Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 736: end

Yang Qing soon returned to Xiangjiang, and it was the attitude of those partners that frightened him.

No one was willing to follow them.

If it is said that the price is cheap, then Yang Qing would not believe it if he was beaten to death. Does he still not know the price? And their prices are even cheaper.

As for friendship or integrity?

This is even more hilarious. Yang Qing has worked for so many years, and he has never believed in these things. Friendship and integrity are just excuses.

So Yang Qing understands that the second reason why these people don\'t cooperate with them is that they don\'t dare.

Yes, they just don\'t dare, even when they have given so many benefits and so many promises, they still don\'t dare.

During this period of time, those partners also knew the capabilities of Yang Qing and others, and even more bluntly said in front of many people that Zheng Laosi\'s company has become more formal.

But even so, there was not even a single person who hesitated, and they all refused.

From this, you can see a lot of things, so Yang Qing quickly left the capital, and he didn\'t dare to take it with him.

Although he was very tough when talking to Zheng Shan and Zheng Kui, Yang Qing didn\'t dare to gamble. If these people are really stupid and bold, then he really has nothing to do.

However, when Yang Qing arrived at Xiangjiang safely, his mood suddenly relaxed, and then hatred came up. He was so embarrassed now that he wanted to take revenge.

But before he could think of a way, he was taken away.

It was the police from Xiangjiang who came directly. In the past, the bottom of his **** was not very clean, but it was a trivial matter, and no one was held accountable.

But now that Zheng Shan wants to rectify him, someone will naturally turn out all these things.

Zheng Shan had already found out what Yang Qing and the others had done, so he didn\'t hesitate at all, and let him send people in directly.

At this moment, Yang Qing realized that what Zheng Shan said before was not to scare him, but at the same time, he was extremely regretful.

But it\'s too late to say anything now.

Not only him, but none of the others escaped.

In addition, their list has also entered the blacklist of all big companies, although Zheng Shan does not have much relationship on the Hong Kong side.

But the people at the top all know about Zheng Shan, so this little face is not a problem at all.


In fact, Zheng Shan no longer cares about this matter, he just ordered it to go on, and the rest is ignored.

People like Yang Qing are not worth dealing with personally. If it weren\'t for this matter involving his own brothers, these people wouldn\'t even be able to see Zheng Shan\'s face.

"Dashan, those people are a lot more honest, and now they are obedient, how did you do it?" That night, Zheng Weijun asked curiously.

He has been thinking about how to deal with these Xiangjiang talents these days.

First, he was reluctant to let these people go. No matter what, they were all talents, and the company was indeed getting better and better under their management.

At the same time, he himself felt much more relaxed. Although these people were a little arrogant, Zheng Weijun could barely bear it.

So what Zheng Weijun has been thinking about all the time is to find a way to not only allow them to respect themselves, but also to let them continue to work.

But Zheng Weijun never thought of it, but just last night, Zheng Shan suddenly told him that these people would be honest today.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "How did you do it? It\'s very simple, kill the chickens to warn the monkeys."

The fate of Yang Qing and these people has already reached the ears of these people, and Zheng Shan let them know on purpose.

This is not just a warning, but also a deterrent.

Don\'t think you\'ll be fine if you leave the capital. Now in the capital, they still have high wages and high status.

If you go back to Xiangjiang, let alone such a high salary, it will be difficult to find the same job.

At the same time, they also realized that their boss is backed by a big man.

Better understand why some of my own businesses are doing so well.

Even in the entire capital, there is not even a single peer, and even if there is, they are all petty.

They had some doubts about this before.

The first point is that this market in Beijing is so big, why is there no one out to compete with their own.

The second is that Zheng Weijun also specifically told them not to embarrass other colleagues, let alone those taxis who work alone.

They didn\'t care before, but now they seem to understand.

In fact, Zheng Shan didn\'t do it so brilliantly, and he didn\'t really hope that Zheng Weijun and the others would make such a unique business.

But there is no way, some things, even if Zheng Shan doesn\'t care or doesn\'t want to, someone will think for him, thinking that doing so may annoy Zheng Shan.

It\'s impossible for Zheng Shan to come forward and say it in person. If he doesn\'t say anything else at that time, how will these people interpret it is a huge problem.

Therefore, Zheng Shan can only be regarded as not knowing. Fortunately, Zheng Weijun has always done a good job here, and he has never done anything.

If it were someone else, it is estimated that all the capital\'s markets would have been integrated long ago, but Zheng Weijun would not, on the contrary, he deliberately protected these colleagues.

This also made Zheng Weijun\'s reputation in the capital getting better and better.

When Zheng Weijun heard what Zheng Shan said, he became even more curious, "What\'s going on? You didn\'t see it. Now these guys, seeing me is like seeing my own father, with that respectful appearance, It made me panic a little bit."

Zheng Shan smiled and said, "Isn\'t that bad? Didn\'t you complain that they were being more rude to you before?"

"No, I just want to know what the situation is." Zheng Weijun waved his hand.

Zheng Shan told Yang Qing and the others about their fates~www.novelhall.com~ and also explained why he did this, "If they just want to monopolize the power of the company, then we at most have different ideas. Even I will pay them compensation according to the contract."

"But after my investigation, I found that people like Yang Qing used the company\'s resources to do a lot of their own things. They have opened their own companies in Xiangjiang, and their annual profits are also millions."

"Tell me, can I spare them? So I punished them severely, and the employees of your company probably know their fate, so they are so honest now."

This time Zheng Weijun completely understood, and at the same time he felt a little sigh in his heart.

Things that seem very embarrassing to me are really that simple on Zheng Shan\'s side.

"But big brother, you should also pay attention. Although these people are honest on the surface, they may not be so honest in private." Zheng Shan urged.

Zheng Weijun nodded and said: "I know, I will pay attention to this aspect in the future."