Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 735: fear

Yang Qing\'s original purpose was to slowly hollow out the company, but now that this is the case, then he is ready to take a hard time.

It\'s just like this, many things are not ready, so it is inevitable that it is a bit hasty, but it has already reached this stage, and Yang Qing will not regret it.

Yang Qing wanted to see how Zheng Kui and the others would look when they found out that the customers were gone.

He is quite sure that most of the customers will be intercepted.


In the conference room, Zheng Kui looked happy. For so long, he almost died of suffocation.

Now finally solved.

Immediately, Zheng Kui saw Zheng Shan\'s eyes and asked in confusion, "Brother, what are you looking at me for?"

Zheng Shan said speechlessly, "Don\'t you think about the follow-up? If you fire someone, what should you do next?"

Zheng Kui scratched his head and said, "Brother, didn\'t you bring this up?"

Zheng Shan: ......

"You mean let me help you?" Zheng Shan understood.

Zheng Kui had a natural expression on his face, almost **** Zheng Shan to death.

Zheng Shan was helpless. Now that the stall was about to be in chaos, he couldn\'t really watch these people become a mess.

"It\'s still based on the current management. For the vacant positions, we will immediately find someone to fill them, but they can only be regarded as temporary replacements. The next period of time will be the assessment period." Zheng Shan said immediately.

Zheng Kui nodded, indicating that he remembered.

"in addition........"

Zheng Shan began to give instructions one by one, and finally said to brother Xia Lai: "You can find a few suitable people from Qingshan Company to come here to help, the time is tentatively set for three months, if everything is stable in three months, then Go back to your original post and get a half-level promotion."

Brother Xia Lai said, "I\'ll do it when I go back."

Qingshan Company has all kinds of talents. After all, this is the real headquarters. To deal with some summaries of various companies, all kinds of talents are needed.

It is not difficult to find a few talents who can help Zheng Kui\'s company.


On this day, Zheng Shan was on Zheng Kui\'s side. Originally, he planned to go to Zheng Weijun\'s side, but by the way, he also solved it.

But now it seems that it is necessary to wait for tomorrow or even the day after tomorrow.

At night, Zheng Weijun was a little hesitant when he heard the situation on Zheng Kui\'s side.

"Brother, do you want to figure it out on your own? The situation on Dakui\'s side really can\'t be relieved. I had some doubts before, but now I know that there is nothing wrong with what Dakui said.

These people really didn\'t take Dakui in their eyes. In addition, I am sure that Yang Qing and others must have gotten a lot of benefits from the company. It takes a little time to investigate. "Zheng Shan said.

The situation on Zheng Weijun\'s side is definitely different from Zheng Kui\'s, because Zheng Weijun\'s side has been managing the company diligently and diligently, unlike Zheng Kui, who is basically a hands-off shopkeeper and basically doesn\'t care about things.

For example, Zheng Weijun\'s situation will definitely be better.

"Well, I\'ll think about it."


Just when Zheng Shan and the others were discussing, Yang Qing\'s face was sluggish.

"Did you hear it wrong?" Yang Qing\'s voice was full of dryness, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

One of them said with a bitter face: "If one makes a mistake, let\'s talk about it, but basically all partner companies are like this."

"Why? Didn\'t you tell them? We started a new company by ourselves. All of us went there. With our ability, we promise to cooperate with us, which is much better than cooperation with the previous company." Yang Qing still couldn\'t believe it. everything you hear.

For so long, they called all of their customers over and over, promising a lot of benefits.

At the beginning, these customers were very easy to talk to, but when they heard them set up their own businesses, they showed a scene that surprised them one by one.

With no exceptions, all declined their invitations and even warned them not to contact them again.

This is something Yang Qing can\'t figure out. After such a long time, he has not contacted some customers once or twice, and everyone trusts his ability very much.

Even Yang Qing has heard more than once from the boss of the cooperative company that his ability is much stronger than Zheng Kui.

Whether it\'s the handling of things or interpersonal communication, it\'s much better than Zheng Kui.

So Yang Qing is full of confidence, and the actual situation is also the same.

But the end result was that no one was willing to continue to cooperate with them, even they gave very favorable conditions and made various promises.

"Mr. Yang, the client I contacted said that the reason why they cooperate with the company is to cooperate with the company." This is a bit awkward and seems to be confusing, but at this time everyone seems to understand this sentence. I mean.

People don\'t cooperate to make money, no, that\'s a little bit incorrect, they also do it to make money, but not entirely to make money.

Working with Jung Kyu, and other things.

In fact, it\'s normal to think about it. Whether Zheng Kui\'s company is auto repair, or transportation, especially transportation, which company they cooperate with is not aimed at Zheng Shan\'s name?

Even if it is not directed at Zhengshan, it is also because of Xishui Supermarket, Xishui Real Estate, Phoenix Automobile, Xishui Investment, Xishui Bank and so on.

For example, on the Xishui Bank side, when there is nothing, they will introduce some customers to Zheng Kui who need transportation.

So even if some people don\'t know Zheng Shan, they also know that Zheng Kui and Xishui Bank have a close relationship with Zheng Kui.

As for Xishui Investment, basically as long as the invested companies have similar needs, they are directly arranged to Zheng Kui.

Anyway, it doesn\'t matter who you use, Zheng Kui will not ask for more money than others, and the quality of service is quite good.

Of course everyone would.

At this time, Yang Qing said that he would poach all customers, which made these people want to laugh, how could they be poached.

Yang Qing got one thing completely wrong, and that is that it was not their ability that was too strong to bring the company back to life.

It is undeniable that their personal abilities are indeed good, but what they need to understand is that Zheng Kui\'s company has such a foundation, and it is a solid foundation.

Even without them, the company still makes money, just not as smooth and fast as it is now.

"Mr. Yang, none of the teams we contacted are willing to follow us." Someone spoke again, and it was still bad news.

But at this time, Yang Qing could no longer care about it, and there was a trace of fear in his heart!

He knew what that meant.

"Go back, go back to Xiangjiang." Yang Qing gritted his teeth. At this time, only when he returned to Xiangjiang would he have some sense of security.

Although the decision was made, Yang Qing still had some panic in his heart. It seemed that even Xiangjiang could not bring him a sense of security.

Especially when I think of Zheng Shan\'s light-hearted words, it seems that Zheng Shan also has good energy in Xiangjiang.