheng Shan didn\'t say much in the past. Such things can\'t be said. Otherwise, no one\'s face will look good, and things will get worse and worse.

At this time, Zheng Kui was a little unhappy, not worried, but Zheng Kui knew that if the fifth son went to the company, he would definitely not have a good life.

However, his opinion was completely unimportant at this time, so the fifth son agreed.

"But I\'m a college student at Stanford University. Although I haven\'t graduated yet, you still want to pay me a salary, and I don\'t want more, five thousand yuan a month." The fifth said with sharp eyes.